P2: Chapter Twelve: "Mad Hatter"

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" Tell me your getting me out of here." Daeshim smirked as Katherine's disheveled appearance through the glass separating them.

" Not until you tell what the hell you were thinking causing a scene like that?!" Daeshim yelled, making Katherine jump. " You were supposed to do it somewhere private."

" I had to! Did you see them!? They were falling back in love I had to do something!" Katherine argued, getting angry tears in her eyes.

" And who's fault was that, huh?! You let them see each other again! You let them fall back in love!"

" I didn't think they would get far! Plus with the rumor-" Katherine was cut off by Daeshim banging his fist on the table.

" You thought wrong! Namjoon is in a coma because of YOU!" He screamed. "From now on, you do what I needed you to do since the beginning. Just be a pretty face, his the carrier of his children, we don't need you screwing things up anymore."

" You can't do that! I have to keep Jungkook away from Namjoon! He's going to steal him away from me!" Katherine scream in devastation.

" You don't love him, do you? Katherine, this was only supposed to be a temporary arrangement. Hell, you wasn't even supposed to get pregnant!" Daeshim said warily. " You're not supposed to get attached."

" I don't care! Namjoon is mine! If I'm going to part of this miserable deal, I want everyone else to be miserable with me. And who knows...maybe Namjoon will eventually love me back. I am carrying his child after all."

" You're delusional." Daeshim said, disgusted.

" You're the one to talk, Uncle."

" Morning, Namjoon. I just though I would visit you and paint like I have been for the past two weeks or so. Once you wake up your room is going to be like an art gallery." Jungkook chuckled as he entered the and set up his painting materials near Namjoon's sleeping body.

It had been two weeks since the shooting and Namjoon had yet to wake up from his coma. Out of concern, Jungkook spoke to the doctors, but they concluded that this was normal for most coma patients and that he just had to wait. It frustrated him a bit but he just accepted it and came to the hospital everyday to see Namjoon and update him on his life.

It was also refreshing not hear anything about Katherine during these two weeks. He wasn't hopeful that she would stay in prison, he wasn't that naive, but it was nice to feel a tiny bit of peace.

" Still nothing?" Jungkook jumped in surprise when he heard Taehyung's voice. He had also come everyday since the incident.

" Nope, nothing. I asked the doctors and they said it was normal." He sighed as he went back to painting. Taehyung groaned, not liking the news.

" Wow...are almost forgot how talented you were." The older male commented, watching Jungkook as he painted away on the canvas. Suddenly his phone chimed and his expression hardened.

" Katherine got out of prison." He deadpanned. "Daeshim and my father bailed her out."

" Figures." Jungkook sighed. " I wonder what their endgames are."

" I have no idea. But the media is not happy. Look at these comments."


" I can't believe she got bailed out even though she attempted to kill her husband. How is that fair?"

" I feel bad for Kim Namjoon, now he has to live with a murderer."

" Not to mention Katherine is pregnant with his child! How could she do that!"

" Lee Katherine deserves to die in prison. Period."

" #LockLeeUp"

" Wow, never expected the public to be this pissed." Jungkook said, scrolling through the comments.

" I know, but the hate is well deserved. They have done nothing but make the last few moths hell for all of us." Taehyung spat, thinking about his father.

" You're right, I wish we could do something but with Namjoon still asleep it will be difficult." Jungkook sighed, looking at a sleeping Namjoon. He looked so peaceful.

" Please come back to us, Namjoon."

Katherine screamed in fury when her call was declined for what seemed like a hundredth time. She was just bailed out of prison mere hours ago and she had been trying to get a hold of Daeshim so they could figure out a new plan. But alas, she was being ignored.

She contemplated seeing Namjoon is the hospital, but she knew that Jungkook would be there, along with Taehyung so she decided not to go. She had also seen the numerous comments about her, how she should've died in prison for what she did, but she didn't care. She only did what she felt like she had to do, she had to something or else everything would be ruined.

Namjoon was going to divorce her! She couldn't let that happen, so she decided to take initiative. Katherine fully knew that what she was doing was risky, but she could just let Namjoon run away with Jungkook. It would ruin everything!

That's why she shot Namjoon on purpose.

( Flashback)

" Sorry things had to be this way, brother." Daeshim said over Arthur's unconscious body. At least...he hoped he was unconscious.

" What's going on?" Daeshim turned around to see and tired and confused looking Katherine. Before she could say anything else she saw her fathers lifeless like body on the floor. "D-Dad..."

" Don't worry, your father is fine. I just knocked him out for not giving me what I wanted." Daeshim explained in a simple tone, making Katherine's skin crawl.

" What do you want?" She asked.

" You." Daeshim replied, making the females eyes widen in fear. The male just chuckled in amusement.

" I don't want you in that way, I just need you to do something for me, okay?" Daeshim asked, " I'm working with a partner for with plan I have for some very bad people. However, he won't lend me his services unless I find him a suitable woman for his son to marry."

" So you want me to marry this guy's son?" Katherine asked, crossing her arms.

" Yes, it's not a bad deal honestly. The son is a honorable man and you will be able to live comfortably for a while, until the deal is up of course." Daeshim explained. " So, what do you say?"

Katherine contemplated her options. The way Daeshim was talking about it, it didn't sound like a horrible idea. After all, she would be taken care and all she had to do was be married to this guy's son. Of course, she didn't know this man, but according to Daeshim he was a good person. Plus it would give her an excuse for leaving home, away from her controlling and neglectful father.

She honestly hated it there. Her father wasn't cruel, but he was extremely controlling when it came to Katherine's life. Not to mention he never showered her with love, which always left a part of Katherine empty at times.

Maybe this guy can feel that void for her, maybe they could actually learn to love each other despite the less than desirable circumstances they met each other in. Maybe this could finally be the moment where the cycle of people controlling Katherine's life would end.

But life had other things in store for Lee Katherine.

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