Chapter 18: " Graduation"

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Due to the rules of Seoul Junior Academy, students were now required to return back to school, but they are still getting New Year's Eve and Day off. But that was the last thing Seniors were worrying about though.

They were too busy worrying about Graduation and college applications. And this worry didn't pass over Jungkook and his friends.

" Jungkook, what college are you going to apply to?" Jimin asked as they were eating lunch. They still had no idea about his and Namjoon's situation. He wanted to vent to them, but he still felt weird talking about it, like it was just Namjoon's situation.

" No idea. I haven't even looked at schools yet." Jungkook responded, it wasn't exactly a lie. He'd just been really busy.

" Well, you need to start looking, Kook. For me, I want to go to Busan School of The Arts!" Hoseok gushed. That had been his dream school since forever, he wanted to be famous dancer.

" Wow, really?! I wanna go there too!" Jimin beamed, Jungkook rolled his eyes as his friends squealed in excitement.

Jungkook hasn't really been thinking about his future. Ever since school started he had been by Namjoon's side, helping him. But since Namjoon forbid him from helping with anything, he needs something to take his mind off things.

Before he had been dating Namjoon, Jungkook had really been into art and painting. He has a bunch of old pantings and canvases. His teachers and friends had told him he was really talented, so he always thought that was the way to go for his career. Maybe he could go to an art school?

" Hey, does Busan School of the Arts have and Artist program, for like painting and stuff?" Jungkook asks shyly. 

" Uh, I'm not sure, but they probably do. It is a school for the arts after all." Hoseok responded. At that moment Jimin's eyes lit up.

" Maybe we could all go to school together!" Jimin squealed. You could also see Hoseok do some excited jumps in his seat.

" Okay, new best friends goal: Get in to the same school!" Hoseok stated, voice full of determination as all the males nodded in agreement.

This time away from Namjoon is perfect timing to think about Jungkook's future.

" C'mon Taehyung, it won't be that bad." Namjoon said as he pulled Taehyung towards the address that Sora gave them, which was coincidentally her home.

" Well, kill me for being a little skeptical about going to a random woman's house! I don't even know why we're here!" Taehyung defended, Namjoon sighed as he knocked on Sora's door.

She answered the door, looking pretty casual. Her hair was tied up in a low bun, she had a sweater on over a white tank top and joggers. When Namjoon and Taehyung her house it was what could be expected, though it was small, it was cozy, perfect for one person.

" Good! You came! And with your brother too, great!" Sora said, clasping her hands together. " Do you guys need any water or tea?" Both male's shook their heads as they sat on the couch.

" Sumiyeon? You're here already?" Namjoon asked, surprised to see Sumiyeon sitting on Sora's couch.

" Yeah, Sora is my aunt so I just decided to spend the night." Sumiyeon responded before Sora cleared her throat.

" Ok, let's down to business! We need a plan of action! How are we going to do this? Any plans?" Sora asked as Namjoon slid his phone across the table. Taehyung just sat there, confused. Namjoon didn't inform Taehyung of what they were planning to do, because he knew that Taehyung would never agree to it.

" I have a voice recording of my father, if that's any help." Namjoon said as Sora listened to the recording.

" That's good, but if we do choose to use the blackmail method, we will need more recordings to get leverage on him. But that's a good step toward where we're going!" Sora said cheerfully.

" Good! But what about my father?" Sumiyeon asked, looking down.

" Of course we'll have to expose him too, but let's just focus on one thing at a time. We have our plan for right now and that's all that matters." Sora responded as everyone nodded.

" What's wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?" Namjoon asked as they left Sora's house.

" So you're not going to explain to me what I just sat through?! You can't just leave me in the dark like that Namjoon!" Taehyung yelled angrily. How could Namjoon let him just sit there, confused.

" I'm sorry! I'm just...trying to figure things out." Namjoon responded, sounding dejected.

" What is it?" Taehyung asked, calming down a bit.

" I want to leave the family and take you with me." Namjoon confessed, Taehyung froze.

" Wh-What? Why?"

" Because, Father is planning to do something to you, something bad, really bad, and over my dead body will he hurt my brother." Namjoon exclaimed. Taehyung couldn't help but feel something at Namjoon's words.

It was hope that Namjoon cared about him after all.

" Remind me to thank Hoseok and his family for letting me come over. Where is Hoseok by the way?" Jin said as he walked into Hoseok and Yoongi's room.

" With his friends, he said it would be better if we just have one on one time." Yoongi responded as Jin nodded.

" Okay, so I take it you hand another nightmare?" Jin asked, going into psychology mode.

" Y-Yeah." Yoongi responded, trying to think about it.

" So, how did this one make you feel compared to the others?" Dammit.

" Well, in all the other ones, I would be abandoned by my family, but I still had Hoseok, Y'know? But this one...I had to watch powerlessly as he gets taken away from me." Yoongi explained picking his nails, a new anxiety tic he picked up. Jin noticed.

" I can see your picking your nails, does talking about this make you nervous?" Jin asked in a soothing voice as Yoongi nodded.

" Why does it make you nervous, Yoongi?" He asked again.

" B-Because...I-I'm scared, what if I get hit again? D-Don't hit me!" Yoongi as he curled into a ball on the bed, Jin's heart broke at the sight.

" Yoongi, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." Jin soothed, wrapping his arms around his cousin, now in comforting his family mode.

This is what exactly why Jin wanted to become a psychologist. He wanted to help broken people fix themselves, or at least help find comfort away from the chaos and poison. Mental health matters, now more than ever, and he just wanted to help people the best he could. This summer he even started a internship at a clinic for troubled teens with mental health issues. He wanted to learn how he could make a difference in the next generation.

" Yoongi, you might not like this, but...I think you might need professional help. I can't help you the way you need and the way your coping with things isn't healthy. I know Hoseok would probably tell you the same thing." Jin said as Yoongi finally stopped shaking with fear.

" But what if people think I'm weak?" Yoongi asked softly.

" Asking for help doesn't make you weak, it makes you human, Yoongs." Jin responded wrapping his arms tightly around Yoongi.

Jin was really the best cousin you could ask for.

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