Chapter 2: "The Perfect Year"

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Taehyung's body was sore when he woke up. He had a rough night. He yawns and rubs his eyes, still tired from lack of sleep. He could clearly hear the commotion downstairs, meaning he got up late. He groaned in annoyance. How can he forget about the beginning of senior year!? He slowly begins getting ready, even though he doesn't feel like moving.

" Jang-mi! Where is Taehyung! He was supposed to be down here ages ago!" Dae- Hee yelled at his wife. Jang-mi was making her coffee, something that was critical to her morning routine. She simply shrugged her shoulders, too tired to speak right at that moment.

" I'm right here." Taehyung said, glaring at his father. He overheard his father yell at his mother, and he was pissed. Taehyung was already in a bad mood, and his father was making it worse.

" What the hell to you so long?! Your going to be late!" Dae-Hee exclaimed. Taehyung just ignored it and went into where Namjoon was sitting and waiting. Taehyung sat down on the couch, farthest away from Namjoon.

As you probably guessed, Namjoon and Taehyung don't have the best relationship. When they were younger the two brother were really close. They told each other everything, it was them against the world. Taehyung admired his older brother for his smarts. Namjoon secretly admired Taehyung for his confidence and his good heart. Everything was great! Until...Taehyung was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. After that everything changed, when Taehyung's episodes got worse and worse, so did their relationship. Not to mention, Dae-Hee's liking towards Namjoon played a big part in the rift in their relationship. After that the two brothers drifted apart.

" Are you ready?" Namjoon asked holding his keys. Yep, Namjoon has his own car. Taehyung nodded, and they both went to the door, tells their parents goodbye before leaving.

" Are you boys excited?" Chaewon, Jungkook's mother, asks. She's driving Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok to school. Their parents were always alternating between carpooling duties, today just happened to be Chaewon's turn.

" Yeah! I've never been so ready to kick school's butt!" Jimin yelled, making his peers laugh. Jung-kook was also grateful Jimin censored himself while speaking, he could be a loose cannon when it comes to talking.

" I'm little more skeptical this year." Hoseok said , Jimin and Jungkook look confused.

" Why is that?" Jungkook asked, curious.

" I heard that Principal Kang left, and we will be meeting the new one today." Hoseok explains, the younger males eyes widen. Principal Kang is gone?! He was one of the best people the boys have ever met , he had a kind heart, and devoted everything he had to the school. Kang Min-Jun was the purest of souls. He wouldn't just leave his students.

" Well, do you know why he left?" Jungkook asked, curious. He knows what kind of person Kang was, he wanted to know why Kang would leave so abruptly.

" I don't know, you know faculty doesn't disclose that kind of information. I just hope that the new principal isn't horrible." Hoseok responded, Jungkook and Jimin both nod in agreement to Hoseok's last statement. Chaewon shook her head.

" Sounds suspicious to me." She said, Jungkook made a confused look. Chaewon may be old, but she had a gut instinct so accurate it was scary. And her gut was telling her that Kang didn't just leave. At least not on his own volition.

" What do you mean, Ms. C?" Jimin asked, the others nodding, also wanting to know what Chaewon meant.

" I mean, you all knew the kind of person Kang was. I'm just saying that it's a bit out his character to just leave. Especially without a formal goodbye." The women explained.

The three boys started to process what Chaewon was saying. They had to admit that she had a point. It wasn't like Principal Kang to do something like this. At least not so abruptly. Maybe it was an emergency, something so sudden that it was too late to say goodbye. While the three were thinking, Chaewon had made it to the school

" Don't dwell on what I said too much, just focus on having a good year okay?" Jungkook's mother asked, starting to regret bringing anything up. Her and her big mouth. They all nodded as they exited the car, but Hoseok was stopped by Chaewon on the way out.

" Look, I know your a little more skeptical than the others, just be careful and if you see something, say something." She explained in a hushed tone.

" Okay Ms. C, I will."

" May all students take a seat in the auditorium, it will be greatly appreciated ." One of the faculty member said as students began entering the school. They would usually just go to their classes, but the new principal wanted to get everyone together to formally introduce himself.

" Wait, I thought we just go straight to classes?" Yoongi questioned, not aware of the reasoning behind the change of events.

" You haven't heard? Principal Kang left. I think we are going to meet the new one today." Seokjin explained, Yoongi nodding slowly. Suk-Ja was part of the school was part of the PTA. There, the parents were told the news a new principal coming. It was abrupt and some parents were upset, but in the end there was nothing they could do.

When the two boys enter the auditorium it was filled to the brim with chairs since there were over a thousand of students. There were still some teachers setting up the podium and microphone the new principal would used. While Yoongi was looking for a seat his heart stopped. There he was, about two rows from where there were standing Jung Hoseok was sitting in a seat with his two friends. He became even more excited when he realized there were two free seats beside Hoseok.

" What about over there?" Yoongi asked, one the outside he was trying to be cool, but on the inside he was really nervous. He needs Jin to say yes. Seokjin says yes, and Yoongi did a eternal backflip.

As everyone sat down the chatter was quieted down as a tall, long black haired man, with glasses, and wearing a navy blue suit took the stage. He looked like he was in his mid thirties. As soon a the room is silent the man begins speaking.

" Hello students of Seoul Junior Academy. My name is Kim Daeshim. As you may know former principal Kang has stepped down, and as of today I will be your new principal. I know some of you may have your suspicions about my qualifications as a leader, but I assure you I will lead you all into prosperous lives as adults. If there are any bumps in the road I will flatten them to the ground! I will purge this school of it's sins, and make it the best school in Seoul!" Daeshim said before taking a breath, some of things he said sitting with some students the wrong way.

" Students, I believe this will be the perfect year."

A/n~ sooo....what do you think of the new principal

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