Chapter 18

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"Matilda Leigh Henson, come out, come out wherever you are!" I heard. I turned around and it was Cat.

"Hi. I'm gay." I said. Cat giggled furiously and said, "Well, I'm bi. But Elle doesn't know that. She just thinks we're really good friends."

"Ah yes, the typical straight best friends. The friends that kiss each other on the cheek and look deep into each other's eyes." I said, and Cat cackled. "Why did I ever fall for you?" she asked.

"Well, I am incredibly beautiful." I said, flipping my hair over my shoulder dramatically. Cat laughed and threw her arms around me. "Heck yeah you are." she said, kissing my cheek. I blushed, then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

"I hate to interrupt this sweet moment, but Cat? Your mom wants you home." Barrett said. Cat said, "I will glue myself to the floor. Or Matilda can glue herself to the floor of my apartment."

"Yeah, that's not happening." Barrett said. "You two can see each other tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? We have to wait a whole day?" Cat whined. Barrett sadly nodded and ushered Cat out of the apartment. I giggled at her and hugged her.

"Wait, Cat!" I yelled. Cat turned around and looked at me, and I got a good look at her. Her warm brown eyes, her shoulder-length auburn curls, her one of many crop tops with cute designs on them, her jeans, and her scuffed-up light pink Converse. She smiled subtly at me, and I saw her braces.

"Was this just an excuse to stare at me?" Cat said. I nodded sheepishly and hugged my girlfriend. "Aww, I love you." Cat said.

"Cat. Home. Now." Barrett ordered. Cat hugged me quickly and sprinted out of the apartment.

"So. Cat. You really love her, huh?" Barrett asked. "I did not know she could fall in love again after what happened with Ethan."

"What did happen with Ethan?" I asked. Barrett sat me down and said, "Cat came home one day and told us she had a boyfriend named Ethan Connors. Nice boy, his mom died in the army, military kid, played violin, theater techie, boy ballerina, basically Cat's dream guy. Some of us were...a little skeptical of him. He seemed too manipulating, especially with Cat being so innocent and vulnerable at the time. saw Ethan kissing Violet, Cat's worst enemy, in the hallway. Cat thought Ethan was cheating on her, but Violet kissed him first. Cat broke up with him, then he died."

"How did he die?" I asked.

"He died in his sleep. Cat was crushed. I remember when Elle called me and told me that Ethan died. Deep down inside me, I was relieved at first. But then when I heard how sad Cat was about it, I changed my tune. Sure, Ethan was a cheater, but he was Cat's everything at one point. Cat swore to herself that she wouldn't date anyone again, she was scared to. She was scared of getting her heart broken for a second time."

"I promised myself that I wouldn't break Cat's heart. I made that promise to myself when I started dating her." I said.

"Good girl. She's a vulnerable kid, she's been through a lot. She's been through trauma, abuse, bullying, hospitalizations, she's been through more than most adults. But she's also stronger than most adults." Barrett said.

"She is strong." I said confidently. I needed to be strong like her. I remember meeting her on the street, her playing saxophone on a street corner. She had the biggest smile on her face at the sight of a new friend. And I got her into the Be More Chill fandom, and she got me into the Spelling Bee and Seussical fandoms. And she was there for my liver surgery.

And the best part about this? Cat was mine.

"You have that dreamy look in your eye, Tils. You're daydreaming about Cat." Barrett said. I nodded happily, Cat made me so happy.

"Also, I have good news." Barrett said. "Grey finally got the adoption papers. He just needs to sign them, and you're officially his."

I started screaming with joy. Like actual screaming. This was amazing news.

"Geez! You scream so loud! Glad you're excited!" Barrett yelled over me screaming. "Also, speaking of Cat, I'm not going to be around next Saturday. She has a dance competition and I promised I'd go."

"But Barrett...derby Nationals are on Saturday. I need someone to take me to D.C. Grey can't go." I said.

"Oh...this is tricky..." Barrett said. "Could Erika or someone take you? I know it's not the same, but I've been promising Cat for months."

"You've been promising me since Grey took me in." I said, feeling hurt. I shook it off, I knew that if I didn't have Nationals, I would've gone with Barrett to see Cat's competition.

"I'm so sorry, Matilda. This is tricky. If it was in the city, I'd just run back and forth and watch both. Ooh! I know! I'll go to one of them in person, and then FaceTime so I can see the other. How would you like that?"

"You're gonna go to Cat's, aren't you?" I said, suddenly feeling hurt and angry. In my head, I knew it was stupid. Barrett's known Cat for a lot longer, plus Cat needs the confidence and the motivation.

"Well, maybe. I'll explain the situation to Cat, and see what she thinks. Knowing Cat, she'll say 'Just go to Matilda's.' but she'll feel hurt on the inside."

"I feel hurt. I worked so hard for this and no one's gonna come support me. Cat has everyone else, I have no one!" I yelled without thinking.

Barrett looked deep in thought. "I forgot about that. And I'm so sorry. Um...let me talk to Cat. I'll let you know what she thinks. I'm torn."

"I'm sorry..." I said, hugging Barrett. Barrett sighed and said, "You don't need to be sorry, Tilda. I know this is important to you. Hang on, I'm calling Cat right now."

Barrett stepped out of the room and I was thinking about my competition.

I hoped I wasn't alone for Nationals.

AN: I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I was originally going to have a much eviler plan for this chapter, but I scrapped that. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

Adopted By Mean Girls CastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora