Chapter 31

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I woke up in an oddly silent room. A hospital room. Shoot. Was I becoming like a second version of...

Cat. Cat was here. Holding hands with another girl who I hadn't seen before in my life. She had dirty blonde hair and glasses, was pretty tall, and was actually kind of cute. 

"Hey." I said. I was too shocked to get any other word out right now. "Who's...who's that?" I asked, pointing to Dirty Blonde Girl. 

"Oh. My girlfriend. Red." Cat said. "I've known her since...since right after I got adopted?"

Wow. Cat and this Red girl have some history. Also, what kind of a name is that? What sane parents would name their child Red?

"Hi." Red said. It took every ounce of strength not to roll my eyes. "I'm Red. That isn't my real name, by the way. My real name is Elizabeth Ashley."

How in the world does Elizabeth turn into Red?

"Question before I interrogate Cat's girlfriend a little further: Where am I, and what happened?" I asked.

"You're in a hospital." Cat said matter-of-factly. I groaned and said, "Tell me something I don't know."

"Well, you hit your head during a derby match." Grey said. "The doctors said it wasn't too bad, only a minor concussion. But they did recommend that you stay off of derby for a few weeks."

"My first match in months, and I get hurt and have to take a break from derby for a few weeks? How's that for some rotten luck?" I asked. 

Grey laughed and so did Cat and Red. Then Cat cleared her throat and said, "I gotta go. See ya!"

"Bye." I said with the most unenthusiastic tone possible. I sighed and said, "Dad? Can you come here for a minute? I need to talk to you."

"Sure, what's up, Tilly?" Grey asked, and I felt like screaming at him. But I resisted the urge. 

"'s kind of important. Please don't get mad at me, but-"

"I know you're gay, Matilda."

"No! Well, yeah, you're right about that. I am gay, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. It's relationship with the rest of the cast. Um...I don't really consider them family, especially since I keep in touch with my mom and one of my sisters died. The only reasons I see you as a dad is because 1. you adopted me. And 2. I lost my biological dad when I was really young. Eleven years ago." I said.

Grey sighed and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. I got scared, I thought he was mad at me for blurting that out like that. 

"I get it, Tilda. I totally do. You lost so much, and you're only 15 years old. I don't think they'll feel bad." Grey said. I sighed. That was reassuring.

"Are you mad at me, Dad?" I asked. Grey shook his head and said, "I'm not mad at all. I could never be mad at you. Now come on. Let me get some McDonald's and we can have a Grey and Matilda day in. Well, day in a hospital." I laughed. 

"And by the way, did Cat get a girlfriend?" Grey asked. I nodded. "Her name is Red. Well, Elizabeth, but her nickname is Red. She seems nice, I'm just kind of jealous that Cat was able to move on so quickly. Wait a minute..." 


"Cat broke up with me because 'she wasn't out.' But she went and got another girlfriend like, two weeks after we broke up. Do you think we broke up...because of something I did? Cause if that's the case, I want to make things right with her."

"I don't think that's the case, Matilda. But it's nice of you to think of Cat like that. Now come on. You need rest before you go home." Grey said.

"Dad, I'm not going home for a few days, calm down. Plus, I'm not even that tired." I said. 

"Whatever you say, Tilda." Grey said. I laughed and turned on the hospital TV. "News...cartoons...why doesn't this place get anything good on TV?" 

"I'm so proud of you, Matilda. You know that, right?" Grey asked, sitting in bed next to me. I nodded and said, "You've mentioned it multiple times before."

Grey chuckled and said, "I know I have. But're such a strong young woman. I mean, I couldn't raise my little sisters all on my own while my single mother works constantly. And you had to deal with getting kicked out of the house for no apparent reason, and your sister dying? That's rough stuff."

"Thanks Dad. I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

AN: God, this book hasn't been updated in a hot minute, has it? And if you read my tag answers in my spam book, you knew this was coming. Well, most people didn't, so... Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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