Chapter 10

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"Hey." I said, waking up. I opened my eyes and realized Grey wasn't there. Cat was.

Oh my God, the cutest girl in New York came to visit me in the hospital.

"Hey, Tilda. How're you feeling?" Cat asked.

"I'm good. Great. Amazing. Like, um, I mean, I'm in the hospital, but other than that I'm great." I said, choking on my words.

Darn it, Matilda. She's the cutest girl ever and you sound like a crazy person.

"Elle dropped me off around an hour ago. I got scared you were in a coma, but then realized it was 6 in the morning when I came." Cat laughed. I smiled, and said, "You didn't have to come, you know that, right?"

"I know how it feels to be in the hospital, Matilda. Both as a patient and as a visitor. I have a blood condition. I broke my arm, I dislocated my shoulder, and I broke my tooth when I was 12. And, um, the rest of my family hasn't had it too good, either." Cat said. She looked like she was about to cry. "I know what it's like to feel alone, even with 8 other members of my family in my corner. I don't want you to have to go through what I did. You have your whole life ahead of you, and you didn't even come from a broken home like I did."

"Ok, but my mom kicking me out for no reason? That's pretty broken if you ask me." I said. Cat sat on my bed and took my hand. "Listen, Tilda, um, you're not alone. I know it feels like that, but you're not. I learned the feeling of loneliness the hard way. Something traumatic happened to me when I was 13 and I felt so lost and alone. I can't control what happens to your family, but just know that you'll never be alone again, Tilda. Your family's always there, and so is mine." Cat looked up at me with her big brown eyes. She really did look a lot like her mother, even though they weren't biologically related. But that's not why I loved her.

"Thanks, Cat." I said.

"Wanna play UNO?" Cat asked. She took out her backpack and pulled out the UNO deck. "I'm amazing at card games, just warning you. Ask anyone. It's my secret talent." I laughed, and pushed back my hair. Cat smiled sadly at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. It's, it's nothing." She pulled out her phone and started frantically typing. "Sorry, just had to ask my mom a question." she said.

"Oh. Okay." I said, and Cat smiled. "Wanna do something fun?" Cat asked.

"Like what? I'm on bed rest, Catlynn." I said.

"Karaoke?" Cat said.

"Heck yeah." I said. I grabbed my laptop and we started singing Spelling Bee, Heathers, and Be More Chill songs at the top of our lungs.


"Life is pandemonium!" we finished before I heard a knock on the door.

"Tilda! It's Grey and Barrett!" I heard from outside the door.

"You guys can come in. We're just doing some karaoke." I said, and Grey ran in and hugged me. "Good morning Tilda." He noticed Cat and said, "And Cat's here."

"Hi. Elle dropped me off." Cat said.

"What were you singing?" Barrett asked.

"We just finished Pandemonium. We also sung Candy Store, Magic Foot, Seventeen, My Friend, The Dictionary, Woe is Me, The Smartphone Hour, Michael in the Bathroom, and I Speak Six Languages."

"Wow. Lots of showtunes." Grey said, and Cat giggled.

"I played Carl Dad." Cat said proudly. I started cracking up. "When we sung Woe is Me, Cat did a hilarious impression of Carl Dad." I said.

"That's how my friend Cesca, who played Carl, sung it. And also how my family would sing it as a joke." Cat said. "But Tilda, your Barfee impression is hilarious."

"Were there peanuts in the brownies? Because they said there would be no peanuts in the brownies!" I said with a nasally voice.

"You should go out for Barfee sometime. You have the voice down." Cat said. "JoJo was such a fun character to play." Cat gushed. "I loved playing him, well, we made JoJo a girl." Cat pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of her in a yellow striped dress with two pigtails in her hair. She was wearing yellow knee socks and Mary Janes. She looked like a young Heather McNamara. "That's me as JoJo the Who." She also showed me a picture of her and a girl with red hair. "That's my friend, Red. She played the Cat in the Hat."

"Awesome." I said. I was getting tired. "I'm gonna get some rest. See you tomorrow?" I said.

"I don't have a ride home." Cat said. Barrett said, "I'm gonna take Cat home."

"Bye, Tilda!" Cat cried.

I waved to Cat and closed my eyes.

AN: You guys should all listen to Seussical, it's such a great musical. I was in it too, but I played a lowly Who child with one line. Also, Cat is my precious child who I love. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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