Chapter 21

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"Oh my God. Matilda Henson. You have the grace of a dying manatee." Cat said, laughing her butt off on the couch, watching me attempt to do ballet.

"Listen, it's not my fault I've never danced in my life." I said.

"It actually kind of is. Now come on. Cuddles." Cat ordered. I shooed her away playfully, and shoved her on the couch. Cat hit me with a pillow and Grey walked in on Cat and I in the middle of an intense pillow fight.

"Woah! Kids! What the heck is happening?" Grey asked, laughing. He took the pillow out of Cat's hands. In response, Cat took out her blankie and slapped Grey with it.

"This thing isn't only good for anxiety. It's good when I need to get sweet revenge!" Cat yelled, holding her blanket up like a prize.

"Matilda, I have some news." Grey said, sitting me and Cat down.

"Good news or bad?" I asked. Grey laughed and said, "Good news. The adoption papers came in."

I stared blankly at Grey, then Cat nudged me. That's when it finally hit me.

"I'm adopted." I said, not totally believing it. "I'm adopted!" I hugged Grey, and said, "I love you!"

"I love you too, Tilda! Now, your name is also gonna get legally changed. Do you want to keep your middle name or change it?"

I thought it over for a few seconds, then said, "I'm gonna keep it."

I turned around and smiled back, then looked deep into my girlfriend's eyes.

"Stop staring at me!" Cat laughed. I nudged her and said, "What? You're beautiful!"

"Yeah, no I'm not." Cat said, sighing. I laughed, and said, "Come on, stop lying. I hate it when you lie. So shut up before I come over there and hold your stupid hand and tell you how much I love you."

"Matilda Leigh Henson, shut your darn mouth." Cat said.

"Catlynn Sunshine McLemore, I order you to do the same thing." I said, grabbing Cat's hand and spinning her around.

"What is with you two and calling each other by your full names? You guys don't have pet names for each other like normal couples?" Grey asked as Cat smacked me with a pillow. "And also, smacking each other with pillows is not romantic."

"Yeah it is, shush." Cat said. Her phone buzzed and she grabbed it, but not before she smacked me with the pillow once more.

"Hey, Elle...Yeah, I'm at a friend's...Oh, okay...I'll be right there." Cat hung up and said, "Elle wants me home. See ya."

"Bye!" I said, waving as Cat ran out the apartment door. Cat slammed the door and I turned to Grey "Please tell me this isn't some sort of sick joke."

"Why would I joke about something like that? You're adopted, Matilda!" Grey yelled, opening his arms for a hug. "I was waiting until Cat came over to tell you, I thought she would like the news too."

"Of course she likes the news!" I yelled. "Who wouldn't?"

"True. Now, do you want to go to the theater?" Grey asked.

"'Surprise' party?" I asked, smirking. Grey nudged me and said, "Maybe, maybe not. Now come on."


"Surprise! Happy adoption!" the Mean Girls cast yelled as I entered the theater. I laughed and said, "Guys, Grey needs to work on his secret keeping skills. I knew there was gonna be a party." Taylor and Kate groaned and Kate said, "Come on, can't a girl have one surprise party?"

"I've never had a surprise party before. Or an actual birthday party." I said. Ashley gasped and threw her hands up in the air. "Matilda, when's your birthday?"

"July." I said.

"Okay, so we have a few months." Taylor said, counting on her fingers. I nodded and Comet ran out and hugged me.

"Hi." I said, hugging Comet.

"I have the legal right to do this!" Comet let go of me and poured water all over me.

"Wow, Comet, my shirt is soaked now." I scoffed. I grabbed the water bottle out of her hand and chased her around.

"These two are full of energy." Erika said, watching us run around. Then I heard someone whistle with their fingers and Cat was there, the entire Heathers cast behind her. I gave Cat a big hug and Cat said, "Hey, Tils."

"Hey, Kit-Cat." I said, using my pet name for her. Cat giggled and whispered, "Don't blow it." in my ear. I giggled, then Cat said, "Congratulations."

"Thanks. You want to help me prank Comet?" I asked.

"I HEARD THAT!" Comet yelled. I looked at Cat and laughed. Cat smiled at me and said, "Well, Matilda, you're not a foster kid anymore. Congrats on getting a family."

"Thanks." I said, tossing my bleach blonde braid over my shoulder. "Hey, Cat, can I braid your hair?"

"Sure!" Cat said, pulling a hair tie off of her wrist. "Here!" Cat dangled her feet off the stage and kicked off her flip flops. I braided her shoulder length auburn hair the best I could, then awkwardly patted her head. "There we go." I said, and Cat giggled furiously.

"Do you want to come over sometime?" Cat asked, and I nodded.

"That was a very unenthusiastic nod." Cat said, chuckling. I giggled and said, "How much emotion can you put into a nod?"

"I don't know!" I yelled. "I'm just the girl who shoves people over!"

"Well, I'm just the girl who is so freakishly flexible that she makes her family scream!" Cat clapped back. I chuckled and said, "That's a horrible comeback."

"I'll work on it, Matilda Leigh Henson." Cat said, looking me dead in the eye.

"You better, Catlynn Sunshine McLemore." I smirked. I looked over and saw Elle waving Cat over. Cat yelled, "COMING!" and gave me a hug.

"Bye, Tils." Cat said.

"Bye, Kit-Cat." I said, waving to Cat as she left the theater.

AN: So Matilda's adopted. I decided I am taking a break from being evil. That break won't last long, though. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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