P2: Chapter Sixteen: "Epilouge"

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(One Year Later)

" Wow, it seems like Taehyun is growing day by day!" Jimin commented happily when he saw the brown haired one year old clinging on onto Jungkook's side.

" I know, right! He's almost growing to fast for my liking. I just can't believe it's been an entire year." Jungkook sighed, looking at Taehyun before looking back at Jimin. " And I can't believe you are officially married! Congrats, the ceremony was beautiful!"

" Thanks, Kook." Jimin responded happily, looking back at his husband who was chatting away with Namjoon. "I still can't believe it sometimes. I am actually married to the man of my dreams!"

It had officially been a year since everything had ended with Katherine, Daeshim, and Dae-Hee. And everything in everyone's lives seemed to be coming together.

After her outburst in the courtroom, Katherine was officially entered into a psych ward to talk about her obvious issues, meaning when Taehyun was born a few weeks later, she couldn't take care of him, so she had to give full custody of him to Namjoon, who happily raised his son with Jungkook. The now brunette loved his life, he cared for Taehyun as if he was his own son, and he loved Namjoon with every fiber in his body. As for Namjoon, he finally felt at peace emotionally and felt like he could actually enjoy his career and new family. Sure, he was never able to pursue his music passion like Yoongi, but that didn't matter to him anymore. He was just happy to finally be with Jungkook and his son.

Speaking of Yoongi, he and Hoseok were able to adopt a baby girl! It was a lot of stress to be a gay couple adopting a child, there were a lot of tears shed, but when they had baby Sooyoung in their arms, they new everything was perfect. Their family was finally complete and they couldn't be happier. Yoongi actually reached out to his mother, who apologized for her behavior back when he was in high school, Yoongi forgave her and they were actually on their way to mending their relationship.

As for the newly wedded couple, Taehyung finally saw a professional to deal with his newly diagnosed Bipolar Depression. It took a lot of convincing from Jimin's end, but Taehyung does feel slightly better about finally getting help with his condition. As for now honey blonde, he was able to expand his dance studio and bring in more student, which meant more money for him and Taehyung to finally settle. Taehyung was however, a bit rattled about the information Namjoon had given him about them not being fully related. But he was also relived, though he didn't think it was a valid reason for Dae-Hee to treat him the way he did, he was happy to finally get answers.

" Oh my god! Seokjin Hyung!" Jungkook yelled when he saw the pink haired male with Irene and little baby Haechan in tow. "It feels like I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been?"

It turns out Seokjin did actually have quite busy life. He and Irene were officially dating after said male fist fought with Irene's ex who came by one day. Plus, after Haechan being born there was really no point in pushing back being official. Seokjin always wanted children and he loved Haechan more than anything. Everything was going well for them.

" Seokjin? Fighting?" Jimin laughed before scoffing. "Pics or it didn't happen."

" What? You don't think I can throw hands? Well, makes sense, it's not like I'm Frankenstein's Monster or something." Everyone in the group, now including Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi, gave Seokjin a droll and uninterested look.

" You really have become a dad, haven't you?" Yoongi asked, sighing but chuckling anyway.

Jin scoffed. " Ha! Like you're any better."

The group laughed as Namjoon pulled Jungkook away for a moment. "Everything okay?"

Namjoon pecked the brunettes lips. " More than okay, baby. But can you answer one question for me?"

" Sure, anything."

" After all these years, why'd you stay with me?"

" It's simple,"

"It's because I need you."

Wow, it's been quite the ride hasn't it?
I NEED U and I WANT U has honestly been really fun to create. There were so many ideas I had for this story and I'm glad it came out the way it did. I hoped you guys enjoyed this story just as much as I loved writing it. I'm sad to see it end but such is life I guess...

And even though this series is officially over, I will still have an Q&A session with the character set up and a story soundtrack set up if you guys are interested. I am also considering making a spin-off of this series including Daeshim and his family to learn about his story, but I won't be starting that until I complete Children of the Stars.

And with that, I just want to thank everyone for all the positive feedback this story has gotten. I never really expected the story to get as popular as it did, but I'm so happy so thank you!

Author Out!

P.S- I didn't include what happened to Dae-Hee and Daeshim because I wanted to keep everything relatively positive. You can find out what happens to them during the Q&A tomorrow! :)

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