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"You called for me father?" Arthur walked into Dongsung's office nervous and on guard.

"Yes." He sighs before gesturing to the chair in front of him. "Take a seat son."

He does as he's told. "Son, I've been hearing some...concerning things about you."

Arthur tenses. "What things?"

"There have been rumors going around that you're a gay. Is that true?" Dongsung got straight to the point, not wasting any time.

Arthur immediately shook his head. "No, of course not."

"Good, I figured as much." Dongsung smiles before sighing again. "But your mother and I have been discussing it and we've decided to do something to help kill this slander."

Arthur didn't understand what his father meant until another two people walked through the study's doors. An older looking man and teenage girl.

"Father, what's going on?" He didn't want to believe what his brain was telling him. Surely...

"Arthur, I want to make sure that you are secure. These...rumors about you have to be taken care of." No, this seriously can't be happening.

"Son, this is Choi Yoojin, her father and I have made arrangement for the two of you. After graduation you two are to be married." No. Arthur couldn't speak or move.

He couldn't believe what his father was doing. All because there were rumors of him being gay? It doesn't matter if the rumors were true or not.


"I'm only doing what's best for you. This...this is good for all of us, especially you."

"How is this good for me?!" Arthur snapped, not caring about the other people in the room. "This is arranged! I don't love her!"

"Watch your tone Arthur." Dongsung stood up from his seat menacingly. "This arrangment is to help you. We don't need people thinking your gay!"

"And what if I am?!" Arthur regretted the words that came out of his mouth as soon as he said them.

"The hell did you say, boy?" Song sung stood up from his seat. Arthur gulped. He was scared but surely his father would hurt him in front of guests.

"N-Nothing father. I'm sorry for speaking out of line."


"I don't understand, Minyeon. Why would you do something like that? Everyone is talking about you, you know. Daeshim and I are trying to deflect the rumors the best we can but it's hard when everyone saw you!" Sora ranted as she finally got home to see Minyeon in her room by herself.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Just..." Sora sighs, not able to find the words. "I just don't understand why you're with Chen in the first place."

"He likes me." The words sounded wrong coming out of Minyeon's mouth. She knew it wasn't really true like she wanted to believe.

"Just because she likes you doesn't mean that you have to be with him." Sora shook her head. "I wish you would understand that."

Sora leaves the room, leaving Minyeon alone with her thoughts. Sora was right. I'm an idiot. A stupid slut. She knew her thoughts were being amplified by irrational thinking, that's why she felt so depressed in the first place. She knew that her brain were making these thoughts and she could stop them. She was helpless. To her, it felt like she was going insane in her own head.

She just wanted the thoughts to stop.

And there was only one way she knew how to do that.

She made the walk towards her bathroom. It was almost routine at this point. She found the blade to her skin with no problem. She barely flinched. It hurt. It hurt enough for it to distract her. That's what she wanted, she wanted to focus on something else for a while. She knew it was wrong but she didn't know how else to feel something other than pain.

The mentally exhausting pain.

"What the fuck, Chen!" Arthur pushed the boy against the lockers, furious. "Why the fuck would you pull that stunt with Minyeon!?"

"Calm down, Kim. I didn't pull anything." Chen calmly pushed Arthur away. "We simply got caught."


"Believe what you want." Chen chuckled. "Not like you could do anything. Don't want you secret to be exposed, right?"

Fuck. "Fine. Just don't let that shit happen again, alright?"

"Of course."

"What was that?" Hoshi asked, noticing Arthur's tense demeanor.

"Nothing. Just Chen being full of shit."

"What's new? I'm surprised you're letting him date Minyeon." Hoshi commented, laughing as he packed his things from practice. "Anyway, what to hang where we were last time?"

Arthur smiled to himself. "Yeah."

He really liked Hoshi. For Arthur, Hoshi was the only person in his life that truly understood him. Sure, Hoshi didn't know everything about him, but their friendship was still great. They were each other's anchor. Each others safe space.

They were friends. At least for Hoshi they were.

For Arthur it was something else. He felt something else for Hoshi. Something more than just friendship. He wanted to be Hoshi's number one person. His boyfriend. There was no point in denying it anymore. After what Dongsung pulled with that girl Yoojin, he no longer wanted to keep that part of himself hidden.

"I heard about your proposal." Hoshi broke the silence. "How's that?"

"Fucked up. I don't know or like her." Arthur responded.

"I'm sorry your going through that, man. Can't imagine going through with that shit." Hoshi took out a cigarette, puffing the smoke out into the air.

"What can I do?"

"Tell your father to fuck off. Run away. Something." Hoshi suggested. "Don't let him control you."

Arthur thought for a second before responding. "If I run away...would you come with me?"

Hoshi laughed. "You serious? You wanna run away together?"

"Yeah. I can save some money then after graduation we can leave this shit behind." Arthur smiled, hoping his best friend would agree.

"You know what? Fuck it. Let's do it."

"I told you to look after her."

"I tried my best father. I have things to do as well." Sora tried to reason with her angry father. "Besides, Minyeon isn't a child."

"Do you understand what this kind of stunt does to our reputation? I had to practically beg on my knees to keep the Chois from pulling out of the proposal!" Dongsung stood up from his desk. "You need to take responsibility."

"Fine. What do you suggest I do then, huh?" Sora was starting to get frustrated. "Everyone saw what happened."

"Just fix it." Dongsung walked towards his daughter, caressing her face with his fingers.

"Or face the consequences."

A/N: Finally updating this again. Been a while, huh. Yeah school has been something else so I haven't been able to update as much as I would like to. But despite that I will try my best. Sorry for the long wait.

P.S: it's so sad to write Arthur and Hoshi bc we know they don't end up together 😔

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