We've Both Grown Up (part 2) (CEO!Tom)

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ceo!tom holland x reader

Parties shouldn't be allowed to be this boring, this is just sad. I sat at the circular table, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep. I didn't have the energy for this. I've been back from London for six hours and my father already planned a coming home party. Don't get me wrong, the gesture would have been sweet if he hadn't invited his rival to the party. Robert Downey Jr and his nephews. Robert and my father always took any chance they could to best the other. Whether it was my father boasting about my grades from college, or Robert saying how he was confident that his eldest nephew Thomas was about ready to take over the company.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Tom was the same age as me, twenty-three, only a day older. I found out about twelve years ago that we had a lot in common. We both were very intelligent, very into the public eye, and were under a lot of pressure. I'm not sure if some of those are still true because I've been gone for ten years, but we've both grown up.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and the stage lit up. My father walked confidently onto the stage in a crisp beige suit. I groaned and looked around, everyone else started clapping as he walked up to the microphone. My eyes skimmed across the room, it was amazing the people that could attend in such a short time. I continued to look until my eyes caught someone else's, Tom's to be exact.

I didn't look away but felt uncomfortable, I never liked looking people in the eyes. I know it shows weakness but I feel they might see through me if I do. I looked away quickly as my father started his speech that he most likely had been rehearsing for ten years.

"Thank you, all of you, dear friends." I rolled my eyes. "Thank you all for coming to this joyous occasion, the one my wife and I have been waiting ten years for," I bit my hand to hold in my laugh. "The day our only child returned home. To some, it's only felt like a day since our precious twelve-year-old went away, but to me, it's felt like a lifetime," I actually laughed at his heartfelt statement but the noise was covered by everyone else awing.

"Ten years ago we sent away a little girl, and today, we've gotten an amazing young lady back!" He raised his hands in the air, almost like a victory and everyone else started clapping. I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms, a big- fake- smile on my face as my father made his way over to my table.

"So, what'd you think?" He sat across from me, a big ingratiating smile on his face.

"I think...that you've been practising that speech in front of a mirror for ten years," I laughed and his smile got bigger if that was even possible.

"Only the best for my-"

"Precious little girl," I mocked.

He chuckled, "I guess I was a little bit over the top,"

"A little?" I gave him a look.

"Fine, a lot," He smiled before standing up, I didn't miss him sneak a look over at Robert's table before placing a smile on his face. "Enjoy the party, it is for you," I returned his smile and nodded, watching the back of my father's head as he walked off to talk to someone rich enough to put all of Texas out of business.

I got up from my table, smoothing out my dress pants as I did and made my way to an empty hallway to get air. It's been a fun night but the weight on my shoulders prohibited me from enjoying it fully.

It's been a long time since I've seen most of the people in that room. Most of them have grown so old that they now have grey hair or no hair at all. I sniggered at the thought.

I made my way to the roof, it was a cold fall night and it couldn't have felt better outside. The roof was my favourite place to go when I was younger when my school work was stressful, it was the only place that cheered me up.

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