College Professors (Co-Worker!Tom)

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^^that pic oml i can't even😍😍

"Good morning class, how are you all?" Y/n L/n asked her first block history class, taking a sip of her coffee as she walked into the room. 

There were groans from around the room as students expressed their tiredness. Y/n let out a laugh.

"I agree. I almost didn't get out of bed this morning, the reason why I'm late. Apologies," she said sitting down at her desk and looking at the agenda for that day.

"Eww there's a quiz today," she said looking in disgust at the paper in her hand. "Sorry guys," she said, looking up at the students sitting in front of her. She heard multiple groans again. Walking around to hand out the quiz, she spoke up.

"Because there is a quiz, which sucks, we can watch a movie afterward since it's the last day before winter break," she said.

"What movie?" One of her students, Jamie, asked.

"Well since all of you are over 18, we can watch pg-13 movies or possibly even R," she smiled, grateful that she didn't have to sit through childish movies anymore.

"Awesome," Jamie said and his friends mumbled their agreements.

"We'll decide on the movie after the quiz, alright?" She asked and the students nodded. It got quiet as time went on.

The only thing to interrupt the quiet was the door opening as someone entered the classroom.

"Y/n," someone whispered and she looked up, unsure of who would call her by her first name.

When she looked up, she saw her boyfriend, Tom. He was the English teacher down the hall from Y/n. The two had started dating three years ago and their students that had taken their classes for those years found out relatively quickly.

"Hey, Mr. Holland!" Beckham called out and Tom turned to say hey.

"Beckham finish your quiz so we can watch a movie," Y/n half whined to the 21-year-old.

"What's up?" Y/n whispered as Tom made it closer to her desk.

"Remember how we were supposed to go out to dinner Friday?" He asked and Y/n nodded.

"Yeah, I made the reservations last week. Why?" She asked, eyeing his nervous state.

"Well I kind of changed it to tonight," he whispered.

"What? Why?" Y/n asked and Tom shrugged unconvincingly.

"The food just seemed so good, I couldn't wait a whole week," Y/n narrowed her eyes at him but didn't question him.

"Alright that's fine," she whispered and Tom nodded.

"I'll see you later," he whispered, giving her a smile before turning and walking out of the classroom.

Y/n watched after him and as soon as the door closed, her students exploded with questions.

"What was the about?"
"What'd he say?"
"Why'd he seem so nervous?"
"Is he going to ask you to marry him?"

"Woah Woah Woah. Who said that?" Y/n asked, looking around the room.

"I did," one girl, Andrea, said raising her hand.

"What would make you think that?" Y/n asked, she couldn't deny that her heart started to beat faster, thinking of Tom proposing to her.

"Well think about it, he seemed really nervous and he wanted to move the dinner from Friday to tonight. I mean, it's pretty obvious that he's planning something," Andrea said and her classmates nodded.

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