Chapter 23

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I was sitting on the stage in the August Wilson, dangling my feet off of it. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and I turned around. It was Cat. I tried to give her a hug, but she pushed me away.

"Cat? Is everything okay? You" I said, concerned. Cat sighed and said, "Matilda, I need to talk to you." I stood up and said, "What's going on?"

"I need to talk to you in private. It's important." Cat said, pushing her hair behind her ear. I sighed and followed her backstage. She sat on a chair and I kneeled down on the floor.

"So, um, I was thinking this over, and um...I don't think this relationship is working out." Cat said.

I blinked, staring blankly at Cat like I didn't know what she meant. Of course you know what she means, Matilda. She's breaking up with you.

"I think I have to break up with you." Cat said. I snapped back into reality and said, "I accept your decision, but if you don't mind me asking, why?"

"Um, I'm not exactly...out to my mom or Jess or pretty much anyone in my family except for Barrett. And was getting stressful having to keep the secret, so I don't really want to date anyone until I'm ready to come out to the rest of my family. I'm sorry, Matilda. I hope we can still be friends." Cat said, almost about to cry.

"Oh, um, it's totally fine. I totally get it. I didn't come out to anyone until I met Grey. But yeah, I would love it if you were still my friend. Best friends, even." I said.

"But nothing more." Cat said sternly, and I nodded.

"But here's the thing. How exactly do we tell them?" I said. Cat shrugged and said, "Barrett's gonna be shocked when I tell her I broke up with you."

"Why?" I said, smirking at Cat. Cat swatted my arm and said, "Let's just say, Ethan broke up with me."

"Didn't he die, Catlynn? I wouldn't exactly call that a 'breakup.'" I said. Cat giggled then said, "No, he broke up with me around a week before he died. This awful girl Violet kissed him in the hallway, and I didn't believe that Violet was the one who kissed him first until it was too late."

"Dang it." I heard, and Comet emerged.

"How much of that did you hear?" I snapped to her. Comet laughed then said, "Enough to know that you two are no longer a thing. And I'm mad."

"Come on, Comet. Cat had a good reason to break up with me." I said. Comet gave Cat a death glare and said, "I'm telling my mom. And Matilda's dad."

"It's not like we did anything wrong, Comet. We won't get in trouble. Stop making such a big deal out of it." Cat said, giggling her butt off.

Comet shrugged then yelled, "MOM!" at the top of her lungs, over and over.

"What's the matter?" Erika asked, then Comet pointed to the two of us. "These two broke up. And I'm mad. Catilda is no more."

"Well, I'm sure they had a good reason..." Erika said.

"Oh, I'm just not out to my family yet, and I don't want to date anyone until I'm ready for them to know. Matilda didn't cheat on me or anything, it's just for personal reasons." Cat said, and Erika nodded.

"What's all the commotion?" Barrett yelled, rushing in with Grey behind her.

"CATILDA BROKE UP!" Comet yelled, standing on the stage. Almost instantly, most of the Mean Girls cast members ran backstage and started screaming.

"Woah! Guys, calm down! It's not that dramatic!" I said. Cat laughed then Grey said, "My kid lost her first girlfriend. You're dead to me, Catlynn."

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Cat yelled, laughing. "But I gotta get home. Elle doesn't want me out much today. Schoolwork and dance and stuff."

"Dance is right. Cat dances 10 hours a week, sometimes more. This girl is dedicated." Barrett said. "Just like Tilda and derby."

"Since when did we raise such athletic kids? That's a disgrace to theater." Grey said, and me and Cat both chuckled.

"You didn't 'raise' me, Grey. I'm 15." I said.

"And I was 12 when you guys found me." Cat said. "But I did start dancing when I was 13, so..." Cat shrugged and we all laughed.

Deep down inside me, I felt hurt that Cat broke up with me. But I shook it off when I realized, Cat was a generally very anxious and homey person. She was scared that Elle would kick her out if she came out. Which I totally got.

"Sorry for breaking your heart, Matilda. I should know how it feels." Cat said.

"It's fine. I totally get it. Hey, want to make ice cream at my house?" I asked. "I have an ice cream machine!"

"As long as it's chocolate." Cat said, smirking. "And as long as I'm home before 4."

I giggled and me and Cat walked out of the August Wilson.

"I'm not even sure why we ever dating. It was so hard keeping the secret." Cat said as we walked to my apartment. I unlocked the door and pulled out the ice cream machine.

"It's behind us now, Cat. Now, ice cream." I ordered. Cat took out the milk and we started making chocolate ice cream.

"I'm glad you're not mad at me." Cat said.

"Me too, Cat."

AN: So I was nice to Cat in ABH. Time to torture both Cat and Tilda in this book. I am so sorry. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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