Chapter 11

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"You almost ready to go home, Tilda?" Grey asked. I nodded, then Barrett walked in, concerned.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Have either of you seen an orange blanket?" Barrett asked. We shook our heads, and Grey said, "No, why?"

"It's Cat's security blanket. Jessica gave it to her when she was 13 before one of her hospital trips and Cat brings it everywhere with her. Cat texted me and told me that she couldn't find it anywhere." Barrett said, looking around. I saw something orange in the corner and pointed, and Barrett pulled out a ratty orange fleece blanket.

"Oh thank God she didn't lose it. This blanket means everything to her. It's gotten her through all her hospital trips." Barrett said.

"Isn't she a bit too old for a security blanket?" Grey asked. Barrett shrugged, and said, "Having her blankie has really helped her with her separation anxiety. And her general anxiety." Grey shrugged, and said, "I'm going to get Tilda packed up and get her to the car. Barrett, you can go drop off Cat's blanket." Barrett pulled out her phone and said, "Elle's coming here anyway. Not just to pick up the blanket, but to check in on us."

On that cue, Elle McLemore barged in the door. "I assume this is Matilda!" Elle said, waving. I waved back, and said, "Hi. I'm Matilda."

"Oh, thank God!" Elle said to Barrett once she saw Cat's blanket. "I thought she lost that! Poor Sunshine was crying nonstop when she realized she lost it."

"Aww." I said. "Well, Cat didn't lose it. And I'm ready to go home."

"I think we all are. I spent 4 days in a hospital." Grey said. "That's more than enough." Elle and Barrett laughed, and Elle said, "Listen, we all know what it's like to be in the hospital. Matilda, if you need some support or advice, you know who to come to, okay? Cause we got you." I nodded and smiled, and Grey said, "Well, time to go. I got Matilda, you two got the bags?"

Grey picked me up and I held onto him. He carried me to the car, and I laid down in the backseat. I waved goodbye to Elle and Barrett climbed in the car.

"So, that's the end of an adventure." Barrett said as we drove off.

"Yeah. I'm glad that's over." I giggled, and Grey said, "You were so brave, Tilda. I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks." I said sheepishly. I looked down at my newly healed scar, my badge of courage. I smiled, and said to Barrett, "Look. My scar's healed."

"That's great, Tilda. Wear it with pride." Grey said, "Yep. That scar is going to be with you for the rest of your life. Might as well wear it with pride."

"It took a lot of bravery, a lot of pain, and a lot of fear to get it, Matilda. Look at me, you're so strong." Barrett said. "Now, are you ready to be home?"

"Always." I said.


"Hey, Matilda's home!" Kate said as she, along with the rest of the cast, barged into the apartment. I was laying on the couch, watching TV.

"Yeah. It's Thursday." I said, giggling. "God, it feels so good to be home."

"I bet it does, Mattie." Kyle said. "You're a little trooper, you know that, right?" I nodded, and said, "I guess I was brave."

"You were very brave. I could not have gone through that." Erika said.

"Erika. You should've seen me sobbing in the operating room right before I went under." I said, laughing.

"Yeah, you were scared. Listen, Matilda. It's perfectly okay to be scared. I know how terrified you were that you weren't going to make it through, but you pushed through. You made it. And as your father, I am so proud of you." Grey said, giving me a hug.

"Wait...father? I'm so confused." Barrett said.

"Father. I'm adopting her. Matilda Leigh Henson, welcome to the family." Grey said. The cast applauded, and I started squealing.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I yelled.

"You're welcome, Tilda. Now, do you want some chocolate ice cream?" Grey asked.

"I actually hate chocolate. White chocolate is more my forte. Everyone tells me, 'Matilda, it's not real chocolate.' To that, I say, 'Wah wah. It's branded as chocolate, I'm gonna call it chocolate.'" I said. I always enjoyed going on white chocolate rants. I loved white chocolate.

"But white chocolate...isn't chocolate. At all." Taylor started to say, and I cut her off. "Don't argue with the white chocolate master." I said.

"Yes, ma'am." Taylor said, and we all laughed. "I have a degree in White Chocolate-ology." I said.

"That's not a major, sweetie." Ashley said. I laughed, and said, "Yeah, well, um, I made it a major. I'm a professor."

"Right now, you're a 15 year old girl who just got out of the hospital and needs to rest." Barrett said, kissing my forehead.

"Oh, right. I totally forgot I had major liver surgery and can't play derby for two weeks." I said, laughing. Taylor slapped Barrett and said, "Let the girl live!"

"Yeah!" the rest of the main cast agreed.

"Hey." I heard, and Cat barged in. "Snuck out again. I was at Jessica's house and told her I was coming, but Elle doesn't know that."

"Then it's not sneaking out if someone knows, silly!" I said. "God, Cat, you're too pure."

"I get that a lot." Cat said, and everyone laughed.

"Cat, I have something I need to ask you. Is white chocolate technically chocolate?" I asked. Cat thought about it, and said, "Yeah, it's chocolate. It's in the name."

"But-" Taylor started saying, and Barrett cut her off. "The chocolate master herself has spoken. We cannot argue with her." Barrett said, bowing down to Cat.

"Wanna watch TV with me?" I asked, and the cast sat down.

Not the cast. My family.

AN: For some odd reason, I got an idea for Adopted by Heathers when writing this. Not an evil idea, don't worry. It's a fun idea. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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