Chapter 13

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I was finally off bed rest, and I was going to the August Wilson for the first time since my surgery. Grey told me that I'd have to take it easy, but that everyone was excited to see me. The only Mean Girls cast member I had seen since the surgery was Ashley.

"Are you excited?" Grey asked. I nodded furiously, and said, "I can't wait to see everyone again. I missed them."

"They missed you too, believe me." Grey said. I smiled, and Grey unlocked the stage door.

"Matilda?" I heard, and I saw Taylor nudge Kate.

"Hey guys! Matilda's back!" Kyle said. The entire Mean Girls cast gathered, and I was greeted with hugs and many hellos.

"Is it weird to say you don't look any different?" Kate asked. I laughed, and said, "No, it's not weird. The only thing that's changed is that I have a scar now. A massive scar across my stomach." I lifted up my shirt to show Kate the newly healed scar. "Barrett calls it my badge of courage."

"Well, she's right." Taylor said. "You're so brave. I could've never had major surgery in a new environment with a new family." I hugged Taylor, and Barrett knocked on the door.

"Grey's having a last-minute welcome home party." Barrett said. "Meet me on the stage. Tilda, take it easy." I gave Barrett a thumbs-up and walked out to the stage with Barrett and Kate.


"Did it hurt?" Comet asked, eating a mouthful of chips.

"My stomach hurt so much when I first woke up. But it got better once I went back to sleep." I said, being careful to not scare Comet. I heard a banging on the stage door and Cat walked in, chewing gum.

"Hey Cat." I said. "You do not strike me as a gum chewer." Cat blew a bubble and she threw her gum away once the bubble popped. "Don't be surprised. Jessica gave me a package of gum last week and told me to hide it from Elle. I had never tried bubble gum, so I decided coming here was the perfect excuse to chew it."

" have braces! Plus, I find it kind of weird that you're using me as an excuse to break the rules." I laughed.

"It's not you, Tilda. It's Barrett. I could've broken the rules at my friend Astrid or Axel or Red's house. But Barrett's my sister, and she can keep secrets." Cat said. Barrett laughed, and said, "I heard that, Catlynn. You can't just use me as an excuse for everything."

"It's the first rule of sisterhood." Cat said, and I started cackling.

"Cat and Matilda sitting in a tree-" Comet started to sing, and I put my hand over her mouth. "When will you learn to mind your business?" I said.

"Come on Tilda." Comet said. I blushed, and changed the subject. "I missed all of you." I said.

"We missed you all, too." Grey said. "Well, I was in the hospital the whole time, but you know what I mean." Barrett looked at Cat, who smiled sadly.

"Cat? What's wrong?" I asked. Cat swallowed her food and said, "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about all the times I've had to go to the hospital."

"I forgot. Sorry, Cat." I said. Cat hugged me from the side and said, "It's nothing, seriously."

"Guys! Dancing with the Stars: Juniors is on!" Kate screamed, and we all sat down on the stage, eating chips and watching the show. Cat pulled out her phone and said, "Darn it! Sorry, Tilda. Jessica figured out my master plan and is helping me to sneak back in the house. Bye!" We all waved to Cat, who ran out of the stage door and slammed the door of a car.

"Why am I 99% sure she used that as an excuse to not watch the show? Jessica would kill her if she snuck out." Barrett said. "If she wanted to fool me, she should've said Evan or Alice were waiting for her, not Jess."

"She fooled me." I said. We all laughed and continued having fun. I sighed, thinking about the hospital.

Is this how Cat feels?

I think I truly am falling in love with that girl. She's so pretty, and sweet, and amazing. I vowed to myself that I would keep my crush on her a secret. A big, fat secret.

I sighed, letting my crush on Cat consume me. God, she was gorgeous. And I loved her more than anything. I was 99% sure she was straight, though.

"Cat's in love!" Comet said dreamily, and I slapped her. "No! I am not in love!" The Mean Girls cast looked at me like I grew an extra head, and Ben Cook said, "Yeah, Tilda. You're totally not crushing."

"I know who she has a crush on..." Barrett said.

"Shut up!" I said, and Kate started cracking up.

"It's getting late. Tilda needs to go home and get to bed." Grey said. I nodded and waved to the cast.

As soon as I got into Grey's car, I closed my eyes and dreamed about my life. The hospital, the cast, and most of all, Cat.

AN: I really don't know what to say here except I love Dancing with the Stars. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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