P2: Chapter Nine: "Soap"

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( Prior to Namjoon leaving the house for Busan)

" You're going to what?!" Katherine yelled. For the first time, Namjoon saw Katherine's fear. " You can't, the contract last for five years!"

" You heard me, I'm breaking the contract and suing all of you for what you put me through. Especially you, Katherine." Namjoon spat, venom laced in his tone.

" But what about Jungkook?! I'll kill him if you try to leave!" Katherine screamed.

" I'll die before I let you lay a finger on Jungkook, you bitch." Namjoon said before walking out the door without another word.

" Namjoon?" Sumiyeon said, sounding surprised. She had lost contact with Namjoon a long time ago. " What are you doing here?"

" Hey, Sumiyeon. I didn't mean to come here unannounced, but I need your help. Legal wise." Namjoon explained, making Sumiyeon perk up her ears.

" What kind of legal emergency are we talking about?" Sumiyeon asked, letting Chaeyoung hang back with her other mother, Moon.

" It's complicated. My father looped me into a contract." Namjoon said, Sumiyeon's eyebrows furrowed.

" What kind of contract? Do you have a copy of it?" She asked as Namjoon nodded, handing her the file.

" The agreement was that I would become CEO of Kim Pharmaceuticals for five years and marry Lee Katherine during the same time frame." Namjoon explained as Sumiyeon read Daehee's contract. " What I want to do is break out of this contract and divorce from Lee Katherine. Is there anything you can do to help me?"

Sumiyeon sighed. " Well, this contract seems airtight. However, there is no clause in this stating that you can't divorce Katherine."

" Meaning?" Namjoon asked.

" Meaning that this is our first step. Divorcing Katherine is our first step to you breaking free." Sumiyeon said.

" That's great! But I also have one more favor, if you don't mind." Namjoon said, sounding hopeful. " Will you be my attorney? I can't find anyone else that's good for the job."

" I don't know, Namjoon. Going back to Seoul...it harbors bad memories for Moon and I." Sumiyeon said, making Namjoon sigh in disappointment. " But I do have someone who might be able to help you."

" Hello there, Kim. Long time no see, huh?" Jaehyun smirked when he saw Namjoon walk into his office. Namjoon was now back in Seoul after Sumiyeon gave him her address to her law office in Seoul. What Namjoon wasn't expecting, was Jaehyun sitting at the bosses desk.

" Likewise Jaehyun, wasn't expecting you to be here." Namjoon said, chuckling.

" Crazy right? Anyway, I heard you have quite the dilemma with out parents?" Jaehyun asked, looking at the file that Sumiyeon provided. " Not to mention you also want to divorce your wife?"

" Yes, that's true. Sumiyeon said there was no clause in the contract that stated that I couldn't divorce Katherine so I'm using that to my advantage." Namjoon explained, sitting down.

" Makes sense, but to win a divorce settlement you do need evidence." Jaehyun explained. " It says here that Katherine drugged and forced you to have sexual intercourse. Do you have evidence? Marks? Bruises? The file also says that she threatened a friend of yours? Do you have recorded evidence?"

" No, I don't." Namjoon sighed, sounding disappointed. " Is there anything else I can use against her?"

" Well, apart from her verbally admitting to these claims, you can keep tabs on her. Record conversations. If you look through her bank statements you may be able to find when she purchase the paralytic to drug you. Call me if you need anything." Jaehyun said. Namjoon nodded, taking in all the information.

" Thank you. Now I know exactly what I need to do."

" So he really just stayed silent?" Jimin asked as he rubbed the back of a devastated Jungkook. Taehyung was also there, pissed at his brother's actions.

" Y-Yes. I asked him if he loved me and he just fucking stood there!" Jungkook cried. "I thought he loved me."

" I'm sure he does, Kook. Maybe there's something going on. Namjoon doesn't seem like the type of person to just leave you." Jimin said. He just couldn't just shake the feeling that something fishy going on.

" What are you saying?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jimin with a confused expression.

" Katherine." Jungkook deadpanned. " It's Katherine fault we're still apart. She's doing something so Namjoon won't be with me."

" But that doesn't make any sense, Katherine didn't mind you two being together, did she?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook just shrugged his shoulders.

" I don't know. It could've all been an act." Jungkook said, voice barely above a whisper.

" But then why would she let you two try to rekindle your relationship? I don't get it." Taehyung asked himself. "We have to talk to Namjoon to get answers."

" You two can go. I'm not up to seeing Namjoon right now. Even if this is not his fault...the fact he stayed silent..."

" We understand, Jungkook." Jimin said soothingly. But suddenly they three males heard a knock on their door. Taehyung went to answer it, he was surprised to see a little white package sitting on their porch.

" Jimin, have you ordered anything recently?" Taehyung asked, to which Jimin shook his head. He hesitantly brought it inside. Jungkook took it from Taehyung, sitting it on his lap. That's when they all noticed it was addressed to...Jungkook?

" I don't have a good feeling about this, Tae." Jimin whispered as he pulled his boyfriend to the side. " How come a random package comes to our door with Jungkook's name on it? Jungkook doesn't even live here!"

" Maybe it some sort of coincidence-" Both men stopped their conversation when they heard Jungkook shriek in horror and something be slammed down to the floor.

" What...oh no." Taehyung said as he picked up what Jungkook had slammed to the ground. Jimin quickly rushed by his side.

It was a pregnancy test.

A positive pregnancy test.

" That bitch! I knew something was wrong with her!" Jimin yelled.

But Jungkook didn't bother to listen. He just sat there shocked and numb, thinking about what he could've possibly done to deserve this torture. All he wanted was to be with Namjoon, the love of his life. He just wanted to be happy. Was that to much to ask? Was his request so selfish to the point where he had to suffer this much?

Maybe this was a sign. Maybe he and Namjoon shouldn't be together. Maybe this was the universe's way of telling him that he should just move on like he tried to do so many years ago. That was the only explanation that Jungkook could come up with right now. He was just so tired.

Tired of fighting. Tired of arguing. Tired of going back and forth. He was a young adult, his birthday was coming up soon. Not to mention that one of his closest friends were getting married. This was Jungkook's time to truly be free and happy. But he couldn't do that if he was constantly competing for Namjoon.

" We have to do something! We can't let Katherine get away with this!" Jimin exclaimed, pacing back and fourth.


" No? What do you mean no? Kook, I know your upset but you can't just give up on Namjoon." Jimin responded, his expression turning from anger to concern.

" Why can't I, huh?! I've been going at this stupid game for three fucking years! And I've lost every single fucking time! I'm tired! I'm supposed to be happy, working on my career, having fun! But what am I doing?! I'm fighting losing battle for someone I'll probably never have again!" Jungkook snapped, making the whole house turn silent.

" But you two love each other."

" Do we, Jimin? I know I love Namjoon, but I honestly don't know if he loves me. I just...I can't keep fighting like this anymore." Jungkook sighed sadly.

" So...are you really giving up on Namjoon?"

" Maybe I am."

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