Chapter 7: " The Photography Wizard"

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" This was all the information I could find on Kim Taehyung, just like you asked" Sora said as she walked into her brothers office with a stack of papers that Daeshim didn't hesitate to snatch.

She was asked by Daeshim to collect everything she could find on Taehyung. She didn't know the reasoning behind his request, but she went with it anyway because she didn't feel like arguing.

" Thank you. Getting rid of this student is our main concern right now." Daeshim said, eyeing the papers. Sora looked at her brother, worried as usual.

" What are planning to do exactly?" Sora asked with her arms crossed.

"I don't think it is necessary that we have to disclose that information to you." Sora jumped, startled by Chai's voice. Sora glares at Chai as she gets herself. Damn that creepy kid.

As Sora leaves Daeshim's office, a million thoughts run through her head. What was Daeshim's plan? Why did he need Kim Taehyung's information? What was he going to do to him?

However there was one thought that dominated them all...

How was she going to figure out what her brother was up to?

To say that Taehyung was surprised was an understatement. He wasn't expecting Jimin to invite him to hang out after school. Taehyung was usually the person people ignored or bullied, this was the first time someone actually bothered to include him in anything. So he didn't hesitate to yes to Jimin's invite.

" I'm really glad you agreed to hang out! I thought it may be a good idea to get to know each other!" Jimin said cheerfully, not being able to contain his excitement. You would be too if you were going to hang out alone with your crush!

Taehyung couldn't help but blush at the elder's words as they walk onto the parking lot. No one's actually taken the time to get to know Taehyung, not even his parents, they only saw him as a inconvenience.

Jimin saw him as a friend, and for some reason, Taehyung's heart warmed at the thought.

" Sorry about the long walk, I don't have a car." Jimin says as they settle down in his room. Unlike his friends, Jimin's family suffered a little more financially. Jimin's house was small, but a perfect fit for just Jimin and his mother. He didn't have his own car, but that was fine with him. He enjoyed walking, it cleared his mind.

" It's fine. Where are your parents?" Taehyung asked, noticing the lack of adults in the elder's home.

" My mom's just working late at Seoul General Hospital." Jimin explained, frowning a little. He wished his mother could be home more often, but with their financial situation she needed to work as much as she could.

And his father? Well, Jimin couldn't tell you where his father was.

" Okay I'll start, my name is Park Jimin. My hobbies are dancing and singing, and my biggest dream is to be a famous dancer. Oh, and my birthday is October 13th! Now it's your turn!" Jimin chirped before looking back at Taehyung, waiting for a response.

" Well, my name is Kim Taehyung, my birthday is December 30th, my hobby is Photography, and my biggest dream is to travel the world taking pictures of the prettiest sceneries." Taehyung responded as Jimin smiled. Jimin didn't know why Taehyung was so comfortable with sharing this information, but he wasn't complaining. He wanted nothing more that his crush to be comfortable.

And to be honest, Taehyung didn't know either. It was something about Jimin that made the younger more comfortable and relax. He hadn't even told anyone about his long time hobby. Taehyung knew his parents would just call it a waste of time. That's why he didn't have a proper camera, he always used his phone camera. Although it wasn't quite what he wanted, he was going to have to settle for it. There was no way his parents would buy him a proper camera.

" That's so cool! I'm no good at taking pictures. I usually have my friends do it for me." Jimin chuckled. Every time he tried his hands would shake and he could never find the perfect angle.

" Ah, you can't be that bad. Show me what you mean." Taehyung responded.

As Jimin was fetching his phone Taehyung looked around the orange-haired boys room. It was small but comfy. His bed was comfortable, it felt like a cloud. Taehyung continued to look around until he spotted something on the elder's dresser.

" What's that trophy for?" Taehyung asked, making Jimin snap up from setting up his phone camera.

" Oh, that's the first dance trophy I ever got! I was so excited! But then I got worried about loosing my skills, so I left that studio to practice my dancing." Jimin explained, smiling. He could remember that day vividly.

" I think you should try to take a picture of that trophy." Taehyung said, making Jimin raise an eyebrow.

" Why?" Jimin asked, confused.

" Because, it seems important to you, something that impacted who you are. The first step to taking a good picture is to find a good subject." The younger explained, making Jimin nod in understanding.

As Jimin aimed towards his dance trophy, Taehyung immediately noticed it.

" Oh, you're a shaker. Just focus on your subject and everything else will come naturally." Taehyung said soothingly, making Jimin shake slightly less.

Taehyung could've sworn that something had possessed him when he held his hands in Jimin's hands in order to stop the shaking and help the elder focus. But, he couldn't deny how soft and warm the orange-haired male's hands were. He could hold them for hours.

Jimin felt his heart skip a beat when he felt warm welcoming feeling of Taehyung's hands on his, something he'd been imagining for a while. That's why he couldn't stop the blush forming on his cheeks. This was something that the orange-haired male dreamed of.


The sound the of the phones camera shutter snaps both males back into reality, making Taehyung quickly removes his hands from Jimin's. This makes both males secretly wince at the lack of contact.

As Jimin looks at the photo his eyes widen. It looked perfect. The angle was just right, the lighting was perfect, and the photo didn't even look blurry!

" Wow, Tae! You're a photography wizard!" Jimin cheered, taking the brown haired male into his arms, not caring about how weird it may seem to the younger. Taehyung laughed at the nickname, feeling more relaxed and happy than he ever did in years.

Jungkook was suddenly a distant memory.

OoOOoO 👁👄👁

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