Chapter 15

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"Psst. Matilda." I heard. I rolled over and saw Grey standing at the foot of my bed.

"What's going on? It's 5 in the morning." I said.

"Wake up, Tilda. You have school." Grey said.

How did I totally forget that school existed?

Oh right. I'm so used to being homeschooled. I rubbed my eyes and got up. Grey smiled at me and said, "I made waffles!" I ran to the kitchen and found a plate of waffles sitting there, overflowing with maple syrup. "How did you know I'm addicted to maple syrup?" I asked.

"Isn't every kid?" Grey asked, and I laughed.

I then suddenly got nervous. I put down my fork and ran to my bedroom, crying. Grey tried to follow after me, but I wouldn't let him. I dug under my bed and pulled out my guitar. No one knew I played guitar, but it was my calming method. Whenever I'm stressed, I play guitar. Usually the acoustic version of showtunes.

I picked up my guitar and started playing.

I was crying, but wiped the tears away quickly.

"Tilda? Is that you singing in there?" I heard. I quickly put my guitar away and Grey opened the door.

"Yeah. Sorry." I said. He noticed my red eyes and hugged me. "Oh, Tilda. Are you crying?" I burst into tears and Grey said, "Shh...Tilda. Tell me what's wrong. Is it just first day jitters?" I nodded, and said, "I'm so used to being homeschooled!"

"Do you want to stay homeschooled? Will that make you feel better?" Grey asked. I shrugged and said, "I want to go to real school, but I'm so nervous..."

"It's natural to be nervous. It's perfectly okay. You can call me in the hallway, if you want." Grey said. I sighed, and got ready for my first day of real school in five years.


"Hey." a guy said. I turned around and there was a guy who could've passed for my brother, we looked really similar.

"Hi. I'm Matilda." I said.

"New girl, right?" he said, and I nodded. "Well, hi there. My name is Blake."

"Hi. Do you know where the music room is?" I asked. Blake led me down a hallway and down a set of stairs. "We have a lot of classes together."

"Yeah. I guess." I pulled out my phone and I got a text from Cat. My stomach filled with butterflies.

Cat: Heard you're starting a new school. Good luck, make me proud. I love you, Tils. The next time I see you, I want to see your beautiful smile as you tell me all about your classes and all the friends you made. No flirting though, you're taken ;) Love you, sweetness.

Matilda: I love you too, beautiful. I'll make you proud.

"Who was that?" Blake asked.

"My girlfriend." I said, smiling like an idiot. "Her name is Cat and she makes me the happiest girl in the world."

"She seems it. If she hurts you, I will personally hunt her down." Blake said, and I laughed. "I think you and me are gonna become pretty good friends."

"Me too, Matilda."


"I knew it!" Grey said as I walked in, running to hug me. "You're smiling!"

"I made a friend, and Cat was texting me nonstop telling me how proud she was of me." Grey smirked at Barrett, and Barrett said, "Cat and you are so cute together. You guys make the perfect couple."

"Stop..." I said, and Grey nudged me. "See, she's blushing!"

The doorbell rang, and Barrett opened it. Cat ran in and hugged me.

"Tell. Me. Everything." Cat said, not letting go of me.

"Can you let me breathe first, please?" I asked, and Cat laughed. She let go of me and I said, "I made a friend, his name is Blake, and he's really nice."

"Don't let him steal you, though." Cat said.

"Relax, Cat. I told him I was taken." I said, and Grey laughed.

"Good girl, Tilda." Cat said, awkwardly patting my head. I laughed. Cat dug in her bed and threw her blankie on the couch, then handed me a package of ramen noodles. "I stole these from my dad. Wanna make them?" I nodded excitedly, and Cat started boiling the water.

She turned around, put her hands on my shoulder, and kissed me.

I just got my first kiss.

"I love you so much." Cat said, and I hugged her tight.

"Hey lovebirds! Your water's overboiling!" Grey called, and I let go of her and Cat finished making the noodles.

"Cuddles can wait. Let's feast!" Cat cried, and I started eating my ramen.

AN: Here's some Catilda to make your day! It is currently 11PM and I am planning on staying up late writing, that is, if my laptop doesn't die. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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