"Deadly" Pranks (Tom Holland x Reader)

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Everybody on the set of "The River" knew that Tom and Y/n were definitely the trouble makers of the cast. It was already a month into filming the new horror movie that was supposed to be done by Halloween, but the two actors had single-handedly pushed it back another two months.

It was now the final week of filming, and to everyone's relief, it had been a quiet one.

Tom had been cast as the "demon" that was supposed to haunt the house that Y/n's character was staying at. The makeup artists that had been hired were the absolute best of the best, working on films like Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, and others.

So it was no surprise that the co-working couple came to them to ask for assistance on the biggest prank of filming.

"You are aware that in doing this I'm risking my job, you might be as well," Tina Alpin, the head of the makeup department, said, hands on her hips as she looked at the two young adults that stood in front of her.

"I know, but it's one final laugh before we end on Friday and we really want to make it memorable," Y/n said, Tom, nodding along with her and Tina sighed.

"What did you have in mind?" Y/n and Tom's smiles grew double in size as they placed a giant planning board on the table. Tina immediately started to regret accepting this job.

"So we are going to have the whole makeup department in on it, we'll have the prank on Friday since it will be the last day of filming and it will be too late to fire you," Tom started off, pointing to the date of the upcoming Friday under a heading called Time and Place.

"Friday also happens to be the only day this week that Tom and I have a scene filmed together. We're planning on staging an accident, maybe a pipe or a piece of set "accidentally" falls on us or something like that," Y/n pointed to a heading titled Accident.

"You'll make it look like there is a pipe sticking out of our stomachs or something like that," Tom finished.

"Okay but you're forgetting one thing, you have to walk to the set, people are going to see a pole sticking out of your body," She said massaging her temples.

"That's why a few minutes before we start the scene, you tell the director that you missed something with our makeup and then you'll have access to us on the stage. All the while Solomon who does our hair will have placed a very real, but also very styrofoam, looking pipe on a wire so that with the press of a button, will drop and "hit" us," Y/n explained and Tina couldn't help but admit that this plan was very thorough.

"Alright you two, I'll see what I can do. Meet me here Wednesday after you're both done filming for the day and we'll practice that makeup," Tom and Y/n nodded, giddy looks on their youthful faces while Tina felt that she had more and more age lines on her face each hour she spent with the two actors.


Wednesday felt like the slowest day ever for the young couple. The scenes were never good enough and the clock never moved fast enough.

Finally, after an eternity, the studio was closed for the night and the only light that was still on was the room that the hair and makeup department had taken over in the past three months.

Tina, Solomon, Kain, Vincent, and Lewys were just five of the artist that had been unwillingly roped into Tom and Y/n's "prank to end all pranks".

The infamous planning board had been hung up on the wall, a spectacle for everyone in the room as they observed it and studied the board like a test they knew they were going to fail.

The couple sat in two makeup chairs that had been dragged into the middle of the room. They were giddy with excitement as Kain and Lewys pulled chairs up next to them.

"So I was thinking-"

"No," Kain cut Y/n off as he instructed her to pull her shirt up, she closed her mouth and did as she was told, pulling up her blue Midtown shirt that she had stolen from Tom just enough so that her stomach was showing.

Tom did the same for Lewys. "Yeah Y/n, let the master work," Tom joked and Y/n swatted him lightly.

"If it's going to look like a pipe pierced the skin, do we want it to go all the way through and out the other side or stop inside the body?" Lewys asked, looking between the couple as they sat there.

"Out the back too, we want them to think we died," Y/n responded and the two professionals got to work while Solomon started to craft the perfect fake pipe.


Friday came as quickly as Wednesday did and soon it was time for the last prank to commence.

Tom and Y/n eagerly walked onto the set, trying their best to keep a straight face as Tina walked into the room, two bags of the fake pipes that were going to "hit" the two. The director also walked into the room, walking over to the cameraman and standing next to him.

She signalled for the lights to be dimmed, and for the camera to start rolling. just as the camera started rolling, a voice called over the silence.

"Wait! The makeup isn't right for this shot!" Tina shouted, rushing onto the stage with the two paper bags.

"Well hurry up Tina! Today's not the day!" The director shouted after her and Tina looked nervously up at Y/n as she applied the proper makeup to keep the fake pipe in place.

"I hope you are happy with how this turns out," Tina whispered as she finished with Tom's fake pipe. It wasn't that dark in the room but the set was isolated enough that the pipes weren't noticeable to anyone. Tina made her way quickly off of the stage, giving a quick nod to Solomon who made their way to the fake pipe hanging above set.

"Alright, and ACTION!" The director called but as soon as the last word left her lips, the lights cut off. There were multiple screams from people, but Tom and Y/n's were the loudest as a loud crashing sound was heard.

The lights were quickly turned on and everyone gasped as they viewed the set.

A five-foot pole was laying on the ground next to the couple as they lay spread out on the ground as well. Two pieces of the pole had broken off and were directly in the middle of their stomachs.

There were many screams as everyone rushed up to the two. Tom and Y/n (the two professional actors that they were) held their eyes open, heads tilted to the side as they played dead.

"Oh my god, they're DEAD!"

"What do we do?"

"Somebody call 911!"

"How did this happen?"

The voices were terrified as they crowded around "dead" actors. The hair and makeup departments stood to the back, fearing for their jobs as the prank unfolded.

"Everyone stay calm and-"

"Stay calm?! Two A list actors are dead and you want us to stay calm?!" The cameraman shouted, tears falling down his face as he knelt down to where Tom and Y/n lay.

"Don't worry Emilio, everything will be ok," Y/n said, offering him a handkerchief.

"Thanks, Y/n. You know I just can't see how this will be-wait," Emilio shot up off of the ground as Y/n started to laugh, which then caused Tom to start laughing.

"W-what?!" The director shouted as the couple burst out laughing.

There was a collective groan of annoyance as everyone in the room realized what was going on.

"Everyone relax! It was just a prank!" Emilio shouted and everyone started walking away from the set as Tom and Y/n continued to laugh. The director crouched down to the couple's level.

"You're both so lucky today is the last day or so help me I would-" She mimicked a hitting sound with her hands, "Get cleaned up so we can finish this fucking movie."

The couple walked over to Tina, who held up her phone and took a quick picture of them with the pipes sticking out of their stomachs.

"The two of you have got to be the luckiest people I know."

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