Chapter 13: "My Fault"

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" Jimin, you okay? You've been quiet all evening." Hoseok said as he and Jimin watched a movie. They were the only people in the room at the time.

" I'm fine it's just...some things went down with Taehyung." Jimin responded, making Hoseok look at him with a worried look.

" Look...I know how much you like Taehyung, but I don't think it's healthy to have a crush on someone who obviously doesn't like you back." Jimin's eyebrows furrowed at Hoseok's words. Did he really have to put the obviously in there?

" I know, but I can't just stop having feelings for him. Especially since we started hanging out, all my feelings have been pretty jumbled up lately." Jimin explained. It was nice to finally talk about his feelings.

He wanted to talk to Jungkook about these things, but that wasn't exactly possible. Jimin loved Jungkook to death, but he couldn't help but feel a little resentment towards Jungkook, even though this situation wasn't his fault.

His feelings for Taehyung were also kind of split too. On one hand, he wants to see Taehyung as a friend, because it wasn't healthy to pine for someone who has feelings for someone else, but it's just so hard for Jimin to just...let go. Taehyung was the first person Jimin had ever gotten feelings to the point he could possibly say he loved Taehyung. Which is why on the other hand, he wanted nothing more than to with Taehyung.

He didn't want to be in this stupid love triangle anymore.

" Look, the only good advice I could give you is just talk to him about it. Just get all the feelings out in the open." Jimin nodded to Hoseok's advice, planning to follow it when their sleepover was finished.

Taehyung felt like shit. When he woke up that morning everything felt numb and heavy, it was a miracle that he even got out of bed considering how bad he felt. Luckily no one was around the house that could annoy him. His father and mother were working, and Namjoon wasn't home from his sleepover yet, and even if he was, he would probably be with Jungkoook.

Yep, Taehyung knew all about the Jungkook and Namjoon thing. Taehyung wasn't stupid and Namjoon wasn't exactly trying to hide anything, and even if he was he was terrible at it. And sure, maybe Taehyung was furious at the beginning, he didn't feel nearly as angry as he did before, he was offended that Namjoon would go for the guy his brother obviously had feelings for, considering the fact Taehyung didn't know whether he still had feelings for Jungkook, he didn't really feel angry.

Honestly Taehyung kind of disappointed that his Namjoon would do this, knowing of Taehyung's feelings. Sure you couldn't control who you have feelings for, Namjoon could've at least talked to him. Taehyung started to pick his nails as he thought about the call he overheard Namjoon having.

Maybe Namjoon just didn't care. Wouldn't be a surprise to Taehyung. No one cared about him except...

Jimin: Hey, can I come over? I wanna talk.

Taehyung tensed at Jimin's text. He really didn't want Jimin to see him like this. But he had to admit that he missed the orange haired male a lot. Ever since that argument they had at Jimin's place, they hadn't talk at all, and Taehyung missed when he could just rant to Jimin about anything. So, despite his better judgement he decided to invite Jimin over.

" Wow, I heard that you're family is rich, but I would never guess that you live in a mansion!" Jimin said as he looked around the Kim home with awe. Taehyung chuckled as he let Jimin in.

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