Chapter 34

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I was at the hospital with Grey for my after-surgery follow up appointment, with Eliana texting me every five seconds to tell me that she loves me and that I'd see her soon. She was planning on taking me out to a Chinese buffet and the movies, and getting me ice cream right after. There's something to look forward to.

From the window in the waiting room, I can see the emergency room entrance. Three stories below. I moved from the uncomfortable green armchair to the slightly more comfortable mustard yellow couch, which is closer to the window and provided me a nice view.

"Whatcha staring at?" Grey asked, looking over my shoulder and peering out the window with me. I sighed and said, "People watching. I'm bored."

"Text one of your friends or that girlfriend or something." Grey said. I nodded and pulled out my phone, but not before seeing a dirty blonde girl in a pink tank top getting wheeled into the ER. 

I knelt on the windowsill, getting a closer look at the girl. I looked down at my own clothes, it's my own derby team's sweatshirt, the same shade of pink, gray, and black.

Holy crap.

That girl is someone on my derby team.

And that's when I noticed the mother, holding a pink helmet with a star. The jammer. The girl on the ambulance was the jammer for today's meet, since I obviously couldn't be there.

That's when it hit me.


The girl on the ambulance stretcher was Lex.

"LEX!" I scream, leaping off the couch and running full speed to the stairs, which were a few steps closer to here than the elevators were. I didn't care how tired I got or how much my legs hurt after running down three flights of stairs, I needed to get to my best friend.

Before it was too late.

"MATILDA!" I heard Grey scream as he chased after me. After slamming the door to the stairwell in his face as I reached the first floor, I heard him slowly climb back up the stairs. 

I ran to the receptionist and said, " a girl named Alexandra Laurier in?" The receptionist nodded and pointed to a room with a closed door.

I turned the handle and gasped. Lex looked horrible. She had tubes and IVs pretty much all over her body, there were bandages wrapped around her. She was unconscious, probably in a coma. I rarely cry, but this did it for me. I let some tears slip out of my eyes and fall down onto my shirt.

Soon, a doctor burst through the door and a heart monitor started beeping.

"EVERYONE OUT!" a doctor screamed, a nurse ushering me out of the room. I gasped again and ran down the hallway for dear life as doctor after doctor streamed into Lex's hospital room.

"Please tell me she'll be okay..." I said to myself. "Please..." I couldn't lose my best friend. She was one of the only ties I had left to my life before Grey, before my mom kicked me out, before I was forced to say goodbye to my sisters.

Whatever happened to Rosie and Sloan, anyway? Are they okay?

The thought of Rosie and Sloan left my mind as I focused on the task at hand. Lex. I leaned against the wall and waited for some news, either good or bad. Hopefully good.

Suddenly, the beeping stopped, and the doctors started walking out of Lex's room and going their separate ways. 

"Excuse me?" I said to a doctor. He turned towards me and adjusted his glasses.

"Yes, ma'am? What can I do for you?" the doctor asked. I sighed and took a deep breath. Moment of truth.

"Alexandra, is she okay? She's been my best friend since I was five and if she is okay can you please let me see her?" I asked. The doctor cleared his throat and looked into my eyes. There is no way this could be good.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry...but Alexandra died three minutes ago." the doctor said.

Lex was gone. The words sunk in and I realized, I would never get to see my best friend ever again. 

"Tilda!" Grey said, running down the hall. He noticed the tears in my eyes and opened his arms for a hug. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Dad..." I said, crying into Grey's shirt. He rubbed my back and kissed my head. "Shh...Tilda...I'm here. What's wrong."

The moment I broke the news to Grey out loud,  I knew this was real. This wasn't a joke, this wasn't some twisted nightmare. This was real.

"Lex died." I said softly, in between tears.

AN: First update in almost a month, and I decided to do this. I'm so, so sorry everyone. I really am. Hope you enjoyed and catch ya later! 

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