Chapter 22: " 2! 3!"

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" 1, 2, 3...perfect!" Taehyung said as he snapped the picture with Jimin and the guys.

" Thanks Taehyung! Wow...these are really good! How'd you do that?!" Jin asked, astounded by how good the picture was.

"'s really nothing! Just find the best view and capture it." Taehyung responded, sounding flustered.

" Well, my best view is right here. You look amazing, Tae." Jimin said smugly, eyeing his boyfriend.

" You look good too, baby. Can't wait to make you look better." Taehyung responded, whispering the last part in Jimin's ear.

" Okay you lovebirds, into the limo! Prom awaits us!" Jin yelled as everyone piled into the luxurious car, everyone was giddy with excitement.

" Hey Jungkook, where's Namjoon? Thought he would coming with us." Jimin asked.

" Because he's in the student council, he's probably already at school setting up." Jungkook responded, making Jimin nod.

" I just want to say that even though Hoseok and Yoongi aren't here, I am great full that I get to spend on of the best nights of my life with you guys." Jimin confessed, making everyone in the car coo at Jimin's sweetness.

Jin sat quietly as everyone talked about dancing with their boyfriends and being all lovey dovey. But he couldn't help, but feel a little jealous at the other couples. Jin has never had a person like that before. He didn't know what love felt like.

People mainly wanted for his body and bragging rights. People would respect you if you hooked up with the illustrious Kim Seokjin. No one wanted him for him, and everyone he though liked him for was only using him.

That's why he can't let anyone in again.

" Hey, have you seen Jungkook yet?" Namjoon asked, making Sumiyeon silently shrugged her shoulders.

" Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." Namjoon said, concerned for his friend.

" I messed up, Namjoon. Bad." Sumiyeon responded softly.

" What happened?" Namjoon asked, curious.

" I...kissed Moon." Sumiyeon confessed, making Namjoon's eyes widen.

" You did!?" Namjoon yelled.

" Yes, I did! And now I regret it! Moon hates me and it's all my fault!" Sumiyeon yelled as she ran into the girls locker room.

" Woah, is she okay?" Namjoon immediately recognized Jungkook's voice, making him turn around.

" look beautiful." Jungkook blushed as Namjoon's words.

" You look good too." Jungkook said quietly, still a bit flustered. That's when Namjoon gave Jungkook his signature smirk before dragging his boyfriend to the dance floor.

This was gonna be one hell of a night.

" I'm so stupid! Why did I have to go and do that?! Now I've lost my best friend." Sumiyeon sniffled, thinking about the big mistake she made by kissing Moon.

She didn't mean to! Well...she did mean to, but it was just on impulse! In any other circumstances she would've never kissed a taken woman, but...she just couldn't help herself. She wanted Moon to understand that what she was going through wasn't healthy or okay. She had to leave.

" I had a feeling you would be in here." Sumiyeon heard a familiar voice and turn around in surprise.

"M-Moon? You're here?" Sumiyeon asked quietly as Moon sat beside her.

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