Holmes and Adler (Detective!Tom)

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"It's a very nice day out, don't you think?" Detective Tom Holland said, staring out the window. He never turned to his friend, only admiring (which should be used lightly) the streets and people passing down below his bedroom window.

"Tom...it's raining," Dr. Harrison Osterfield said, staring at his friend and detective partner in confusion.

The room was lit only by sunlight, even that was dimmed by the grey sky outside. There were books and random objects on the floor and covering the tables. Haz looked in disgust at a half-eaten oyster Rockefeller that was on a stack of books.

"Yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious," Tom said, looking back at Haz.

"Tom, we don't have time for this. Scotland Yard-"

"Is in dire need of my expert help? I thought as much," Tom said and Haz sighed.

"Can you put your ego aside for one minute, Holland?"

"Why would I do that?" Tom asked, grabbing his coat and making his way out the door.


"You see Mr. Holland, Dr. Osterfield, a man has been terrorizing this establishment, jewels from all over the world have gone missing, the Dresden Green from India, the L'Incomparable Diamond from the Democratic Republic of Congo, we fear that the La Peregrina from Panama which is currently held at Buckingham Palace will be in danger. Please help us, Mr. Holland," Josue Anton pleaded the fear on his face evident while Tom just had a bored expression.

They were sitting in the office of one of the most prestigious jewelers in London, except for the fact that they couldn't keep two, million-dollar jewels in their possession.

"How long has it been since the first jewel went missing?" Haz asked and Josue looked over at him, slightly relieved that someone might help him.

"About three months, sir,"

"And you didn't tell anyone? Why is that?" Tom asked looking over at the young man, he couldn't be any more than twenty but he had the face of a boy who hadn't seen the real world yet-innocent.

"Where are you going to school?" Tom asked and Haz sighed.

"Tom. I don't see how this-"

"Answer the question," Tom said, ignoring his colleague.

"Kings College, sir," the boy said and Tom nodded.

"Third year I presume. Your parents are paying your tuition and giving you free lodging. Your father has business ties with many jewelers in the country and that's how you got this job," Tom said, leaning forward and the boy nodded, terror written across his face.

"Y-yes sir, h-how-"

"You've never worked a day in your life before this, so you must have grown up wealthy home. You were a mum's boy 'cause she gave you everything you asked for while your father silently disapproved of it, that's why their marriage collapsed and he spent more time at brothels than with you. He always blamed you for ruining his marriage and in turn, you also have started believing it," Tom leaned back in his chair as Josue's quivered under his cold gaze.

"I never meant to drive them apart," Josue said, holding back tears.

"Right. Now that you've had your fun, have you seen anyone suspicious at the time the jewels went missing?" Haz asked, trying to get back on topic.

"A-actually yes, t-there was a w-woman," Josue stuttered.

"What did this woman look like?" Haz asked, glad to finally be getting somewhere.

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