Chapter 20

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I sighed. This can't be good.

"Okay, before you go off on me with your 'I love you but I love Cat more' crap, I just wanted to say, it would be totally fine if you went to Cat's thing. You do know that I don't have a ride, right? It's not like I can drive myself." I said, getting angry.

"Matilda...I won't get mad at you because I know you're frustrated." Barrett said. "Shoot. What time is it?" she asked, looking at the clock.

To my horror, it was 1:45 PM. I was going to be late.

"I'm gonna be late!" I yelled, crying. "What don't you get about driving out of state! Now I don't have a ride, and my team is gonna fail and everyone is gonna be mad at me!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Tilda, calm down." Barrett said. "It's okay. We'll make it work, I promise. I could say you got sick or something."

"Dude! I don't want to outright lie when this can easily be fixed! Aren't you gonna be late to Cat's competition thing too? Isn't that the most important thing in the world to you? Sure, she's my girlfriend, but why won't my own mother come to my National competition?" I ranted.

I stopped when I realized, I was hurting Cat with this. The love of my life. I took a deep breath and said, "It's fine. You can go to Cat's thing. I'll just tell my coach that I can't make it."

Barrett backed up, deep in thought. She said, "I know you don't have a ride to this, and I know we're gonna be late. I was gonna say, I could just drop you off and head to Cat's competition, but the two events are at the same time and it's 6 hours there and back."

"Isn't Evan picking me up?" I asked.

"He had to cancel at the last minute. I'm so sorry you don't have a ride." Barrett said. "Do you want to go to Cat's dance competition with me? I bet she'd be happy." I sighed, and said, "I have to go to Nationals, I worked hard for six months for this...Winner's destination, Washington D.C. Plasma TV in a fancy hotel, where they treat you well. All because you love to spell! We spell!" I started to sing.

"Cat dragged you into that musical, didn't she?" Barrett said, laughing. I nodded, and said, "It's one of my favorites. But let's focus on the problem at hand. What about my competition? I'll be the laughingstock of derby if I miss Nationals..."

"Hey, one little lie won't hurt, will it? I'll just say you got sick. You are still recovering from liver surgery, I'll just say that. Do you want to see Cat dance? I'm sure it'll make her smile." I excitedly nodded, and Barrett took me out to the car.


"Hey guys, we're here!" Barrett said. I sat down in between her and Jon Eidson, who waved. "This your kid?" Jon asked.

"Grey Henson's kid. And also-" Barrett started to say, but I cut her off. I knew she was about to say "Cat's girlfriend."

"Dude! When will you learn to shut your mouth?" Jon and Alice Lee exchanged a glance, then Alice said, "What are you hiding, kid who I don't know?"

"My name is Matilda. And nothing." I said sheepishly, blushing.

"She's blushing." Jon said. "Why are you blushing, kid?"

"Nothing!" I yelled, a little too loudly. Katie Ladner started to cackle. I started to hide my gay pride pin that was on my sweatshirt, but Jon saw it.

"Matilda...are you gay?" Jon asked. "Because if that's what you were hiding, we're cool with it."

"Yeah. I am gay." I said.

"Do you have a crush on someone in this cast?" Jon asked.

"Shut up." I said. Well, he wasn't lying. I had a crush on Cat. I was dating her. Barrett smirked, and I shot her a warning glance. Then the competition started.


Two hours later, it was over. Cat won.

"Cat!" I yelled once I saw her. As always, I took a long hard look at her. Her hair was tied back in a ballet bun and she was wearing a pink leotard with a sweatshirt over it. She gave me a hug and said, "Hi Tilda!"

"Hey, Cat!" I yelled, hugging her tight. I felt someone nudge me and it was Jon.

"Yeah, I know who you have a crush on." he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and went back to hugging my girlfriend.

"This kid's a hugger." Alice said. I laughed and then Cat pulled away. I put my hands on her shoulders and whispered, "You were beautiful."

"So are you." she said in an even quieter voice. I giggled and hugged her once more.

"I'm exhausted. Can I go home?" Cat asked. It then hit her that I wasn't at my derby meet. "Matilda...did you miss your meet...for me?"

"Yes and no." I said, and I swear I could see tears form in Cat's eyes. She quickly wiped them and said, "I'm sorry. No one has ever done something like that for me before."

"Hey!" Barrett, Jon, Alice, and Katie said at the exact same time. Cat giggled, and said, "Besides you guys, of course. I just mean, I'm not popular. At all. I have pretty shameful social status for the daughter of a Broadway star."

"So do I." I said.

"You're different. I was 12 when I got adopted, and I was abused my whole life. You had a good life, you're 15, and you just now got adopted. It's been 4 years and Elle's fame still hasn't rubbed off on me. It's kind of sad, actually. Not that I'm being selfish." Cat laughed. "Anyway, do you want to come to my house for a bit?"

"Sure. If Lex isn't angry at me." I said.

"Who's Lex?" Cat asked. I said, "She's my childhood best friend. And she also does derby with me."

"Cool! You gotta teach me how to roller skate." Cat said.

"As long as you teach me how to do ballet." I smirked. Cat smiled, and said, "It's a date." while winking at me. Alice nudged Jon, and Jon nudged Barrett, who just smiled.

"Oh my God I think I'm in love." I said under my breath. Katie started to cackle again.

"Come on, homegirl. Come to my house." Cat said, dragging me away.


"Elle! Jessica! I'm home!" Cat yelled as we barged in the door of her apartment. Elle waved, and so did Jessica.

"Hey, the blondie's here!" Evan Todd yelled.

"Blondie? I have a name!" I said playfully. Cat hugged Evan tight and he picked her up. It was honestly the cutest thing. Evan tickled Cat's stomach and she squealed. Evan then flipped Cat on the couch next to Jessica, who continued to tickle her until she couldn't breathe.

"Right, your name. It started with an M...what was it? Mary? Malinda?" Evan said. I knew he was joking.

"Matilda." I said. Evan said, "Right! After the girl with the telekinetic powers!"

"That's the only thing you know Matilda Wormwood for?" Cat asked, finally catching her breath. "I love that book. Elle sometimes reads it to me when I'm in the hospital. I've finished it three times over from all my hospital trips."

"That's a lot of hospital trips." I said, and Cat simply nodded.

"Enough with hospitals. Pizza?" Elle asked, and we all whooped and hollered.

AN: So it ended well. Do you think Lex is going to be mad at Tilda for missing Nationals? Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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