Chapter 26

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"Cat? Is everything okay?" I asked, immediately regretting what I said. Of course everything wasn't okay. She had just broken up with what I assume was her first girlfriend.

"No." Cat said softly. I sighed. She didn't seem mad or jealous or anything like that, which I was forever grateful for.

"So, um, about your text. I thought it over for a day or so and-" I was cut off by Cat's mile-wide smile. I felt so bad. I didn't want to disappoint her.

"Yeah?" Cat said, squealing a little. I sighed. Should I just...lie? And say that I want to give her another chance when in reality, I don't know if I can trust her again?

"So, what I was saying is, I thought it over and-" I was cut off again by Cat pulling out the necklace I gave her out of a desk drawer. She dropped the necklace in my arms and jumped up and down. I was kind of annoyed with how childish she was acting, she was kind of roping me into feeling bad for her.

"Keep the necklace." I said, throwing it on the floor of Cat's room. I then took a good look around. Her room reminded me of a literal child's room, not a 16-year-old's. There was a nightlight plugged in the corner, and her orange blanket was folded on the edge of her bed. I grew out of using a nightlight when I was seven.

Then it hit me. Barrett was right. Cat was a vulnerable person. But that doesn't mean I should necessarily...forgive her.

"You were saying that you thought it over." Cat said, tucking her auburn hair behind her ear. I sighed and decided I would just tell her the truth.

"Cat, um, I was thinking it over, and I think we'd be better as friends." I said. Cat blinked and stared blankly at me. I had a feeling that this wasn't gonna end well.

"Okay." Cat said casually. It shocked me how casually she said it. I sighed and pushed back my braid. I don't know if it hit her yet, so I have to be careful.

"So...I'm gonna head home." I said, backing away. I ran out of Cat's apartment and ran all the way to the August Wilson.


"Hey." I said, waving to Comet.

"You better have gotten back together with Auburn Dreamgirl." Comet said.

"First off, she has a name. It's Catlynn. And second, hate to burst your bubble, but I didn't." I said. "I told her that I felt we would be better off as just friends."

"EXCUSE ME?" Comet yelled. "That's it. I'm never speaking to you again." Comet started running around with her hands in the air.

"Okay, geez, there's a good reason!" I yelled.

"Enlighten me." Comet said. I sighed and said, "I just didn't know if I could trust her again."

"Come on, Tilda. I've seen your heart eyes when you're around her." Comet said. "She's perfect for you."

"She's not out yet." I said. "She's only out to 3 people in her family."

"Well, tell her to hurry up and come out so the cutest couple on Broadway can get back together!" Comet huffed.

"SHE'S WORRIED HER MOM'S GONNA KICK HER OUT!" I yelled without thinking. The whole theater fell silent. I backed up, shocked, and ran out of the theater.


"Surprised you called me over." Lex said, walking into my room. "I thought you didn't want to speak to me."

"Shut up. This is serious." I said, rolling my eyes at Lex.

"What did you do?" Lex asked, sitting on the floor. "Spill."

"I may or may not have rejected Cat and broke her heart." I said. "Something that I promised Barrett I wouldn't do."

"God! Someone's being a rebel!" Lex said.

"Alexandra Laurier, it's not rebellious if you hurt someone's feelings." I said. "I'm not fooling around. This is serious. Lex, help me!" I shook Lex's shoulders and she looked at me with a smirk.

"What's so funny about this?" I asked. I was getting mad. I rarely get mad.

"Oh, um, nothing." Lex said, regaining her composure. "Um...I'm gonna get going. See ya, Tils."

I sighed. All of my friends hated me now. Lex hated me, Cat hated me, Comet hated me. I hid out in my room, waiting for Grey to come home. I pulled out my guitar and started to play it, feeling calmed by the simplicity and familiarity of the music.

"I made a really stupid mistake, and I regret it. Everyone hates me now." I said, putting away my guitar. I didn't have any friends anymore. Everyone was mad at me.

I need to apologize to Cat, but I need to stay true to my word. I wasn't ready to date anyone yet. I was 15 years old, for Pete's sake!

But the question is, is Cat still willing to talk to me?

AN: This chapter was all over the place, eek. Sorry if this makes zero sense. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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