P2: Chapter Fourteen: " Mic Drop"

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( A Few Months Later)

" Why am I here?" Namjoon asked in a short and snipped tone. " Trying to wrap me in another deal?"

Daehee sighed in defeat, much to Namjoon's surprise. " No. I just wanted to talk to you about something. About Katherine."

" What about her?" The younger male responded, growing tense.

" It has come to my attention that Katherine has...deviated from the plan that was originally created. She has grown rather obsessed with you, even going as far as getting pregnant with your child." He explains, gathering his papers together.

" What are you getting at?" Namjoon asked again, growing impatient.

" I'm letting you free Namjoon. You will still have to work for me, but I'm letting divorce Katherine if you wish." Dahee explains as he hands Namjoon the revised contract. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was...getting an out? From his father?

" Why are you doing this?"

" Contrary to what you believe, I actually care about you, son. I don't want to see you unhappy or miserable. Believe it or not I want you to be happy." He says, being as genuine as possible. Namjoon gets up from his silently, leaving the room, but something makes him stay put as he stands in front of the door.

" Why do you treat Taehyung the way you do? You've really hurt him, you know."

" I'm aware of what I've done to him. It's...just hard to explain." Daehee stammered, at a loss for words. " He just reminds me so much of..."

" Of what?"

" Of what you're mother did to me, how she betrayed me." He spits out in a low tone.

" What do you mean?"

" Taehyung...he's not my son."

" So what did your father have to talk to you about?" Jungkook asked as Namjoon walked in through the door, shutting the door closely behind him.

" I just got some of the most shocking news of my life." The new older male responded, still in shock from what his father had told him.

" What is it?" Jungkook asked, sounding concerned.

" Taehyung...he's not my brother, well...he's my half brother. We don't share the same fathers though." Jungkook's eyes widened at Namjoon's confession. What?

"How'd you even find that out?" He asked.

" I just wanted to know why my father always treated Taehyung so badly! I didn't think that I would get that as my answer." The older sighed, his crestfallen expression deepening.

" Does Taehyung know?" Jungkook asked.

That's when Namjoon realized something. How was he going to tell Taehyung? How was he going to tell his brother that they aren't even fully related? He knew that the news was going to destroy him, considering he just realized he whole childhood had been a lie. Taehyung had already been dealing with so much that he didn't need this to be the straw that broke the camel's back. But he knew if he didn't tell Taehyung the consequences would be more than grave.

" I'll tell him at some point." He sighed. " But there's also something else I would like to share with you."

" What?" Namjoon handed him the revised contract. " You...you can divorce Katherine?"

" I can baby. We can finally be together. At last." Namjoon sighed happily, taking Jungkook in his arms.

" So it's finally over? After years of being separated we can finally be with each other?" Jungkook asked with a hopeful tone.

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