Chapter 32

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I woke up with Cat in front of me, smiling.

"Hi." I said, still feeling drowsy. Cat smiled and sat on my hospital bed. "So, how are you feeling? Does your stomach hurt or anything?"


"I'm sorry...what?" I asked. Cat laughed and said, "Anesthesia. It always messes ya up. Anyway, um, the liver surgery was a success."

"I...didn't I have a liver surgery a while ago?" I asked. Cat shook her head. "Nope. You just woke up. Went into surgery 15 hours ago. Took a while, but you're all good and healthy now."

I pulled up my hospital gown, expecting to see a fully healed scar. Nope. Instead, a line of red stitches were placed across my stomach. 

"So wait...was that all a dream?" I asked to myself. Everything that went on...with Cat and making it to Nationals...getting concussion...Rosie dying...that was just a dream?

"What was?" Cat asked. "Matilda, are you okay?" 

"Never been better." I said, shooting Cat awkward finger guns. Cat smiled back and said, "Anyway, I gotta go...Elle's waiting for me in the lobby. Text me if you need anything."

"That was odd." I said to myself. Grey walked in and said, "What was odd, Tilda?"

"I had a weird dream when I was in surgery...I had a girlfriend...I got adopted...a lot of weird things happened. Anyway, I'm putting it all behind me now. Time to start fresh."

"Good girl." Grey said. "And, pardon for asking, but did you say you got adopted? By who?"

"You." I said, hoping it didn't sound weird to him. Grey smiled and pulled some papers from his pocket. 

"Well...Matilda, take a look at these papers." Grey said, smiling. I grabbed the papers from him and gasped, scanning them over.

"Matilda Leigh...Henson." I said. Then the realization hit. "I'm adopted...I'm adopted!" 

Then I realized. I actually had a family. I had Mom, and Rosie and Sloan. "Um...but the rest of the cast...I don't really consider them 'family' and I don't want to. I have Mommy and stuff." Grey nodded slowly and said, "Understandable."

I nodded back, sighing. I couldn't believe that just happened. It felt so real. And it was too weird to tell anyone about it. I fell back on the pillows, not knowing what to do with myself. 

Should I tell Cat...or not? 

I decided to just shake it off and wait until the time was right. I laughed and nodded, and Grey handed me a bag of McDonald's. Hamburgers and fries, my favorite! 

"Hey Grey? Do you know when Cat's gonna come back? Like, to visit me?" I asked. Grey laughed and said, "Not sure, kid. You can text her and ask yourself. I'm not a mind reader."

I laughed, pulling out my phone and texting Cat. I hoped she didn't see me as a total weirdo after what just happened. 

"Well, Matilda. What exactly happened in that dream?" Grey asked. I sighed, trying to get the story straight. "A lot." I said. "Just...a lot." Grey nodded and then left. "I'm gonna go get some food for myself."

Once he closed the door behind him, I flopped back on the pillows, thinking about that dream. 

What it even was, I had no idea. But one part of it came true. I got adopted.

I just need to figure out the story about the rest of it.

AN: Super short chapter, but I needed to write this plot twist. This came to me literally 15 minutes before writing this chapter. And no, this is not the end of the book, I can't be ending two of my books in the same weekend. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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