Two Tributes (Survival!Tom)

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Based heavily on the hunger games with a few of my own changes and additions. 

I woke up to the sound of the usual sound of the people rushing through the streets of city Six. I looked over to see my twin brother, Will, playing with our dog. He looked like he had been up for a while. 

I reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed in what I wear every day: a long sleeve shirt and jeggings. I grabbed twenty-five dollars I had and headed into the heart of the city for a sweet snack, my brother following me out the door.

"Where are you going Y/n?" he said.

"Going to get food," I told him, looking straight forward.

"Do you have enough money?" He asked and I looked over at him, showing what I had and he nodded but didn't say anything.

When we got to the centre of City Six I immediately smelled the freshly made bread and my stomach grumbled. We walked in silence to the bakers and got in line.

"Well if it isn't my favourite twins! How are you two today?" The baker said when Will and I stepped forward.

"We're good, thanks for asking," Will said politely.

"Good, the usual?" he asked and we both nodded. The baker pulled out two loaves of bread, a croissant, and a cheese danish handing it to us. Will took the food and just as I was about to hand him the money, the baker put his hands in the air.

"It's on the house," he said with a smile.

"Really? Thank you!" I said, a smile on my face and he nodded. Waving as we walked away.

After we left the bakery we walked down the street for a few minutes then bumped into a group of kids, I recognized them as soon as we bumped into them and sighed. It was William's annoying friends. 

Now you see I love Will with all of my heart but some of his friends are just arrogant, mostly Thomas. When I started to walk away discretely, one of Will's friends saw me and called my name.

"Y/n!" he called and I paused "Where are you going?" he called again and I turned around slowly. My least favourite person in the city, and one of Will's friends, Thomas, looked at me like he was hurt that I was leaving. "Why are you leaving us?" He said sarcastically being fake hurt.

"Will, we need to leave," I said ignoring Thomas.

"Why? The picks not for another four hours," Will said and I angrily sighed.

"Fine, then I'm going alone," I said harshly. As I turned around I caught Thomas staring at me with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked the rest of the way home alone.

When I got home, I went upstairs to my room and picked out my nicest outfit, it was the only dress I had. The government provides everyone with nice clothing for the pick.

After about two hours Will came home as I was sitting on the couch, reading a book. He came into the living room and I looked up only when he sat in front of me.

"Why do you hate my friends?" He didn't look hurt or mad, just confused.

"I don't hate your friends, just most of them," I went back to reading as Will laughed. 

"I don't think you should hang around a group of boys that always get in trouble, especially when Thomas is leading them," I set down my book and turned my body to face him.

"So you just don't like Tom?" I stood up and moved towards the door. Giving him a simple yes and heading up to my room.

"Get ready to go to the pick" I heard before I was up the stairs the whole way.

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