A Letter To Matilda

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Dear Matilda:

When I first started writing your story, it was my first day at my new school. And I didn't know where to go and who to talk to, it was scary. So, in a way, you were my first friend at my new school, so thank you.

About your backstory, I wanted to stray away from the abuse backstory since I had already done it with Cat. But, what else was there to do besides abuse and parental death? So, I thought outside the box. I knew I wanted you to reach out to a Broadway star somehow, but something needed to happen for you to be in that position. So I made it happen.

Originally, your story was supposed to go much differently. You were supposed to have a happy life with Cat, Lex was supposed to be alive and well, and your adoption was supposed to happen much quicker than it did.

You and me both know that's not how it went down. And for that, I apologize.

You're one of my most-loved OCs, you know that, right? When I went months without putting out a chapter, people would ask when the next update was. And that made me happy. 

Thanks for always being there for me, Matilda. I love you.


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