Chapter 1

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"Mom! I'm home!" I said, slamming the door of my apartment behind me.

"Mommy's still at work." my sister Rosie said. I picked her up and said, "Then Tilly's here!"

My name is Matilda Price. I'm 15 years old, and I guess I'd say my life is pretty good. I live with my mom and my two younger half-sisters, Rosie and Sloan. Rosie is 8 and Sloan is 12. I also do roller derby, and I'm good at it.

As for my dad, well, he died when I was really young. Mom says he was an alcoholic. My mom is a preschool teacher, and she does not stop working. So I've basically raised Rosie for the past 7 years.

"Come play a game with us!" Sloan said, calling me over to the couch and thrusting a PlayStation controller in my hands.

"You know I can't play video games." I laughed.

"Well, at least try!" Rosie said, carrying her stuffed bunny to the couch.

My mom opened the door, and Rosie and I looked at each other. "Mommy's home!" we said at the same time.

"Matilda." she said coldly. She almost sounded...drunk.

"Go to your rooms." I whispered harshly to my sisters. Knowing that Dad was an alcoholic, I tried to keep my sisters away from any trace of alcohol or drugs, even in the media. They seemed to notice, and they listened.

"Matilda, I got laid off." my mom said.

"Are you kidding?" I said. "I...I could get a job at the grocery store or something. Don't worry. It's okay. I can babysit Rosie and Sloan. You know I do that all the time anyways."

"You don't need to do a thing, Tilda. Just...get out of the house."

"What?" I said. She was drunk, she had to be joking.

"I've been thinking for a while, you need to get out of here." my mom said, setting down her work bag.

"Mom! I'm 15 years old! You can't kick me out!" I cried.

"The decision is final, Tilda. Now, pack up your things. You're a derby girl in New York City, you'll survive."

I quickly went to my room and packed up a change of clothes, my phone and laptop, chargers for both of them, an extra pair of shoes, a book, and my roller skates in my backpack. I was almost about to leave when I spotted something on my desk.

My calculator.

It was the one good memory I had of my dad. My dad was a AP Calculus teacher, and I loved playing with his calculator and making random graphs. I tucked it away in my bag, and went to my sisters' room to say goodbye to them.

"Hey, Rosie, Sloan." I said, and my sisters looked up at me.

"I have to leave, and I don't know if I'm coming back. I'll try my best, okay? Sloan, you're in charge now. Take care of the house and take care of Rosie." I said. I gave my sisters a hug and walked out to the kitchen.

"Take care." my mom said, ushering me out the apartment door.


I was aimlessly walking around Times Square, looking at all the Broadway marquees. I wasn't a big theater nerd, I was a techie, but my friends had told me about musicals like Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, Be More Chill, and Mean Girls. I had listened to some of them, Hamilton being my favorite. I had loved all of them, and followed the cast of all of them on social media.

I found a bench to sit down on, and put my backpack next to me. I pulled out my phone and listened to Mean Girls.

I got an idea. I pulled up Instagram and took a selfie.

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