Chapter 6: " Stuck Together"

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Taehyung couldn't sleep the rest of the night due to how angry he was. Why wouldn't he be?! He just overheard his older brother talking about the boy he was supposed to be with.

To say that was overprotective of Jungkook was a understatement. He would do anything to make sure Jungkook was his. He would even physically hurt people who even thought about pursuing a relationship with Jungkook. Just like he did in sixth grade.

(flashback, Sixth Grade)
It wasn't like Taehyung to be actually happy. He was usually spending being sad or angry, not leaving his room unless he had to, and being generally miserable.

But today was different. He was happy.

After he found out that the boy that stood up for him all those years ago was going to the same school, he hatched a plan to confess how he really felt about the younger. That he liked Jungkook more than a friend.

Taehyung was nervous though, the two boys haven't seen each other for over three months, even when they were around each other, they didn't hang out that much. What if Jungkook didn't like him back? Well, Taehyung tried to push away these doubts as much as possible.

" I've always wanted one of these! I can't believe you found one, they're super rare!" He heard a familiar voice say from around the corner. Confused, Taehyung stops and eavesdrops.

" Of course I would get you one. Anything for my Jungkookie." Another voice said. Another boy's voice. Taehyung eyebrows furrowed at the nickname. Who's Jungkookie?! Taehyung peeked around the corner, only to be horrified at what he saw.

He saw his Jungkook making out with a another boy. Taehyung didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to break the neck of the boy kissing Jungkook.

The next day Taehyung actually ended up finding that boy. We Taehyung saw him, something snapped.

Taehyung snapped.

(End of flashback)

Taehyung never really understood why he acted the way he did when it came to Jungkook. He assumed it was his condition, but when he looked up Bipolar Disorder later, extreme obsessiveness wasn't one of the symptoms.

All Taehyung really understood was that whenever he even near Jungkook, or he heard Jungkook speak or laugh, he felt truly happy. He felt like all the joy and happiness he had been missing all his life had been given to him by this one person.

And he wasn't going to let anyone take that away from him. He was going to keep Jungkook for himself...

By any means necessary.

Even if it meant hurting his own family.

Yoongi's ride to school was silent, he and his father didn't exchange any words. But Yoongi wasn't worried or scared, this was normal for them. They didn't really have a bad relationship or anything. They just...didn't talk much.

As his father pulled up to the school, Yoongi noticed a certain orange haired walking up the campus stairs, laughing with his friends. His heart warmed at the sight. Oh how would he love to be the cause of Hoseok's laughter. Yoongi exits the car, not bothering to say goodbye to his father.

" 'Sup Yoongs!" Seokjin says as he comes over and wraps his arms around Yoongi.

" Hey Jin." Yoongi responds half paying attention, half of him was paying attention to Jin and the other half to Hoseok.

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