Chapter 6

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"Matilda Leigh Henson! Wake up!" Grey called, banging something on the table.

"Henson?" I asked through half-closed eyes. Grey laughed, and said, "You're getting adopted soon. And me and Barrett are going to take you to the mall today."

"For what?" I asked, sitting up and putting on my glasses.

"Clothes and room decorations. We're going to IKEA too." Grey said, and I lit up. I had moved into Grey's apartment and had my own room, which was nice. I was used to sharing a room with my sister Sloan. It had plain white walls for now, but that would change.

"Get in the shower." Grey ordered, and I did as instructed.

When I got out of the shower, I put on a Mean Girls T-shirt Grey got me and put on my old pair of jeans.

"Are you ready?" Grey asked, then I heard a banging on the front door. Grey opened it and Cat was standing there with purple streaks in her dirty blonde hair.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"A good morning would be nice, but whatever." Cat said, running to my room and slamming the door. "Elle is going to kill me."

"What happened? This I have to hear." I said.

"My brother dared me to do it." Cat said, slumping on my bed. "He said he'd take the fall if Elle found out. I just need to stand in your shower for the next two hours until the purple washes out, if you don't mind."

"It looks really cool though. And it's not like your entire head is purple. You can't even see it that much." I said, and Cat shrugged.

"Wanna come to IKEA with me and Barrett?" Grey asked, and Cat nodded. "Great, let's go!" I said.


"And step into my candy store!" me and Cat screamed at the top of our lungs in the car.

"SPELLING BEE NEXT!" Cat cried, grabbing Grey's phone.

"NO! BE MORE CHILL!" I said.

"Candy Store was Cat's choice. Tilda, your turn now." Grey said, and Cat sighed.

"MICHAEL IN THE BATHROOM FROM BE MORE CHILL!" I yelled, and Cat cheered. The music started and Cat and I screamed.

"I am hanging in the bathroom, at the biggest party of the fall. I could stay right here, or disappear, and nobody'd even notice at all." me and Cat sung at the same time.

Once that was over, Grey said, "We'll be there in 10 minutes. Cat, you want Spelling Bee, right?" Cat nodded, and Grey said, "What song?"

Cat thought it over, then said, "Second!"

"Of course you chose your solo, Catlynn." I said, laughing.

"No. It's not my solo." Cat said. "You can be Barfee, Tilda. Barrett, you can be Rona. Grey, just be the rest of the spellers. You're the only one here who doesn't know the show."

"I don't know the show that well, either." Barrett said, and Cat shrugged. "You've heard it enough from me. Ooh, remember when I forced you to practice ballet with me?"

"You did what?" Grey and I said at the same time as we pulled into the IKEA parking garage. Barrett sighed, and said, "Yes. I remember."

"This I have to hear! Grey, now I need to teach you how to roller skate!" I said.

"Back when I was around 13, I was in the Nutcracker." Cat said.

"Yeah, Elle made us all practice the Children's Dance with Cat." Barrett said.

"That must've been horrible." I said.

"Yeah, it was." Cat said. "I still remember not being able to hear the music because everyone was running around like a stampede of buffalo."

"We're here, kiddos." Grey said, and we got out of the car.


Cat was shyly drumming her fingers on her jeans when we sat down for lunch. Barrett moved next to her and whispered something in her ear.

"I'll be right back. She needs to call Elle for something." Barrett said.

"What's going on?" Grey asked, and I shrugged. "I'm gonna steal one of Cat's French fries." I said, reaching over.

"Cat is super pretty." I said.

"In a friend kind of way?" Grey said, nudging me.

"No. I have a slight crush on her..." I said.

"Oooh!" Grey said. "Tilda has a crush!"

"Shush! We're in public!" I said.

Barrett and Cat came back, Cat gripping on Barrett's hand.

"Sorry." Cat said shyly.

"It's okay. What happened?" Grey asked.

"She gets anxiety sometimes about being away from home. She just wanted to call Elle to make sure everything was okay at home." Barrett said, and Cat nodded.

"Did you steal one of my fries?" Cat asked, and I sheepishly nodded.

"I'm gonna do this then." Cat said. She grabbed one of my Swedish meatballs and plopped it in her mouth. "Mmm..."

I then noticed something weird. Cat had braces. The type with the clear brackets. "You have braces?" I asked Cat, and she nodded. "I got them when I was 14. Pretty late, but I needed them badly." Cat said.

"They look super cool." I said, and Cat blushed. "What's with all the compliments?" Cat asked.

"No reason." I said, and Grey nudged me.

"We gotta go shopping." Barrett said. I stole one more of Cat's fries, and we headed off.


"Holy crap." Grey said, as he and I were putting a box in the car. "Geez, Tilda, you're strong." Cat was clinging to Barrett, who just hugged her. "Guys, hurry up, Cat needs to go home." Barrett said.

"Barrett..." Cat said, and Barrett said, "We're going home, Sunshine."

"Sunshine?" I asked.

"It's her nickname. Also her middle name." Barrett said. We got the boxes in the car, and we all piled in.

"I'm going to Cat's apartment first." Barrett said, and we all agreed.


"Bye Cat!" Barrett said, pulling in front of an apartment building.

"Bye Barrett! Bye Grey! Bye Tilda!" Cat said. Barrett got out of the car and said, "I want to say hi to your mom."

Barrett and Cat left, and Grey said, "So, Cat's a nice girl, huh?"

"Yeah." I said. She was my crush, Grey, more than a nice person. Catlynn McLemore was my dream girl.

"You ever going to shoot your shot with her?" Grey asked, and I nodded. "I'll know when the time is right."

Barrett came back, and said, "Cat wants you to come over tomorrow." I sighed, and said, "Nationals are tomorrow, Barrett. I can't go."

"I forgot." Grey said.

"It's fine. Maybe Cat would want to go?" I asked.

"I'll ask Elle!" Barrett said.

"Barrett. I'm 15. I can make plans for myself."

"Okay then. Let's go." Barrett said.

I stared out the window at Cat's apartment building.

AN: Cat is my smol child I love herrrrrr. Nationals are gonna be fun! Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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