Wisdom Teeth (Actor!Tom)

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"Tommmm," Y/n whined as the couple walked into the dentist's office.

"What baby?" He said as he checked his reluctant girlfriend in.

"Do I have to?" She asked as she looked around the small waiting room.

"We've been over this, it's better for you if you get them pulled. Tom said taking Y/n's hand and dragging her over to a chair.

"I get that. But do you have to be here?" She whispered, watching a few people around her age walk nervously into the back rooms.

"Hey, I wouldn't miss this day for the world. I've been waiting for this since you told me you had wisdom teeth," Tom said and Y/n rolled her eyes.

"I'm glad you get a kick out of my being on laughing gas," she rolled her eyes again as Tom nodded his head feverishly.

After a few more attempts to get Tom to leave, Y/n's name was called. She and Tom followed the nurse as she lead them to a private room.

Once Y/n laid down on the bed Tom got on his knees next to her.

"It'll be ok," he said and she glared at him.

After about thirty minutes, Y/n sat up, her eyes wide as she looked around the room. Tom already had to hold in his laughter. He took out his phone and started recording his drugged up girlfriend.

Y/n blinked a few times as she tried to stand up. Tom rushed over to her side but she shooed him away.

"I can stand by myself," she said, almost immediately falling over. Tom caught her though and sat her back down.

"Leave me alone," she whined as Tom held his phone up to her.

"What? Why?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend so I don't need your help," she said crossing her arms like a five-year-old. Tom laughed.

"Really what's his name?" He asked and y/n looked up, her eyes noticeably dilated.

"H-Holland Tom," she said, stuttering. Tom burst out laughing, Y/n glaring at him.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I'm waiting for my girlfriend, her name is L/n Y/n," he said and it took Y/n a moment to realize before she looked up at him again.

"Tom?" She said, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, love?" He smiled, sitting down next to her.

"Can we get ice cream?" She asked and Tom nodded.

"Of course baby," he whispered as the doctor came in.

"She spilled anything yet?" He asked jokingly and Tom laughed.

"Not yet, but it's still a long car ride home," he smiled and wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist as she attempted to stand up again.

"You said we could get ice cream," Y/n whined and Tom nodded.

"Of course love," he said and shook the doctor's hand before leading Y/n out to the car.

On the way home Tom looked over at Y/n, she had her head leaned against the window and was laughing at god knows what.

"Your a handful aren't you?" Tom whispered, smiling at Y/n.

Once they arrived home, Sam and Harry were standing outside their house. Y/n got out of the car confidently but still managed to trip over air. Sam quickly caught her as Harry burst out laughing.

"She's been doing that since she got up," Tom said rolling his eyes and taking Y/n in his arms.

Suddenly the front door opened and Tessa ran out, tackling Y/n to the ground as Haz came into view.

"Tessa! My love!" Y/n laughed as Tessa licked her face.

"Seriously? She remembers Tessa but doesn't even know who I am?" Tom's jaw dropped and the twins concealed a laugh.

Once Tessa calmed down she went back into the house. Tom pulled Y/n off of the concrete.

"C'mon love, I'm sure everyone wants to take turns asking you questions," he smiled as the family made their way inside for an exciting evening of make Y/n talk.

Please send me ideas!!! 

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