Chapter 10: " The Cute Dimpled Idiot"

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Hey, are you okay? You've been avoiding me at school and I'm getting worried.
Read 11:30 pm

Jimin help the negative thoughts swirl around his head as he read Taehyung's text.

He's only texting you because he had too.

You know he's only using you for Jungkook.

Your too pathetic for him.

He just didn't get it. What did Jungkook have that he didn't. Jimin was good looking, kind and caring, not to mention he actually liked Taehyung back. So he just didn't understand it, they were perfect for each other!

Don't get me wrong, Jimin loved Jungkook, they've know each other for forever, but he couldn't help, but feel jealous of the brown haired male. He couldn't get why he couldn't be good enough.

Jimin was surprised to hear his doorbell ring as he was lounging on the couch in his oversized hoodie and leggings, and wearing his glasses because he couldn't bother to put in his contacts. It couldn't have been his mother since she was working. It could have been Jungkook or Hoseok but they would have at least called first. So Jimin was shocked when he saw none other that Kim Taehyung.

" Taehyung? W-what are you doing here?" Jimin asked as he let Taehyung in.

" Why have you been ignoring me!?" Taehyung yelled, taking Jimin aback.

" What are you talking about?" Jimin asked. He knew fully well what Taehyung meant, he was just hoping that they didn't have talk about that.

" Don't play dumb with me Jimin. Ever since a few days ago you've been pretending like I don't exist! Why?!" Taehyung responded, sounding more pained than angry.

At this point Jimin broke down. All his pent up emotions hit him like a truck. He nearly fell to his knees if it wasn't for Taehyung catching him.

" Jimin, are you okay? And don't give me that ' I'm fine' bullshit either. I care about you and your well-being. Just tell me what's wrong so I can help you!" Jimin only sobbed harder and louder at Taehyung's words, wanting to believe them, but his negative thoughts wouldn't let him.

He's lying to you.

You mean nothing to him.

" Why won't you just admit it?" Jimin whimpered. Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

" What are you talking about?" Taehyung asked.

" Just admit it! You don't like me! You not really my friend! You don't really care about me! All those moments we had meant nothing to you!....Just admit you only put with me b-because...because you want Jungkook." Taehyung was shocked to say the least, he never realized that Jimin felt this way. He was quite for a moment before Jimin spoke again.

" I knew it!" Jimin yelled before sprinting to his bedroom, Taehyung quickly followed after him but didn't make it before Jimin closed his door.

" I'm sorry I made you feel this way. Look, can you just open the door so we can talk?" Taehyung asked with no more anger in his voice whatsoever.

" Go away! I already know you hate me! So there's no need to keep pretending like you care!" Jimin yelled back, soft, muffled sobs can be heard from the other side of the door.

Taehyung jiggled on the doorknob, realizing that it was unlocked. When he opened the door he noticed a small yellow blob laying on the bed. Jimin didn't even bother to turn around to acknowledge Taehyung's presence.

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