What Are You Doing In Barcelona? part 1 (CEO!Tom)

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ceo!tomholland x reader

I thought the people that went to Cambridge were supposed to be smarter than this. I can't believe I let my best friend drag me to Barcelona, just to spend the night at some stupid hotel too! I currently sat in the waiting area at the El Palace Barcelona, waiting for my friend Brienna to come back from getting rooms. There must have been a conference this weekend because a lot of business people dressed in expensive suits were walking around.

My arms were crossed and my head leaned back on the chair, half asleep I was barely conscious of the surrounding people.

Already, I wanted this trip to be over. Sure this was a really fancy hotel and I should be grateful because most people would kill for a chance like this, but, I'm just really not interested in that sort of thing. I'd rather be laying on my bed back in London reading Jurassic Park or War and Peace.

Just as I was about to fall asleep someone jumped on me making both of us fall to the floor, the person squealed so loudly that I felt the eyes of the other guest. I opened my eyes and got off the floor. I sighed.

"You got the rooms? Can I go to sleep now?" I held out my hand waiting for Brienna(if your name is Brienna you can choose another name) to hand me the key card, but she just shook her head no.

"Come on y/n! We need to get out and enjoy the city! We're in Barcelona!"

"Yeah, we could also be back in London getting ready for graduation!" I exclaimed, trying to get her to see how tired I was from the time difference.

"y/n, it's only an hour time change, and you're moving back to New York next week. You have to make the most of it!" She gave me a look and I sighed. 

"Fine, just let me go change," She gave me another look of disbelief.

"I promise you, promise on my life that I'm only going to go and change," She didn't seem convinced. "I also promise I won't fall asleep. Just, please," I got down on my knees. Pleading with her to give me the key card. She sighed and handed it to me. I cheered before running to the elevator.

My room was on floor eight, so I'd be with the richest of the rich. Even though the whole hotel was for the rich, I was with the people my father would invite to all of his elaborate parties.

Once I opened the room door I sighed. I could easily crawl into bed and sleep right now but knowing Brienna she would make sure I came with her. I quickly pulled out a blue and white striped jumpsuit and changed into them. Much more comfortable. I quickly put some money and my phone in my small bag that I put over my head so that I didn't have to hold it and made my way down to the lobby.

As I was walking through an empty hallway I heard a voice coming from a conference room. I wouldn't have thought anything about it if the voices hadn't sounded familiar, and they did.

As quiet as I could, I cracked open the door to the conference room and quickly covered my mouth to conceal a gasp. Tom Holland my "arch-nemeses" stood by himself, bent over and looking into a computer. It's been ten years since I'd last seen him in person and to say that he didn't age well would be a lie.

His brown hair was curly and gelled back, a few strands fell down in front of his face. His eyes seemed a darker brown than they were but I couldn't tell from where I was standing. When he stood up straight I could see that he wasn't much taller than me, only by about half an inch.

He wore a black, 3 piece suit, the jacket laid across one of the conference chairs. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. The bags under his eyes were evident even from where I was.

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