Chapter 8: " Euphoria"

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How would you describe love? Hoseok would describe it as something that a certain someone makes you feel. When your with them, you feel as if nothing else matters, you have this euphoric in your heart. When you touch them you don't feel butterflies, you feel airplanes. When you look into their eyes you see entire galaxies. Everything just feels...right.

Hoseok would know. He is in love with Min Yoongi after all. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. The day he fell for him. It was a regular Biology class during sophomore year when suddenly a short mint haired boy sat beside him. Hoseok immediately thought that Yoongi was adorable. With the smooth porcelain skin, his button nose, and cat like eyes, Hoseok couldn't keep his eyes off him. It was like a magnet that kept Hoseok's eyes glued.

For Yoongi though, it was a bit different. He wasn't one to develop feelings just by looking at someone. For him, he had to talk to the person and have some kind of relationship with them, and since Hoseok was a stranger to him, Yoongi didn't feel anything.

Until the infamous partner project.

You were required to partner up with someone and research a certain animal and write an essay and make a presentation. The shorter male chose Hoseok since he really didn't know anyone else.

Best decision of Yoongi's life.

When Yoongi would talk with Hoseok, all his anxieties and worries would melt away and Yoongi would feel happier. It was like Hoseok had this sunny aura around him that made the mint haired male feel weirdly at home.

Soon enough though, Yoongi would start to notice Hoseok looks. To be frank, Yoongi thought the taller male was sexy as hell despite his innocent heart shaped smile. Yoongi could tell that under that innocent persona, there was a dominating beast in there.

" We should be safe up here." Yoongi said as they walked onto the school rooftop. Yoongi often came up here to clear his mind. Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows at Yoongi's statement.

" It was some guy. You're acting like we're running from a killer hit man." The orange haired male chuckled. Though, he wasn't expecting that behavior from Jaehyun, he wasn't scared.

" I know, I just...panicked. I didn't want him to find you and try to hurt you again." Yoongi confessed. He didn't know why but when it came to Hoseok, he didn't think clearly. Normal Yoongi would've just defended the person and kept it at that. But this Yoongi decided to take his crush to the school rooftop, where they'd be alone.

The two boys sat by each other on the rocky gravel. Hoseok would occasionally stare at Yoongi while the latter wasn't looking. He would never get tired of looking at Yoongi.

" I can feel you basically eye-fucking me." The smaller male said still looking forward, making Hoseok laugh. His laugh was music to Yoongi's ears. Hoseok thought of something as they went back into a comfortable silence.

" Yoongi?" The blonde haired male looked up as Hoseok called his name.

" Yeah?" Yoongi responded, trying not to sound awestruck by the taller males beauty.

" Why'd you do it? Why did you defend me back there?" Hoseok asked. No ones ever done something like for him before. So he wanted to know why Yoongi suddenly would.

" Honestly, I don't know why. When it comes to you...I think more with my heart than my head." Yoongi replies, blushing a little.

For the next few moment the two boys just stared at each other. They were becoming lost in each other's eyes. It wasn't their fault, they were helplessly in love with each other. Looking at each other was like being put under a spell. Hoseok was pulled in with Yoongi's adorableness and funny personality. Yoongi was pulled in because of Hoseok's sunny aura and seemingly innocent personality.

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