The Royal Life (part three) (Prince!Tom)

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prince!tom holland x princess!reader

I stood by the throne, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. Praying that this moment went well. My father stood next to me, in his formal clothes fit for meeting a king.

I wore a navy-blue form-fitting dress that came down to my ankles, my hair was straightened and came down a little bit below my shoulders. To my right stood my little brother, Greyson. He wore a button-up dress shirt and dress pants with a jacket. He seemed bored and his shoulders were slumped.

To the left of my father was my mother. Upon learning about the marriage proposal and the possibility that I would leave this country she wasn't too happy and made her unhappiness known. My father had assured her that marrying a prince was better than a duke.

My little sister, Anne, stood on my mother's left, her shoulders tense as she waited for the British royal family. 

Greyson's shoulders shot up as the doors to the throne room opened. Just as quickly a man announced their arrival.

"Presenting their majesties, King Dominic, Queen Nicola and the princes of Great Britain," The British royals walked into the room, the king and queen in the front and the five princes (Pretend Peter Parker and Tom are twins) behind them.

However awkward these meetings were, I couldn't take my eyes away from the oldest boy, Tom. His eyes caught mine and he gave me a big smile which I reciprocated. The king stopped right before the stairs leading up to the throne.

"Dominic, it's good to see you again," my father said, throwing all formalities away and walked down the steps to shake the king's hand.

"You as well Daniel, I'm glad to hear of your quick recovery," The king said, and my father smiled his thanks.

"I have a feeling it would have been much longer if I hadn't had my daughter to help me," He turned to look at me and I blushed under the spotlight of both royal families staring me down.

"It was all of us that helped father," I said, and he nodded.

"Always quick to give others credit," He said, and I gave a single nod. "You must be tired from the jet lag, I'll have John show you to your quarters," my father gestured to the butler who stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"I wish to discuss some things before then, you go ahead," King Dominic said to his family and turned towards my father, who nodded and motioned towards the hallway that led to his office.

My mother and siblings relaxed finally, and they walked off to do their own things leaving me alone by the thrones.

John the butler motioned to the family to follow him and the queen and her sons started to follow him, I caught Tom's eyes and motioned for him to stay behind.

Once his family started to leave the room I slowly made my way down to him. When his family was out of sight I threw my arms around Tom's neck and his arms wrapped around my waist and he kissed me.

For the first time since I thought I was going to marry David, when I confronted my father about it, when he was in the hospital, and then when he allowed me to marry Tom, for the first time, I was truly happy. Happy to finally be in the love of my life's arms.

I pulled out of the kiss and saw tears brimming in his eyes and I'm sure that I looked the same.

"You have no idea how scared I was this past month," he said and laughed, a sob getting caught in my throat and I hugged him, pulling him into me if that was even possible at this point.

"I missed you," I whispered into his ear.

"I missed you too. The bed felt so empty without you," he said and even if he was on the verge of crying, I still heard the smirk in his voice, I laughed. Content, for now.     

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