Chapter 9

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Matilda's POV

"Tilda...wake up..." I heard. I opened my eyes and saw Grey stroking my hair.

"Grey? Barrett?" I asked.

"We're right here, kiddo." Barrett said. My stomach hurt, a lot.

" stomach hurts..." I said, and I put my hand on it. Grey jumped on my bed and yanked my hand away, hugging me. "No, no, no, Matilda, don't touch it. You had surgery, remember? If you touch your stomach, you risk re-opening the wound, okay?" he said.

"But hurts so bad..." I said.

"I know, kiddo. Why don't we bring in a nurse to give you something to help?" Grey said.

"I can't do this! I'm scared for my life! I don't want to die..." I said.

"You're not going to die, Tilda. I promise." Barrett said. I started to cry a little, and Grey dug in my backpack and handed me a teddy bear. I hugged it close to my chest, and said, "I want to go home! I don't want to wait until Thursday...I'm scared to stay here for 4 days. I'm scared and my stomach hurts so bad. What would help...I'm desperate...I'm in so much pain..." I said, sobbing.

"I'll go get a nurse, baby. Relax." Grey said.


"Barrett...will I have to get a needle?" I asked. The nurse looked at me and said, "Nope! Why don't you look at that wall over there?" I focused on the wall and sighed.

"I'm getting nervous." I said. The nurse put some medicine in my IV and said, "Don't be, sweetheart."

"What's going on?" I whispered to Grey. He kissed my forehead and said, "She's just giving the medication. It's okay, Tilda."

"Can you count backwards from ten for me?" the nurse asked.

Oh no. Anesthesia. Not again. I reached over for Barrett's hand and she squeezed it tightly.

"Grey and I are right here." Barrett said. Grey said, "We're not going anywhere."

"SERIOUSLY? WHAT IS HAPPENING?" I cried. Barrett stroked my hair and said, "You said you were in pain and the best way for us to take care of you is to let you sleep some more."

"I'm in so much pain..." I said. Grey knelt down next to me and said, "I know, kiddo. Just relax." I started to cry in pain, and Barrett said, "'s okay. We're right here. We're not going anywhere."

My eyes started to get heavy, but I didn't let them. I couldn't let them.

I was too scared that I wouldn't open them again. Grey had just gotten a daughter, but on the off chance I didn't survive...

"Grey...if I don't make it...I'll always love you." I said. Grey looked at Barrett and said, "You're not going to die, Tilda. You're going to make it." I knew my fear had rubbed off on him. He seemed like he was reassuring himself rather than me.

He knew there wasn't much of a chance I'd make it through.

"Get some rest, Tilda. The pain will go away, I promise." Barrett said after consoling Grey. I sighed, and let my eyes close, and I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to someone stroking my forehead. I blinked a few times and realized that Grey and Barrett weren't there.

"Where's...where's Grey? I asked, before realizing who was in the room.

"Grey went to talk to the doctor about something." I heard. I sat up and saw Ashley smiling at me. I grabbed my glasses, and realized my stomach was feeling a lot better. I looked down, and saw stitches across my stomach. The badge of courage.

"You did it." Ashley said.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Well, it's 10:00 in the morning on Tuesday. Your surgery took 13 hours, so you woke up around 11PM." Ashley said.

"Two more days here...and I can't do derby for a while." I said.

"Yeah. You're going to have to be on bed rest for a while. But, the good news is, Grey told me you're gonna be staying at the theater while you recover. That way you'll have people to talk to." Ashley said. I smiled, staying at the place I loved the most would help me a lot.

"And, new Dancing with the Stars: Juniors episode is airing on Sunday." Ashley said. I smiled like an idiot, that was my new favorite show. Ballroom dancing had become sort of my new passion, I always danced with Grey, and had so much fun.

"I wish I could go home." I said. "Two more days."

"Yep. Only two. It'll be over before you know it, Tilda." Ashley said. Grey rushed in and said, "She's awake." Grey hugged me and said, "How are you feeling?"

"Better." I said.

"Did going to sleep help?" Grey asked, and I nodded. "It actually did." I said.

"Good. Now, do you want to play a game? I brought a deck of playing cards." Grey said. I nodded, and Grey pulled out the deck of cards. We played 3 rounds of Go Fish before I got tired.

"Aww. The poor girl's probably worn out from the surgery." Barrett said. 

"Sweet dreams, Tilda." Grey said before I drifted off to sleep.

AN: It is 10:00 at night and I'm publishing a chapter. I think my Adopted by Broadway books have taken over my life. I love my smol children too much. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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