The Royal Life (part one) (Prince!Tom)

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prince!tom holland x princess!reader

I internally sighed with exhaustion, I was dreading the ball tonight, the British royal family would be here, along with fifty nobles plus their families. I wore a blood-red, form-fitting dress, and it felt like a second skin on me.

My hair was in a bun and two strands that were loose had been curled. My pale face was even paler with the make-up that I had on and the red lipstick matched my dress. I wore three-inch heels and a small rose gold ring and earrings.

My ladies in waiting stood behind me, waiting for me to give the approval on my outfit. I turned around and gave my best smile.

"You did an amazing job, just as you always do," they smiled and quietly made their way out of my room. As soon as they were gone I looked down at my feet, dreading the few minutes I had until the ball started.


I stood off to the sidelines of the ball, already having said hello to everyone there. I had a wine glass in my hand and brought it up to my lips, the sweet liquid burned my taste buds and had to cover my mouth to hide my disgust.

I set the glass down on the table next to me and walked away. My two best friends, Harlan and Ruby, were whispering their faces close together and I made my way over to them.

"What are you guys whispering about?" I asked and they both smirked.

"Just about how a certain prince can't keep their eyes off of you, your highness," Harlan said and I laughed but my heart started beating faster.

"There are five of them, you have to be more specific," Harlan nudged Ruby, the smirks never leaving their faces.

"Just Prince 'first in line, can't keep his eyes off you' Tom," I rolled my eyes at them but looked around the room. They were right. I made eye contact with Prince Tom and looked away quickly.

"I didn't know he was older than Peter," I said and Harlan nodded.

"I overheard him explaining it to the duke of Hawaii," There was a moment of silence before I spoke again.

" long has he..." I didn't know how to ask the question.

"All night! Ever since you first came in he hasn't been able to take his eyes off of you," Harlan said excitedly and the butterflies in my stomach started going ballistic.

"Ok, whatever you hopeless romantics. What about you two? When will you tell me about your 'secret relationship'?" I made air quotes and they both turned red.

"What!? Pff, W-we aren't dating," Ruby said as they both started making excuses. I rolled my eyes again. They suddenly stood up straighter and looked behind me. That's when I heard it, a male's voice.

"Your highness," I turned around and there stood Prince Tom. From behind me, I heard Harlan and Ruby.

"Yeah, we'll leave you two to talk...alone," I didn't acknowledge them, nervous about the man standing in front of me.

"Y-your highness," I said and cursed myself for being so awkward. Tom looked at me questioningly.

"If I may ask your highness-"

"y/n," I interrupted.

"What?" he said in his perfect British accent.

"Just call me y/n," I gave a small smile.

"Okay...y/n. I was just wondering whether you would care to dance...with me?" He seemed nervous but the butterflies I had just got worse and I was at a loss for what to say.

"I-I'd love to," we both smiled, and he held out his hand which I gladly took. His hands were the exact opposite of what I'd imagined, they were rough and calloused. 

He pulled me onto the dance floor and wrapped his right hand around my waist and I placed my left and hand on his shoulder. The waltz was playing softly and we slowly danced around the room.

At one point I saw my parents staring at us, they both had smiles on their faces and I looked away, blush on my cheeks.

"How are you liking America so far?" I asked and looked at Tom for the first time. He shrugged.

"It's been nice so far, it's definitely hotter here than in Britain," He asked and I nodded.

"That's the one thing I hate about this place," I whispered and Tom looked me in the eyes with a smile on his face.

"I don't think the princess of America should be saying something like that," now it was my turn to shrug.

"I've always said that I hate the heat," I said and he laughed.

"If you hate it then you'll love England, it's always cold," We both smiled.

"I've always wanted to go there," I looked down at the floor that was blurry from dancing so much.

"Why haven't you ever gone?" He asked.

"I've always been busy, learning how to rule a kingdom doesn't happen overnight, it's incredibly tiring," He gave a weak laugh.

"Yeah, I know the feeling," We both smiled.

"Hey, do you maybe...want to get out of here?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded and I pulled him off the dance floor.

Somehow, we managed to sneak out of the ballroom undetected by anyone. I took Tom's hand as I lead him down the hallway to a deserted balcony. You could see most of the kingdom from where we were at.

"I wish things were different," I heard him say as we stared out into the city. Most of the lights were turned off in the homes of the people. The ones that were on cast a light glow across the garden that separated us from them.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

"If things were different we wouldn't have to sneak out of a party. We wouldn't have to worry about what anyone thinks of us. We could be normal," I let out a laugh.

"Well, wether we like it or not, this is our normal unfortunately." Tom nodded at my words. Looking down I leaned against the banister.

"Still. I wish that I didn't have to ignore the urge to kiss you," his words shocked me and I quickly looked up the small traces of a smirk were on his face as he stared back at me.

"Well what's stopping you?" I dared to ask and it wasn't a moment later that his lips were on mine. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer to me.

It was everything I thought, his lips were soft and the moment they met mine I felt a flutter of something in my stomach.

This kiss soon turned into a makeout session, Tom had backed me up against the banister and soon I had to pull away for air.

I leaned my forehead against his and soon heard words I never thought I'd hear come out of a royals mouth.

"What do you say we take this somewhere else?"   

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