Chapter 12

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I was giggling with Cat on the couch. I was still on bed rest, so I couldn't really do anything.

"What's so funny?" Barrett asked. I was laughing too hard to breathe or properly talk, so Cat answered for me. "YouTube. We have scoured the depths of YouTube and found a bunch of dumb videos."

"Why is this so funny to me?" I asked, and Cat shrugged. "Everything's funnier when there's no context." I noticed Cat hug her orange blanket that she seemed to bring everywhere with her. I smiled at her, and said, "I like your blanket."

Cat smiled at me and said, "Thanks. You don't think I'm a baby?" I chuckled, and said, "Far from it." I reached in my bag and pulled out the teddy bear Grey gave me at the hospital. "I have a little security object of my own." I said.

"This blanket has gotten me through so much. I went to the hospital a lot, and still do. I have a blood condition, so I have to get a blood test around once a month just to make sure I'm all good. And a transfusion every ten years. And um...there's been some trauma in my family as well." Cat said, hugging her blanket to her chest.

"Are you scared of needles? Or are you not bothered by them as much?" I asked.

"They scare me, a lot. But Elle and I thought up some calming methods that I use whenever I go to the hospital. They work wonders for me." Cat said, playing with the ends of her dirty blonde hair.

"When was the last time you went? I mean, besides visiting me." I said. Cat thought about it, and said, "Last week, actually." I looked deep into Cat's big brown eyes and studied all her features. Her clear braces with the Heathers colored rubber bands, her red glasses, her dirty blonde hair cut in a bob, her crop top that had the New York City skyline on it, her light wash ripped skinny jeans, her scuffed up light pink Converse, her rose gold phone on her lap with a Heathers phone case, and her light orange blanket on her lap as well.

Cat seemed to notice me staring and she lightly chuckled. But I noticed her never take her eye off of me.

Did me back? Impossible. Cat seems like the straightest person alive.

"Whatcha staring at, Catlynn?" Barrett said, smirking.

"The...the wall." Cat said, giggling. I giggled too.

"Yeah, Grey has a nice wall." I said, giggling.

"Hey, Tilda. When you recover, do you want to go to the Renaissance Faire with me, Evan, and Alice?" Cat asked.

"I always go, too! Why are you leaving me out?" Barrett whined.

"Come on. It's a Cat/Evan/Alice thing. Plus Matilda, if she wants to." I nodded furiously, and Cat said, "When can you start moving around?"

"Next week, but I'm gonna have to take it easy." I said. "I would love to go to the Renaissance Faire though!"

"You're gonna love it. It's a whole lot of fun!" Cat said. "Huzzah!"

"You guys have to make Evan the Mud Show judge again." Barrett said.

"Judge Stephen!" Cat cried.

"Don't mention it to him. He still gets embarrassed over it." Barrett said, and Cat giggled hysterically.

"Hey Cat? You good?" Barrett asked, and Cat nodded. "Sometimes she suddenly gets separation anxiety and wants to go home. Her blanket helps with that, but not always." Barrett explained. I nodded and looked at Cat, who was hugging her blanket.

"Like now. Cat, Sunshine, are you sure you're okay?" Barrett asked, heading over to Cat and hugging her.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Cat said, regrouping herself. "Do you guys have any chips?"

"Yeah, we have chips. Help yourself." Grey said. Cat happily got up and got a bowl of chips.

"Hey Cat?" I said. Cat put the bowl of chips down on the table and stared at me.

"Thanks for being there these past few days. It's been rough with my surgery and everything. So, um, yeah, really appreciate it."

Cat sighed and said, "I know the feeling. Trust me. It's so hard. You're not alone. Chronic illness gang, rise up." I laughed, and hugged Cat.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"You're welcome, Tilda." Cat said.

AN: Shorter chapter than normal, but I wanted to get this out before I go to bed. This had so many drafts it's almost crazy. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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