P2: Chapter Six: " High School Sweethearts"

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" Jimin? What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked as he opened the door to a very depressed looking Jimin. " Is everything okay?"

" Not really. Just...can I stay here with you for a little bit?" Jimin sighed. Hoseok didn't say anything, but he did let Jimin inside.

" Yoongi's still at the studio, do you want anything to eat? Anything to drink?" Hoseok asked as Jimin just shook his head, sitting on the couch dejectedly. " Jimin, what's going on?"

" Taehyung and I are taking a break." Jimin responded, almost sounding numb.

" Really?! I thought you guys were inseparable! What happened?" Hoseok asked, shocked. Ever since high school, Jimin and Taehyung were know to be 'the couple', almost never leaving each other's sides.

Jimin couldn't help it and just broke down, telling Hoseok everything. He felt so sad, upset, and betrayed by both Taehyung and Jungkook. Hoseok was the only person he felt like he could talk to about everything was going on.

When Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jimin comfortably, it was a bittersweet feeling. Jimin loved the feeling of his best friend comforting him, but he long led for the feeling of Taehyung, the love of his life's, arm. But he just couldn't go back to their apartment, not yet at least.

He also wasn't ready to face Jungkook again. He just couldn't believe that Jungkook would lie to him. Jimin always thought that if something were to happen with Taehyung or even Hoseok, that he would have his closest friend of all. But were they really close as they thought Jungkook failed to tell him something like this?

" Wow, I'm so sorry all of this happened, Jimin." Hoseok sighed sympathetically. " But hey, you came here to take you mind off of all that, right?"

" Y-Yeah, I guess so?" Jimin said in a form of a question rather than a statement.

" Well, can you help me plan my surprise for Yoongi?" Hoseok asked, making Jimin's eyes widen.

" Sure, what kind of surprise is it?"

" A dance performance of course! It's practically the only thing I'm good at, but I'm missing some background dancers, do you know anyone else who could learn the routine in time?" Jimin listened intently as Hoseok explained everything. He could already feel everything that happened that happened with Taehyung moving to the back of his mind.

" Kook, you okay, man? You've been cooped up in your studio all day." Jackson said from the doorway with a concerned tone.

" I'm fine, Jackson. Just been working on this sculpture for a client." Jungkook responded, still examining his work. What he said wasn't exactly a lie, he was working on a sculpture, but he didn't have any clients. But Jackson was none the wiser, he just sighed and left.

Now that Jungkook was officially separated from Namjoon- physically and emotionally- he has had a lot more time to really reflect and think. Which had led him back to doing recreational art like back in University.

He doesn't exactly regret his decision breaking up with Namjoon, but he does feel bad about how everything went down. He could see the devastation on Namjoon's face when Jungkook said they were over, he saw exactly when Namjoon's heart broke.

But Jungkook knew it was for the best. He could see that Namjoon was changing, and not in a good way. Not to mention he had a wife who was just as worried as the rest of them. Namjoon needed to be there for her, not him. Namjoon needed to worry about the situation happening right now, not trying to be with him.

But as confident as Jungkook was in his decision, he wasn't taking the separation too well either. Hence why he's been cooped up in his studio for the past few days. He hasn't left his apartment and occasionally talked to Jackson when he was home. Hoseok and Yoongi were busy with wedding planning and he hadn't heard from Jimin or Taehyung in a while. Not to mention that Namjoon hasn't been trying to contact him either.

Jungkook wasn't mad though, he understood why. He just...missed the times when Namjoon would call him whenever and they would talk for hours.

Before he even knew it, Jungkook felt tears running down his cheeks, the sobs started to rip from his throat. He was breaking down.

" Jungkook? Are you okay?!" Jungkook turned around when he heard the panicked voice behind him, before he knew it Jackson's arms were wrapped around him. " What happened?"

" N-Nothing, I'm j-just...trying to deal with something." Jungkook choked out, wiping his tears away. " I'll be fine."

" Jungkook, we both know that's not true." Jackson sighed. " Whatever's going on with you right now, I'm gonna help you through it, okay?"

" Okay, thank you." Jungkook responded, not even trying to argue. He just needed someone right now.

" Taehyung, just leave me be, okay? Plus, shouldn't you be worrying about your own relationship?" Namjoon groaned from his bed as he heard Taehyung call him from his doorway. Namjoon clutched his phone in his hand, thinking about something he knows he shouldn't.

" I know you're heartbroken and all, but you don't have to be a asshole." Taehyung spat as he watched his big brother morph into a depressed lump. " And I know that you want to call him, but you can't."

" I know, I know. I just...want to-"

" No, I know you miss him, but you two are separated, you have to move on. Jungkook clearly has." Taehyung said, cutting Namjoon off.

" But he said that we could eventually get back together!" Namjoon defended.

" We both know that isn't true. You just so desperate for Jungkook back that you're telling yourself that it's true." Taehyung sighed, at this point, Namjoon was pissed.

" Says the guy who's boyfriend left him in his apartment and who won't talk to him." Namjoon spat.

" Fuck. You." Taehyung responded before finally leaving. Suddenly Namjoon was in his room all alone.

He didn't mind, he had gotten used to the feeling in the last 3 years. Despite being around all those people, he didn't feel like they were actually around. To him, everyone felt like echos swirling around him. He never paid attention to them, they were irrelevant. He imagined that to all the people that felt like echos to him, he would put an imaginary 'x' over their face, and only when they mattered to him, the 'x' would fall off.

And when Namjoon saw Jungkook at the rehearsal dinner, he felt like all the echos in his life turned back into actual voices and people. He felt like all the imaginary 'x's he put on everyone faces had fallen off. He felt like himself again.

Maybe that was why Namjoon was so keen to have Jungkook. Maybe it wasn't because of love (although Namjoon doubted that). Maybe he just longed for that feeling of being whole again, and the only thing that cured that feeling that was Jungkook.

Is that love?

A/N: Wow. It really has been a while Huh? Sorry, it's just that been that my school year has started I really haven't had any time to write, but I will work on my schedule so don't worry.

Author out!

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