Chapter 12: " I like you."

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   " Marriage?! Are you out of your mind, Daeshim?!" Sora yelled. She thought things couldn't get any worse.

   " Don't you fucking yell at me." Daeshim said sternly. " You don't get that this is exactly what we need for our plan."

   Sora rolled her eyes at the words 'our plan'. Ever since Daeshim came up with Project Cleanse, this has always been his plan. She never got voice her opinion, and whenever she did, she was harshly shut down.

   " You do miss Minyeon, right? Don't you want revenge for the people that made her life hell?" Sora froze at the mentioning of her their little sister.

   While Sora and Daeshim were little, along with their younger sister Minyeon and older brother Arthur, they had everything they wanted. They had good looks, popularity, smarts, and riches. But of course, everything comes with a catch.

Due to their father's big influence over Korea, the Kim family had to be perfect, and to be perfect each child had to fit into a role.

Being the elder son, Arthur was the charming athletic one, he was popular with girls. Daeshim was the one with the brains. Sora, being the eldest daughter, was the pretty one. As for Minyeon, she was the shy, submissive, little sister.

Everyone played their roles to a tee. All except one.

Minyeon didn't understand why her family had pretend to be people they weren't. Not to mention because of the role she was given, she was a big target for very harsh bullying.

She never spoke about her harassment because she knew everyone would tell her to deal with it because of the reputation they have to uphold. So the bullying continued.

   At this point Minyeon's mental health has only gotten worse,  what used to be harsh teasing and insults had turned into physical torment. Cuts and bruises could be seen all over her body. But with all that was going on, Minyeon still kept quiet.

   It would be until her senior year of high school when she thought she had finally found peace with her boyfriend. Minyeon would soon learn that idea to be a bust when he leaked naked pictures of her.

   After that Minyeon snapped.


   " Just...w-why would she do something like this?" Sora cried into Arthur's shirt, who was also on the verge of tears.

   It was understandable, their sister did die after all.

   It all happened so quick. It went from Minyeon arguing with her parent about the leaked pictures, to her making the final decision to jump off the Busan Harbor bridge.

   And now they were here at her funeral.

  " I don't know." Arthur responded hugging Sora tightly.

   When the rest of Kim children received the news of Minyeon's death, they were absolutely devastated. They couldn't wrap their head around why their little sister would do something as horrible as suicide.

   Sora felt especially responsible for Minyeon's death. The two females were always very close and told each other everything. As her older sister, Sora felt obligated to be there for her sister.

   And she wasn't when she needed her most.

" It's not your fault, Sora." Arthur said, seemingly read his sister's mind.

" But it is my fault, Arthur! I was her older sister! I was supposed to be there for her! And I wasn't when she needed me most!" Sora exclaimed.

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