Cinderella's Ball (Prince!Tom)

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"Mum, Dad, can I go to the ball tonight?" I asked, looking between my parents as they sat at the dining room table.

"Y/n, we've been over this. It's too dangerous. There will be too many people there for us to make sure that you are safe," My mum said, looking up from buttering her toast. 

"Mum, I'm eighteen years old. I can take care of myself, can't I?" I asked and my father looked up from the newspaper. 

"Listen to your mother, Y/n," He said and I sighed. I turned around and walked back upstairs to my room. 

My parents had three children, all of ages were they should be on their own, but they were too afraid to let their children move out into the real world. They didn't let my two older siblings, Vivian and Matthew, move out when they turned eighteen.   

"They're not going to let you go anywhere near that ball N/n," Vivian said, sitting on the windowsill, reading her book. 

"It was worth a shot...wasn't it?" I asked and she shrugged. 

"I guess but I mean, have you met our parents?" She asked and I walked away. Upset that I might never leave this prison. 


"Have fun," I said. Vivian, Matthew, and I stood outside the house, waiting to say goodbye to our parents as they left for the royal ball. 

"Remember, don't leave the house," My mother said, looking me deep in the eyes and I nodded.

"Yes ma'am," I said rather reluctantly. 

"Good girl," She said and moved onto my brother. 

"Please, take care of your sisters Matthew," She said and he sighed. 

"Yes mother," he said, a slight eye-roll that didn't go unnoticed by our mother. She didn't say anything. 


"Yes mother, I know. Don't leave the house and make sure Y/n doesn't do anything stupid," She said and my jaw dropped. 

"Hey!" I protested and my siblings laughed but my parents didn't find it funny. 

"Be careful, we'll be back by midnight," My father said, opening the limousine door for my mother.  

As soon as they were gone, my brother bolted inside. 

"Welp, we won't see him for the rest of the night," I sighed. 

"Yes well, it looks like we'll all be on our own tonight," Vivian said and I watched as she walked off to god knows where. I rolled my eyes and made my way up to my room. If my siblings didn't want to be around me then I didn't really care. 

I sat on my bed and stared at the dress in front of me. I've snuck out of the house many times before this, why would this one be any different? 

'Cause I'm sneaking out to the place that my parents are at. 

I quickly put the dress on and put my hair up into a fancy bun. I'd gotten the dress when I was last in Paris for my parents business trip 'cause they were too afraid to leave me and my siblings alone at home.

 I'd gotten the dress when I was last in Paris for my parents business trip 'cause they were too afraid to leave me and my siblings alone at home

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