Chapter 2

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The performance of Mean Girls came and went, and before I knew it, it was the next day.

I had a derby championship today. I couldn't miss it, if I did, I had zero chance of making it to Nationals. As the team captain, the team needs me.

I quickly put on my jersey and my kneepads, and got my bag ready to go. I just had to tell Grey where I was going.

I opened the door and saw Barrett Wilbert Weed standing there. The Barrett Wilbert Weed.

"Hey, you're Matilda, right? Grey told me about you. I'm Barrett." I smiled and she said, "What's with the kneepads? We're not that scary."

"Oh, I have a derby meet today. I have to run. Tell Grey I'll be back in around 2 hours." I started to run out the stage door but Barrett stopped me.

"Do you want someone to cheer you on? I could go with you."

"No, it's fine. I'm used to not having anyone in my corner. My mom worked a lot and never came to my meets. I started homeschooling two years ago so I could take care of my sisters."

"Are you sure? Me and Grey could come." Barrett said. I sighed, and said, "I guess it would be nice. This is a big meet."

I put on my helmet, it was bright blue with a white star on it.

"Ooh, cool helmet!" Barrett said.

"Thanks! I'm a jammer, I have to have the star on it." I said. Barrett nodded, I'm 99% sure she had no idea what I was talking about.

"Uh-huh. Wait, what sport do you do?" Barrett said. I laughed, and said, "Roller derby."

"That's so cool." Barrett said in awe.

"I gotta go." I said, skating off to the arena.

"Message me or Grey when the match is about to start!" Barrett called after me. I flashed her a thumbs-up and kept skating.


"Well, if it isn't our star skater." my coach said. "Matilda Leigh Price." I nodded, and said, "As I live and breathe."

I sighed, wondering if I would have to give up derby if Grey takes me in. I mean, he's a Broadway actor, and he's already so overprotective of me. Having to take me to practice 3 times a week plus meets on the weekends is too much. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on my helmet, not worrying about my situation, at least for now.

"Hey. Tilda." my teammate and best friend Lexi said.

"Huh? Oh, hey Lex. What's up?"

"Is everything okay? You've been acting pretty weird lately." Lex said. I nodded, and said, "Great. Everything's amazing in my life. I definitely did not get kicked out of the house."

"What? What happened?" Lex asked.

I sighed, and said, "My mom got laid off. For some reason, she kicked me out of the house. Before I left, I told Sloan she was in charge."

"Oh my God. Tilda, do you need somewhere to sleep?" Lex asked.

"No. It's fine. I'm staying with...a family friend." I lied, hoping she didn't see through it.

"Hey! Matilda!" I heard. I turned around and saw Grey and Barrett in the stands, waving.

"Your 'family friend' is Barrett Wilbert Weed? That's literally awesome!" Lexi said, hugging me.

"Yeah. I'm staying at the August Wilson for now. At least, until we find a more permanent solution." I said.

"We gotta get started. Talk to you later, Tilda?"

"Yep. Always."


So I won the match. And my secret's revealed to the entire derby team.

"Hey, she made it to Nationals!" I heard. Grey was smiling like an idiot and Barrett was applauding.

"God, you really took a beating out there, didn't you? I've never seen a girl fall so many times and pretend that nothing happened!" Barrett said.

"That's sort of the point of roller derby. To fall." I said.

"Yeah, I've never seen a group of teenage girls be that violent with each other!" Grey said, and I laughed.

"Hey! Matilda!" I heard, and Lex came speeding over to me.

"Alexandra!" I said, hugging her. It was kind of our inside joke. We call each other by our real names only after a winning match.

"Holy crap, it's Barrett Wilbert Weed." Lex said.

"Hi." Barrett and Grey said at the same time.

"Guys, this is Alexandra Laurier, my friend, though I call her Lexi or Lex." I said.

"Hi." Lex said.

"Can I ask you girls a question?" Barrett said, and we nodded eagerly.

"HOW DID NEITHER OF YOU BREAK A BONE?" Grey yelled before Barrett could get her question in. Lex and I laughed hysterically, and Lex said, "We're sort of used to it."

"You guys are used to vicious girls shoving you to the floor while you're on wheels? That's hardcore. I salute you." Barrett said, awkwardly saluting. Lex took a dramatic bow and said, "Thanks."

"You're welcome, derby kid." Grey said.

"I gotta go. See ya, Team Tilda." Lex said.

"Team Tilda?" Barrett asked.

"Yeah. You, Grey, and Tilda." Lex said, and we all laughed. "But seriously, I gotta run, so see ya?"

"You know it, Lex! Bye!" Lex waved and I headed back to the August Wilson with Grey and Barrett.

"Slow down!" Grey said, trying to catch up to me skating.

"What? I live my life on wheels. Deal with it." I said, skating away, my bleach blonde hair blowing in the wind. Not a lot of people know this, but I am a natural blonde. Most people assume I dye it.

"Matilda! You're going the wrong way!" Barrett said.

"Don't care! Once I start skating, I can't stop!" I said.

"This kid's gonna be a workout." Barrett said to Grey.

"Yep. I'm planning on fostering her." Grey whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"What?" I said, stopping.

"She heard it. The one time she stops skating is when she hears something important." Grey said. "We'll talk later, Tilda."

"Okay!" I said, and poor Barrett and Grey were following me as I skated through New York City.

AN: You guys got Barrett. It may not be in the right book, but this was my compromise. Is everyone happy? Good. Everyone's happy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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