Chapter 28

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I woke up at 3 in the morning to my phone ringing. I groaned and got enough energy to roll over and grab it. I picked it up and to my surprise, it was my mother calling. I thought she wanted nothing to do with me. Did she change her mind and want to take me back? Though I loved my mother, and Rosie and Sloan, I was happy with Grey, and I couldn't be more proud to be his daughter.

I shook off the thoughts and stopped jumping to conclusions. Taking a deep breath, I pressed Accept.

"Mom?" I said quietly into the phone. I didn't want to wake Grey.

"Matilda...I'm so sorry to bother you...but something happened." my mom said, her voice breaking. She had been crying. Something must've been seriously wrong.

I heard some beeping in the background and realized, she was in a hospital. I got myself fully awake and said, "What's going on?" I was truly terrified.

"Matilda...Rosie died." my mom said. I gasped, trying hard not to cry. I rarely cry. I practically raised Rosie ever since my dad died, and now she was gone. And I don't know why.

"H-how did it happen?" I asked, feeling fresh tears form in my eyes.

"Car crash. We were all in it, Sloan, Rosie, and I. Rosie got the worst of it. I had to have surgery, and when I woke baby girl was gone." my mom said, crying.

I froze in fear. I knew some things about car crashes, Cat had to deal with one. And she told me all about it.

"Is Sloan okay?" I asked. My mom sighed on the other line and said, "Thank God. She was hit the least of the three of us." I sighed in relief and said, "I'm going to wake my dad up and tell him the news." My mom cleared her throat and said, "Alright Matilda. I love you."

She hung up before I got the chance to say I loved her back. I threw my phone on my bed and headed to Grey's room, knocking on the door. I was getting closer to a breakdown with every passing second. I needed to let the tears out.

"Matilda, what are you doing-" Grey started to say, then stopped himself when he saw that I was crying. He opened his arms for a hug and I ran right in them.

"Shh...Tilda...what's wrong?" Grey asked, rubbing my back. I forced myself to stop crying for a few minutes and said, "My little sister died last night."

Grey let go of me and looked at me in shock. "Oh my God. Matilda. I'm so sorry. How did it happen?" he said, frozen in fear. Which is exactly how I felt.

"C-car crash..." I said. "I kind of want to be left alone, though..."

Grey kissed my forehead and said, "Totally understandable. If you need anything at all, just holler." Grey went back to bed and I sprinted back to my room, grabbing my phone.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found Catlynn's name. I needed her right now. She's the only other person who understands how this feels.

I pressed the call button and waited for the ring. Suddenly, I heard some static and a familiar voice say, "Matilda?"

"Cat...I'm so sorry..." I said, crying the hardest I have ever cried in my life. "I need you..."

"Matilda, what's going on?" Cat asked softly.

"My sister died last night in a car crash..." I said. I heard Cat gasp and then she said, "I'm so sorry, you want me to come over? I'm sure I can sneak out of the house for a half hour, I've done it before."

"No, Cat, I don't want you to get in trouble. Just please...stay on the phone. I need you." I said, blinking back my tears and trying hard not to sob.

"Matilda Leigh Henson, I can hear you trying not to sob. You obviously need a shoulder to cry on right now. I'll be over in 10. Just hang in there for me, please?" Cat asks. I let out a soft "Yeah..." and then Cat sighs.

Just as I thought she hung up, she whispers into the phone, "I love you, Tils."

Tils. She called me Tils. That was her pet name for me when we were dating. The nostalgia hits me, and I remember how much I missed her. I missed her hugs, her sweet forehead kisses, the way she laughed when she got in trouble. She was my Cat, and I loved her more than anything. I just wasn't sure she felt the same.

"I love you too, Kit-Cat." I said. I heard Cat giggle slightly, then I heard a door opening and closing again. Cat put me on hold as I heard her talking, and then I heard her start to sprint.


"Why is Catlynn...oh." I heard as a sleepy Grey opened the door. Cat brushed right past Grey and threw herself on me. For the first time since I found out about the crash, I let all my tears flow out into Cat's hair. Cat didn't seem to mind, she just undid my braid and brushed her fingers through my long blond hair. Then I felt her draw a simple sun on my back with her finger.

"Elle draws pictures on my back sometimes when I get upset. It might help." Cat whispered in my ear. The tears stop flowing for a few seconds as I concentrate on what Cat's drawing.

Cat sits down on the couch and pulls me into her arms. I don't look at my living room, or at Cat's face. My face is pressed into Cat's shoulder, and I smell her lotion. It smells familiar, like her living room. I feel the ends of her auburn hair tickling my cheek, and I feel her fingers brush through my hair as she whispers sweet little nothings in my ear.

It's almost like she forgot we broke up.

"Hey, I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it feels." Cat said, taking my hands. She gave me a long, tight hug and said, "Elle wants me home. Call me tomorrow."

"Hey Cat?" I ask as she's heading towards the door.

Cat turns towards me and smiles, the light from the lamp reflecting on her braces.

"Love you." I said.

Cat ran towards me and gave me the biggest hug I have ever gotten in my life before leaving.

"I love you too, Matilda."

AN: Another car crash, I see. And some more Cat! Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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