Chapter 9: " Mine"

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" Chai, no matter how many times you ask, the answer is still no." Chai only grew more angry as Daeshim continued to shut him down for the umpteenth time.

You see, before the plan was revised, Chai was supposed to be student council President. He was supposed to lead this plan.

But then Namjoon had to come along and ruin everything.

And one of the things that Chai hated most was being cheated out of things he deserved.

" I just don't get it! What does he have that I don't!? I can manage the student council way better than Namjoon!" Chai yelled, he didn't understand why his uncle would choose some random student to take his place.

" You don't get it, making Namjoon President grants us multiple advantages! His parents run one of the biggest pharmaceutical businesses in Korea. His family has enough funds to make Project Cleanse an inevitable success." Daeshim explained. He didn't only take Namjoon because he was intelligent.

For Project Cleanse to work, there was one thing they needed. Money. And the Kim Family has tons of it.

" So what? He's rich? I'm rich! My family can provide funds!" Chai defended. Daeshim just rolled his eyes.

" You don't understand, Namjoon is not only part of a wealthy family, he's known around the school for being a reliable and intelligent student. We need him to make the school think we care!" Daeshim yelled, now angry.

And he didn't stop there.

" Unlike you! Not only do you have a low GPA, and are mean to you fellow students, you are irrational. If you're in charge of making decisions, our plan will crumble!" Chai was almost speechless. He didn't expect his own uncle go that far.

And although he was even a little hurt by his uncle's words, Chai didn't show it. He just let out a short calming breath, and left Daeshim's office.

" Whatever. Once I get my revenge Namjoon, Daeshim will never doubt me again." Chai said to himself as he walked down the hall.

Not realizing that a curious Taehyung was lurking around, who had heard everything.

" Awww, I'm so happy for you two! I'm actually pretty surprised that you could attract someone like Hoseok." Jin said as he, Yoongi, and Hoseok sat at the lunch table. Namjoon decided to skip lunch so he could write music in the library, and no one knew where Taehyung was. Jungkook and Jimin were still in line getting their lunches.

" What do you mean?" Yoongi asked, wondering what the purple haired boy meant.

" I mean, you guys are total opposites! Hoseok is loud and bright, while your dark and quiet." Jin explains.

That's when Yoongi and Hoseok thought about it. To be honest, Jin was right, they were complete opposites. Hoseok was a bright and loud extravert and Yoongi was quiet introvert. But despite all that, they still fell hopelessly in love with each other.

" Well, we all heard the saying opposites attract right?" Hoseok asked, intertwining his fingers with Yoongi's. Yoongi blushes at the interaction.

Across the cafeteria Jungkook walked with Jimin to their table, he looked around the cafeteria for Namjoon but couldn't find him anywhere. Although he wouldn't admit it, he was disappointed he couldn't the brown haired male.

" What's with the long face, Kookie?" Jimin asked, noticing Jungkook's face.

" I-It's nothing." Jungkook lies. There was no way that he was going to tell Jimin he was sad because the guy he had a crush on wasn't here. That would be asking to get made fun of.

" Wait..." Jimin said looking around the room. "Your upset because Namjoon isn't here, aren't you?! That's adorable!"

Jungkook stayed quiet as Jimin teased him. He kept looking towards the entrance of the cafeteria hoping that Namjoon would walk through those, be he never did.

Wait, why do I even miss him?! We only talked once! Jungkook thought to himself. He didn't get why he missed Namjoon so much. Maybe it was his smile and how Jungkook secretly wanted to poke his dimples, maybe it was his contagious laugh, or maybe it was the feeling that Namjoon gave him.

Well, it didn't matter...

It wasn't like Jungkook liked him anyway.

Whenever Namjoon would write music, it was like he was like he was in his own world. Where his anxiety and problems would melt away, and it would be just him and his lyric book.

It would also be a bittersweet act, he loved writing and making music with a passion, but he knew as soon as High School was over, he would have to throw it all away completely. He didn't want to of course, but with his father making him next in line for their company, it was his only choice.

" Why are you sitting in the corner by yourself?" Namjoon snapped his head up at the sound of Jungkook's voice, before smiling at him.

" So you're stalking me now?" Namjoon asked teasingly, causing Jungkook to blush.

" N-No! I-I just...didn't see you in the cafeteria, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

And I missed you like crazy.

" Awww, so you do actually care about me!" Namjoon responded with excitement.

" Don't get the wrong idea! It's not like I or anything!" Jungkook defended.

" I never said that, now did I?" Namjoon asked smugly.

" Ugh, you're such an idiot." Jungkook groaned, but he said jokingly enough so Namjoon wouldn't get offended. " So, what are you writing in that notebook?"

" Oh! Uh...just some notes from my honors biology class." Namjoon lies. Even though he liked Jungkook, he didn't feel he could fully trust him. He didn't know that Jungkook wouldn't laugh in his face at his true passion.

" Are you okay? You seem like your zoning out." Jungkook asks as he sits down besides Namjoon.

" Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Hey...can any chance...have your number?" Jungkook was taken aback by Namjoon's question, he tried not to look flustered, but failed miserably.

" I get if you don't want to, it's just tha-"

" Here." Jungkook's says, cutting off Namjoon's rambling and giving Namjoon his phone. Eager to text the black haired boy later, Namjoon happily typed in his number into Jungkook's phone.

" Thank you. Hopefully we can talk later, Jungkookie." Namjoon said as he left the library so he could head to class.

Jungkook could help but let his arm warm at the nickname.

" What do you want now, Chai?" Moon rolled her eyes as Chai walked into the Council room.

" Where do you keep the Project Cleanse files? I need them." Chai didn't hesitate to get to the point. Since Moon kept up with all the schools files, Chai knew exactly who to go to.

" May I ask why you need those files?" Moon asked, sounding suspicious.

" I don't have time for this, Moon. Give me the fucking files!" Chai yelled, but Moon was totally unaffected.

" How about no." Moon replied as she went back to doing to what she was previously doing. Chai didn't have to want to play this card, but he needed those files.

" C'mon Moonpie, how can you deny me so easily? I thought you said that you couldn't resist me." Moon's breath hitched as Chai pinned her against the wall.

" Your my girlfriend Moon, your supposed to be there for me. So give. Me. The. Fucking. Files." Chai didn't care that Moon winced as he squeezed her wrists. She wanted to decline, but she was scared of what Chai would do if she refused him again.

" Fine."


On a less dark do we like Tsudere Jungkook? ✌️

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