P2: Chapter One: "What did I Miss?"

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" Kook, how do I look? I don't look too casual do I?" Jungkook's roommate, Jackson, asked as he adjusted his tie.

" You look fine, Jackson. It's just a rehearsal dinner, not the actual ceremony." Jungkook chuckled.

It had been three and a half years since Namjoon and Jungkook had officially broken up. Jungkook was initially devastated when Namjoon told him was he had done, and he even ignored Namjoon for a while, but eventually forgave him after realizing that he only did it for his brother...which he could respect.

And the separation wasn't all bad. He could devote more to his studies at Busan Arts, which paid off because now he is a famous artist whose art always sells for high bids at auctions. But his life just didn't just change career wise. He felt like a different person now, more independent.

A person can change a lot in three and half years after all.

" Are you kidding?! This is not just anyone's rehearsal dinner! This is World class dancer Jung Hoseok and famous music producer Min Yoongi's rehearsal dinner! I can't just waltz up in there wearing anything! They would probably think I'm disrespectful!" Jackson whined, making Jungkook shake his head.

" They're great people okay? I've known them since high school, you'll be fine." Jungkook said as he soothed his anxious friend. Jackson just breathed out as he and Jungkook walked to his car.

As Jungkook drove to the venue he suddenly started having anxiety. He knew for a while that Namjoon would be coming to the rehearsal dinner, he was Yoongi's best man. It had never bothered Jungkook before, so why is it now? Maybe it was because of the fact that he and Namjoon hadn't been face to face since that day, they had slowly lost contact with one another, not to mention Namjoon is now married.

By the time he and Jackson had arrived to the venue his heart was pounding fast. Was he ready to see Namjoon again? Would he be able to control his feelings? Especially around his new wife? When they had first separated, they had swore to each other they would be together again, but that was three years ago. Would Namjoon still feel the same after all this time?

" You're doing it again." Jackson said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

" What?"

" You're zoning out again. You need to relax, like you said, it's just a dinner." Jackson replied. Jungkook took a relaxing deep breath as he got out of his car. Jackson stood by him, sensing his nervousness.

Hello, Namjoon, looks like we meet again.

" Jungkook! I'm so glad you could make it! It feels like I haven't seen you in forever. You're so much more bigger now!" Hoseok beamed when he saw his best friend again. Ever since college he had been so busy with his dancing career, his engagement to Yoongi, and moving, he hadn't had time to speak to Jungkook or Jimin.

" Hey Hoseok, Yoongi-Hyung." Jungkook said, happily waving. " Everything looks great, congratulations again on the engagement."

" Thank you, Jungkook. We couldn't be happier." Yoongi responded, squeezing his fiancé's hand. " But enough about us, what's going on with you? Heard one of your painting so for 12,000,000 won, not bad."

" Y-Yeah, it's pretty crazy if you ask me, I never thought my paintings were any good." Jungkook said shyly. Even though he was famous all over Korea, and some other countries, he never really felt satisfied with his work.

" Yah Jungkook, you need to stop being so humble! You're a celebrity, you get to gloat!" Hoseok said as Jungkook chuckled in response.


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