Infinity War Special (Peter Parker)

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Peter Parker x Reader

2012 Brooklyn  

y/n tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep at 12:50 in the morning. She had been watching documenters of the Avengers and their leader's history, Iron Man (She was pretty sure that he was their rightful leader). She had turned her tv off a little over an hour before. She turned over on her side and reached up above her head, feeling the cold metal of the bedpost on her palms. She calmed down and closed her eyes.

The noise of footsteps made her open her eyes, she could tell the person was trying to be quiet, but the sound of metal hitting the polished wood ground made her sit up in bed. The noise stopped and y/n locked eyes with the intruder, it was a man in a red and gold suit. y/n didn't move, but the man did quickly walking into her room before the girl could talk or move.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said reaching out to the girl.

"I know you won't. Your Tony Stark," y/n said pointing at the man. Tony let out the breath he had been holding in.

"I am. Do you live here?" He asked.

"No, I just go to random houses every night and sleep there. Of course, I live here!" y/n rolled her eyes.

"I like you," Tony said grinning at the girl. "What's your name?"

"y/n l/n."

"Are your parents asleep, y/n?"He said going over to her door and closing it.

"My mother and step-father should be. They went to bed a few hours ago." y/n said leaning back in against the cold backboard. 

"Your parents are divorced?" Tony said turning around to the girl. 

"Yeah," she said, she didn't seem upset about it so he asked another question. 

"How long?" 

"Since I was 9 months old, so about eleven years now. It doesn't bother me going from house to house," she said more or so trying to convince herself that.

"Why are you here?" She said changing the subject. 

"Oh yes, that. Are you a trustworthy person?" Tony said sitting down at the chair by her desk. 

"I try my best Mr. Stark," y/n said. 

"Good. That's all I need to hear," Tony pulled out a glowing red necklace.

"This is the reality stone. I take it you know about the infinity stones?" 

"Yes sir," y/n said looking away from the necklace to him. 

"I need someone completely random to keep it safe. And I think I can trust you. So, will you take care of it for me?" Tony asked. 

"Yes. I will protect it," y/n said 

"You know that taking this will put you in great danger. Are you sure your up for it?" Tony hesitated. 

"Trust me, I know what danger I'm putting myself in," y/n said.

Tony smiled softly and placed the necklace in y/n's hand. She put the necklace on and it started to glow before fading and going dormant on her chest. The power of the reality stone had surged through her veins and was now flowing through her blood.

"Wow. You took the pain of the most powerful stone very well," Tony said shocked. 

"Yeah, I guess I did," Y/n said looking around the room. 

"Remember kid, nobody knows about this. Nobody can don't even tell your family or your closest friends. It's for their safety," Tony said looking y/n dead in the eye. 

"Yes sir. I won't let you down," 

"I know you won't. I won't be able to contact you after this, but if there is an emergency here's my personal number." Tony handed her a folded piece of paper. 

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