Chapter 24

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It finally hit me that Cat broke up with me, and the sadness finally hit. I could not leave my room, and I could not stop sobbing. It was the hardest I have ever cried in my life.

"What should we do?" I heard Grey whisper to Barrett from outside the door in the middle of one of my crying sessions.

"Get the ice cream." Barrett ordered. I heard footsteps and a freezer opening and closing. Then Grey knocked on the door.

"Hey, Tilda. I know you're sad, but we brought ice cream! Maybe that'll cheer you up!" I groaned and flopped back into my pillow.

"Shut up. I'm not in the mood for happiness and games." I snapped.

"Geez, Tilda, we didn't need the attitude. We just wanted to see if we can cheer you up a bit." Barrett said, scooping some ice cream into a bowl. "It's vanilla!" she said in a sing-songy voice.

I yanked the ice cream out of her hands and ate it in silence.

"Awkward silence." Grey chanted, clapping 3 times after he said it. I glared at him.

"So, um, Tilda, how are you feeling? Mad? Sad? A little of both?" Barrett asked. I groaned, I was getting frustrated.

"The last time I checked, you weren't my therapist. Now shush. I want to be alone." I ordered. Barrett got up and left the room. Grey sighed.

"Tilda, I know you're mad, but don't take it out on Barrett, please?" Grey begged. I sighed and leaned into him. "I'm sorry. I'm just in a rough position right now."

"I know. Your first breakup." Grey said.

"My first relationship ended in disaster." I groaned. "Why does all the crappy stuff happen to me?" I complained.

"You know, that's exactly what Cat would say." Barrett said, leaning on the doorframe.

"I thought I told you to go away." I said, and Grey gave me a warning look.

"Matilda Leigh Henson, what did I say about that tone?" Grey warned. I groaned and fell back into my pillows.

"Come on, give her a break. She's going through something rough right now. It's okay if she's a little snippy. I get it." Barrett laughed. I wasn't amused. At all.

"I thought you said Cat wouldn't break my heart. You lied to me." I said to Barrett.

"Well, I said it wasn't likely, because she knows how it feels to have her heart broken." Barrett said defensively.

"Yeah, that's calling being a hypocrite, Barrett. Your precious little baby Cat's a rude hypocrite. Whatcha think of that?" I said, almost regretting what I said. "You're so wrapped up with how perfect and vulnerable she is that you don't realize how manipulative she can be sometimes. She's not your perfect little girl. Nobody's perfect!" I snapped.

And here's when I realized I may be the hypocrite. I thought Cat was the most perfect girl in the world at one point. She's the daughter of a Broadway star, but so am I.

"You know what? Matilda? You're right. Everyone has their flaws, even Cat. But she has a good reason for acting like that. She's kind of impulsive sometimes, and sometimes doesn't think before she acts or speaks. But that's because she was an abused person. Sometimes she had to think on her feet, and she never lost that impulsiveness once we took her in. It was kind of sad, actually." I nodded, no one had ever told me that side of Cat.

"I'm sorry." was all I could manage to say without bursting into tears.

"Hey, don't be sorry. You have a good reason for feeling this way, Tils." Grey said.

"Don't call me that. That's what Cat used to call me." I snapped. Grey inched away from me, muttering "Jeez" under his breath. I slapped his arm.

"Do you want us to leave you be or do you want to talk about it?" Barrett asked gently. I sighed and said, "I kind of want to be alone right now." Barrett and Grey got up and left my room, and my phone vibrated.

Cat: I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I came out to Jessica yesterday and made her promise not to tell Elle. I had nothing to worry about. Can you please give me another chance? Please?
Matilda: I'm not sure.
Cat: Well think it over and text me later.

I shut off my phone and sighed. Cat wanted another chance. I opened the door and said, "Dad? Can you come in here?" then covered my mouth.

I haven't called anyone "Dad" since I was 4 years old.

"Um, Tilda, did you just call me Dad?" Grey asked, and I sheepishly nodded. "If you're not comfortable with it, I can stop." Grey hugged me tightly and said, "It would be my honor to be called your dad." I smiled and said, "Um, Cat just texted me. She wants me to give her another chance."

"Like, she wants you to date her again?" Grey asked, and I nodded.

"She apparently came out to Jessica, but not to Elle. I guess she's more comfortable now that someone knows." I said. Grey shrugged and said, "Well, do you want to give her another chance? You're the only person who can make that decision."

"I don't know. I don't know if I can trust her." I said. Grey sighed and said, "That's totally understandable. You don't need to make a decision just yet. Think it over for a few days and get back to her. She'll understand."

I sighed and Grey hugged me. Then he left the room.

Should I give Cat another chance?

AN: HAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! Do you think Matilda's going to give Cat another chance? Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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