Chapter 19: " Seventeen"

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Wanna hang out?

I miss u
Read 3:33 pm

Jungkook continued to work on his art pieces while he awaited Namjoon's response. He wasn't too upset because he knew that Namjoon would probably would be very busy taking down his father and stuff. Jungkook just wished that Namjoon would respond with something, even a 'no' would've sufficed.

It were times like these when he missed how things were before he and Namjoon dated. Where Jungkook knew nothing of Namjoon's situation and they could just be careless and free. Now, Namjoon was barley talking to him. Not to mention that Namjoon was absent at school today.

" Wow, Kook. Those are so good! I knew you were good at painting, but wow!" Jungkook nearly had a heart attack at the sudden sound of Jimin's voice ringing through his room.

" Jesus Jimin! You almost gave me a heart attack! How'd you even get in here?" Jungkook said as Jimin blushed in embarrassment.

" Y-Your mom let me in." Jimin responded. " But enough about me! Tell me about your art!"

" It's really nothing, I just thought I get started on my portfolio." Jungkook as he continued working. For his portfolio he wanted to make all different types of art, so teachers wouldn't think that's all he could do. And so far, despite a few bumps, he was satisfied with everything he made.

" Wow, so responsible! If you don't make it into Busan Arts I will personally fight everyone there then drop out because I'm not leaving my Kook behind!" Jimin declared as Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

" You don't have to do that, Hyung. You should go even if I don't, it's your dream." Jungkook responded.

" Alright, what's wrong?" Jimin asked, sitting up from his laying down position.

" What do you mean?"

" I know you, Kook. You never call me Hyung unless somethings wrong." Damn, Jimin knew him well.

But Jungkook stayed silent.

" It's Namjoon, isn't it?" Jimin asked as Jungkook quietly nodded.

" It's just...a lot has been going on in his home life and I want to help, but he won't let me. feels like I'm being ignored." Jungkook said. " I know it's stupid, but I miss how we used to be, before we dated. Before everything got so...complicated. And I know he loves me and I love him, kind of hurts."

" First of all, your not stupid for feeling this way, it's normal. Secondly, you have to remember that you and Namjoon have your own lives. I know Namjoon is a good guy and he loves you and wouldn't want to harm you. He's just doing what he thinks is best." Jimin explained. Jungkook just looked down.

" I know, I just...miss him." Jungkook sighed. That when Jimin had the perfect idea.

" I know! Why don't you and Namjoon go to prom!? All the other couples in our friend group are going! It'll be so much fun!" Jimin exclaimed, bouncing slightly.

" That does sound like a good idea." Jungkook admitted. " I'll make sure to talk to Namjoon about it!"

" Yay!"

" Namjoon! Check out these headlines! Your family is all over the media!" Sumiyeon yelled as she handed over the tablet. The two had been growing close lately, becoming friends. Ironic how a situation like this could bring them close together.

Yeah, Namjoon had to go that route. He didn't want to, but it was the only way to escape his father. After he posted all the recordings he collected, the media went insane. Dae-Hee tried to deny the claims, but with recordings, it was no use. He was exposed.

" Wow, people are...not letting him live." Namjoon said as he looked through the article, reading the malicious comments.

" Well, it doesn't matter now, you're free! My father won't work with someone with such a low reputation." Sumiyeon said cheerfully.

Namjoon should be happy right now, he was finally free, and so was Taehyung. But he didn't feel happy, he felt guilty. It was his fault Dae-Hee was going through these things.

"Joon, you know it isn't your fault right? You had to do this." Sumiyeon said, putting her hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

" I know, but I can't help, but feel guilty. Even though, when it comes down to it, he deserves it. He much I hate to admit it...he is still my father." Namjoon responded.

" I get what you mean, but you can't let this bring you down! As your friend I demand you to have fun!" Sumiyeon said as Namjoon chuckled. She could be so crazy sometimes.

" And how exactly do I do that?" Namjoon asked as Sumiyeon rolled her eyes.

" Hm, I don't know, maybe hang out with your boyfriend! Y'know prom is coming up!" Sumiyeon said, wriggling her eyebrows. Namjoon scoffed.

This girl will be the death of him one day.

" Y'know, I'm really glad you're enjoying your Christmas gift, Tae." Jimin said they walked by Han River, Taehyung snapping photos of whatever he found beautiful. Including his Jimin.

" I know! I've had so many photo ops before! Thank you again, Jimin!" Taehyung said happily as he smiled his boxy smile that Jimin loved.

" Your welcome, but just know that you're birthday present will be even better." Jimin reassured as they kept walking down the path near the River.

Jimin was going to do it. He was going to give himself to Taehyung, sexually, but not before asking Taehyung to be his boyfriend officially.

Jimin knew this was a big decision, but he loved Taehyung more than anything and he wanted Taehyung to be his first time. To be honest, he kind of got the feeling that Taehyung wanted him too. Whenever they would have a heated make out session, Jimin would always feel the sexual tension between them, how it felt like they just wanted to ravage each other. Especially when they had their first kiss.

" Hey, I was just wondering something...have you thought about college yet?" Taehyung asked scratching the back of his head.

" Well yeah, the year is almost over, I'm already finished my application Busan Arts, I just haven't made my program audition video. I plan to make it with Hoseok later on since we are applying for the same program. Why'd you ask?" Jimin explained, Taehyung look down, ashamed. Jimin had everything together.

" Nothing, it's just...I don't know if I want to go to college." Taehyung confessed. He had been thinking about it for a while. He just thought it would be a waste of time to go. He already knew he wanted to be a photographer, which he didn't need a degree for. He could just hone his skills and apply for a job doing photo shoots for celebrities or something.

" Oh, that's okay! School isn't for everyone, and I know you talented enough to do what you want without a degree." Jimin responded as Taehyung almost cried again. Oh how much he loved this boy.

" Oh, look! The theme for Prom is here! Red carpet gala! Oooh fancy!" Jimin said as Taehyung just stayed quiet. He did find it a bit weird that Daeshim was letting the school conduct a prom, but he kept quiet for Jimin's sake, he was really looking forward to this. Plus, Taehyung was sure it was nothing.

" Looking forward to it, baby." Taehyung said kissing Jimin's cheek as he blushed. Taehyung had never used that nickname before, it sent chills down Jimin's spine.

" Y-Yeah, me too."

I Need U (Namkook Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ