Chapter 23: " Its Quiet Uptown"

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" Hobi, why are you nervous?" Yoongi asked as they sat in a cafe booth, waiting for Yoongi's parents.

" How can I not be nervous?! These are your parents, I want to make a good impression!" Hoseok responded, straightening his hair and clothes. Yoongi just shook his head.

Yoongi had no idea why his parents wanted to meet with him. They did disown him after all. Called him of freak of nature. To be frank, Yoongi never wanted to meet them, but he was swayed by Hoseok's pure heart.

" Yoongi..." Said male immediately recognized the sound of his mother's voice. Hoseok could feel his boyfriend tense up beside him, so he held Yoongi's hand to calm him down.

" Mother." Yoongi said curtly as his mother sat down.

" And you are? I thought I said this was a family matter." She said bitterly, glaring at Hoseok who now felt small.

" This is my boyfriend, Hoseok. I've been staying with him ever since father kicked me out. He's important to me, so he stays." Yoongi responded, leaving no room for arguments.

" Anyway, I have some news...regarding your father." Yoongi's mother said, looking down. Yoongi could notice the tears falling from her eyes.

" Mother. Is eveything okay?" He asked, that's when Ms. Min shook her head.

" Your father, he's...dead." Both Yoongi and Hoseok froze.

" W-What?"

" About a month after you left, h-he h-had a fatal heart attack. His funeral is this Saturday...and I want you to come." Ms. Min responded. " I also...wanted to give you this." She said as she slipped a envelope across the table.

" What's in it?" Yoongi asked as he opened it. He was shocked to see a check for a billion won!

" Look, I'm still not comfortable with the fact that you're gay, but you are my only son and I still care about you. This billion won is what you were entitled. Now, good day." Ms. Min explained before getting up and leaving the cafe.

" Wow. Are you okay, Yoongi? That's was a lot of info to absorb." Hoseok said, sounding concerned.

" I-I'm fine. I just...can't believe he's gone. And all I'm left with was money. No happy memories...just fucking money!" Yoongi responded, sounding upset as he slammed the billion won check on the table.

" Yoonie..."

" I mean...when your parent dies, you're supposed to feel something. Sadness, Sorrow, guilt! But I don't feel anything! My fathers dead! No tears, no anything! He's gone and never coming back! Nothing!" Yoongi yelled, sounding frazzled. Hoseok just wrapped his arms around his boyfriend calming him down.

" Seok, what if...what if I'm going numb? I should feel horrible, but I don't. I want to feel horrible, but I can't. I don't feel anything and I'm terrified." Yoongi said, voice barley above a whisper.

" Listen, there's no right or wrong way to grieve. Just because you don't feel anything, that's okay. The fact you feel bad for feeling anything, proves that you still feel something." Hoseok said, kissing Yoongi's head.

" You're right. Thank you, Hobi."

" Anytime, Yoonie.

" As of April 26, 2021, I declare that Kim Dae-Hee guilty of the attempted murder of his own son, Kim Taehyung." The judge declared, slamming his gavel onto the table.

Murmurs could be heard all around the courtroom as Namjoon, Jungkook, Sumiyeon, Taehyung, and Sora all walked out. Before the group could even leave the building, they- Mainly Namjoon- was bombarded by the press.

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